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6. TRIZ Information Fund


In all previous lessons, we certainly pointed out how important the Information Fund is in TRIZ. The base of accumulated knowledge is one of, if not the main, components of the theory. This fund began to be collected by G. S. Altshuller at the dawn of TRIZ, and later his students and followers joined him. It was created for decades and contains techniques and standards, books, problem books, textbooks and articles, video lectures and seminars, as well as various Internet sites and software resources. Putting all this information on our site will be difficult, and, perhaps, meaningless. But to structure the system of knowledge of the TRIZ fund for the convenience of working with it is still important, and this is the focus of this particular lesson.


  1. Receptions
  2. Standards
  3. Video
  4. Books and textbooks
  5. Sites


Sometimes the simplest techniques of invention, which include analogy, empathy, inversion, fantasy, can help solve the problem.

Analogy. It is possible to resolve the contradiction by applying a well-known similar solution, “prompted” by technical or artistic literature, seen in cinema or “peeped” in nature. The benefit can be the science of bionics, which is engaged in the study of objects of the living and plant world, identifying the principles of their action and design features with the aim of applying this knowledge in science and technology.

Empathy - identifying oneself with another person. We have already said that empathy lies at the basis of one of the methods of RTV in TRIZ - the method of little men. As a reception, it is said when the designer identifies himself with the object, process, detail being developed and looks at it from “its position”.

Inversion. This technique is also called “inverse analogy” and means that the task is performed in reverse. Inversion assumes that if an object is viewed from the outside, then perhaps a contradiction can be resolved by examining it from the inside. Reception involves the possible replacement of the moving part of the fixed part, the rejection of symmetry in favor of asymmetry, the transition from tension to compression, etc.

Fantasy. Using fantasy to stimulate new ideas is to reflect on some fantastic solutions, which, if necessary, use unrealistic things or supernatural processes. It is often useful to consider ideal solutions, even if they are associated with a certain amount of imagination, because this can push towards a real solution.

More details about the simplest techniques of invention can be found in the book.

Dealing with the structure of ARIZ, we talked about the ability to solve some common problems, using standard techniques to eliminate technical contradictions. The list of these techniques is a kind of “desktop reference book of the inventor, but a special kind of reference book: the inventor must consider it as a basis that must be independently replenished through new technical and patent publications”. The beginning of its creation was the analysis of G. S. Altshuller over 40 thousand patents and copyright certificates. He singled out the general laws and created on the basis of this a list of 40 techniques, which even now represent a great heuristic value for inventors, and their knowledge in many ways makes it easier to find a solution.

It should be clarified that with the help of standard techniques only technical contradictions are solved. In addition, they only show the direction and area where there may be strong solutions. The specific option is not given. This job is left to the person.

You can find a complete list of 40 typical techniques on the website of the G.S. Altshuller official foundation.


Remember the example of the pan, which must be hot at the same time to cook food, and cold to remove it from the stove with your hands? We cited it when we talked about the essence of the physical contradiction, when different, often diametrically opposite requirements are imposed on the vehicle. On this basis, it was concluded that, in addition to the single methods of resolving contradictions, there should be paired, stronger ones. Thus, the Information Fund was replenished with pairing techniques (crushing-union, etc.). But complex tasks required for their solution an even more universal approach — the use of complex techniques and physical effects. The strongest combinations of them were singled out in the first group of standards for solving inventive problems. G.S. Altshuller described the purpose of creating standards as follows: “I want to believe that acquaintance with the system of 76 standards will give the innovator powerful tools for creatively solving practical production problems”.

Standards in TRIZ are the rules of synthesis and transformation of technical systems, directly arising from the laws of their development.

The first ones were found empirically: some combinations of techniques and physical effects were encountered in practice so often and gave solutions that were so strong that they themselves suggested the idea of ​​turning them into standards. The number is constantly growing, detailed work was carried out in the first half of the 80s. As a result, in 1986 a modern list was formulated, including 76 standards. Their classification is brought in line with the general scheme for the development of technical systems: simple vepoli - complex vepoli - forced vepoli - complex-forced vepoli - transition to the super-system and to subsystems. Each standard is accompanied by a large number of examples and learning tasks.

You can get acquainted with the standards in more detail, and at the same time you can practice solving the tasks by following the link.


This section contains video lectures and other video materials that will be useful for anyone interested in the subject of TRIZ in the broadest sense.

The film "The Algorithm of the Invention" - a lecture from the author of TRIZ G. S. Altshuller.

The course of lectures “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving”, read by V. A. Dmitriev at the Siberian Federal University link.

Arkady Shushpanov TRIZ training seminar on Roskone - link.

TRIZ seminar conducted by M. Kryzhanovsky at the Youth Economic Club - link.

Report on TRIZ pedagogy - link.

Books and textbooks

A large amount of scientific literature is devoted to various aspects of TRIZ: from sources (works of “pioneers”, first of all, G. S. Altshuller) and analytics to workshops and problem books for students of all ages. In addition to the others we mentioned in previous lessons, books and textbooks, here we have collected some more. In our opinion, they will be not only useful in terms of TRIZ training, but also generally informative.

Find an idea. Introduction to TRIZ - Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

Author: G.S. Altshuller

The merit of the author is that he saw creativity not as an amorphous process of creation, but as a sequence of actions of the creator. He selected it from an array of 40 thousand. The studied and analyzed patents and copyright certificates. This is how TRIZ appeared, with which this book introduces the reader. In addition to a complete and detailed description of the structure of the theory, there are standards for solving certain types of problems, as well as the full text of ARIZ-85B. It will be useful to anyone who seeks to improve the effectiveness of creativity and learn how to use an interdisciplinary approach.

Fundamentals of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

Author: V. Petrov

A wide thematic coverage, excellent structuredness, a large number of examples and illustrations - this is not a complete list of the advantages of this textbook on TRIZ. All this makes the book a must-read for all interested in topics. Perhaps some of the questions are not very detailed in the textbook, but for beginners to study theory (and this book is for them) there is more than enough information.

Learn more about this book here.

Trees of evolution. Analysis of technical information and the generation of new ideas

Author: N. Shpakovsky

The creator of this book is known for his successful work at Samsung and his experience in resolving patent conflicts. The book tells about technological evolution trees - this is how N. Shpakovsky calls an effective method of obtaining promising ideas, forecasting systems development and circumventing competing patents, which has tangible advantages over existing approaches, which is especially important in the modern technological world with its marketing wars.

The system of laws for the development of technology

Author: Yu. P. Salamatov

This book is devoted to the laws of the development of technical systems. They were formulated by G. S. Altshuller, but the author, thanks to his own many years of research and methodological developments, created an excellent work. In it ZRTS are consolidated into a complete system and a general scheme (model) of system development is developed, suitable for any field of technology. Also in the book are a large number of examples confirming these patterns.

Algorithm for solving inventive problems

Author: V. Petrov

ARIZ is one of the main and most difficult to understand sections of TRIZ. The constant use of the algorithm for solving various problems allows us to form a system, inventive thinking. It was important for the author to create a textbook, and not to popularly present the ARIZ postulates. Therefore, the book describes in sufficient detail the logic of the algorithm, its parts and the methodology for working with ARIZ. Given the analysis of many tasks.

Search for new ideas: from insight to technology

Authors: G.S. Altshuller, B.L. Zlotin, A.V. Zusman, V.I. Filatov

The book introduces the reader to both the theoretical basis of TRIZ and the use of practical tools for solving inventive problems. It contains sections on typical methods and standards for resolving contradictions, structural (field-based) analysis, ARIZ. All these aspects are not only studied in detail, but also illustrated by numerous examples from the practice of authors and other followers of TRIZ.

TRIZ Analysis. Methods for studying problem situations and identifying innovative tasks

Authors: sost. Litvin S.S., Petrov V.M., Rubin M.S.

TRIZ-analysis of systems, the identification of problem situations and the setting of tasks have become one of the most actively developing areas of modern TRIZ. Methods are being developed based not only on an analysis of existing developmental contradictions. Other methods of synthesizing systems and identifying new tasks are being created based on an analysis of the laws of development and available resources, combining the properties of various systems. Created methods go beyond technical systems only. This collection is the first collection of scientific publications issued by the TRIZ Developers Summit with the support of MA TRIZ.

How to become a genius: the life strategy of a creative person

Authors: G. S. Altshuller, I. M. Vertkin

The life of a creative person is an exciting struggle between the personality and external circumstances that hinder it. It has its own laws and rules, ups and downs. The authors opened them, examining the fate of hundreds of prominent people, and offer the reader to play an exciting chess game on a board called life. This book, which tells about ZHSTL, Game, TRTL, is obligatory for reading by anyone who is interested in the development of creative abilities.


The site of the official fund of G.S. Altshuller

This resource is the central portal for all TRIZ issues. On the site you can find a large number of materials on the main areas of the theory - ARIZ, ZRTS, TRTL, RTV, as well as many known and not very much (including handwritten) works of G. S. Altshuller.

The official website of the International TRIZ Association

With the help of this information resource, you can learn about the history of TRIZ creation, find links to sources and many useful materials, chat with like-minded people at a specialized forum. Here are the latest news from the field of theory, as well as information about where you can learn TRIZ or get advice.

The creative world of Trizland

The site on which a large amount of useful materials is presented, but the main feature is the presence of sections where TRIZ tasks and cases are placed. With their help, you can polish the skills of practical application of the theory. More on the portal you can find links to webinars where TRIZ is taught.

Minsk Center for TRIZ Technologies

Website of the Minsk TRIZ School. It contains a lot of information in all areas of the theory and a huge electronic library. Relatively old design is compensated by the presence of a large number of articles, books and other extremely useful materials for anyone who wants to develop their ability to solve inventive problems.

TRIZ Internet School

Another great site with a simple design and excellent navigation. Many publications of contemporary authors have been collected, including on the problems of TRIZ pedagogy and the use of TRIZ in business. An excellent list of Russian-language and foreign TRIZ-related sites has been selected.

Laboratory of Educational Technologies

Convenient site with a glossary of basic terms of TRIZ and a large volume of works in all areas of the theory. The card file is perfectly matched, which can be used for self-study and in building educational programs based on TRIZ. There is also an online store where you can buy printed books by modern authors trizovtsev.

created: 2017-07-01
updated: 2021-03-13

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Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

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