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How to make a new discovery


you dream, but you do not know HOW to make a NEW discovery - the discovery of the CENTURY at the intersection of sciences, then read (download for free) the answers to the following questions:

Where to look for new discoveries - discoveries of the century?
Who and what prevents to make new discoveries - discoveries of the century?
How to make new discoveries - discoveries of the century at the junction of sciences?

And then you will learn how it is possible, by the "whole world", to make NEW discoveries claiming discoveries of the CENTURY by creating a special service - the Service of Generation and Testing of Ideas.

Where to look for new discoveries - discoveries of the century?

New discoveries, including the discoveries of the century, affecting the fundamental foundations of our World, should now be sought at the junction of various sciences. However, each of the scientific areas, deepening, again forks, etc. Therefore, the number of scientific areas and the amount of knowledge increases according to the principle of chain reaction. And each scientific direction uses its own (special) terminology. This led to the need to publish a variety of special terminological dictionaries. But (despite the availability of such dictionaries), it is almost impossible for scientists working even in related scientific fields, not to mention distant ones, to understand each other even if the same general laws of Nature lie at the heart of the problems they solve.

To the begining
Who and what prevents to make new discoveries - discoveries of the century?

First, new discoveries - the discoveries of the century prevent us from making the above terminological barrier. Because of the terminological "multilingualism", not knowing what is being done in other scientific fields, scientists often open the same "bicycle" many times, thinking that they are making a new discovery, while similar "bikes" have long been are open in other scientific fields, but are named there differently.

Secondly, on the way to obtaining information necessary for the new discovery - the discovery of the century, there are always many obstacles: the national and language barrier, the barrier of state and industrial secrecy, unfriendly attitude of opponents, various political, civil, personal barriers and much more.

Thirdly, in our time it is no longer possible for one person to analyze in the right volume and at the proper level the information necessary to substantiate a new discovery that lies at the junction of various sciences, even if he can get it. Therefore, new discoveries lying in related areas are very difficult to make even if humanity as a whole already has all the information necessary for this, which, given the highest level of science development, is quite likely.

To the begining
How to make new discoveries - discoveries of the century at the junction of sciences?

The hypothesis about the discovery of the century: "The discovery of the century" (and not one) at the level of the hypothesis has already been done, and the facts certifying it are scattered in different scientific fields. To confirm the discovery it is necessary (just !!!) to put them together.

To make and confirm a new discovery - the discovery of the century, which lies at the junction of various sciences, can be done by setting up a global experiment in which one should go not from the particular to the general, but from the general to the particular, as if “pulling” specific information confirming his discovery.

As a "magnet" for the new discovery - the discoveries of the century can serve as hypotheses and assumptions, including, supposedly, fantastic (it is known that almost all fiction over several decades have become a reality). Their validity must be verified by the fact that already well-known facts presented by scientists (and not only scientists) of the whole world will be “packed” into these hypotheses.

For setting a global experiment, giving the opportunity to make scientific discoveries collectively, "the whole world," it is proposed to create a special service, for example, the "Service for the Generation and Testing of Ideas." It needs to be opened in one of the very popular media or the Internet. Hypotheses and prerequisites for their occurrence should be made public by this service, and anyone can be the author of the hypotheses.

Hypotheses should relate to global issues and qualify for new discoveries at the level of discoveries of the century. For example, they can be directed to the search for universal laws of Nature .. These hypotheses must have a very short and clear formulation so that their meaning is available to a wide range of people with very different specialization and level of education, since, in principle, according to this method is new discovery can make any inquisitive person.

In the same rubric one should publish the conclusions containing concrete facts, CONFIRMING (!!!) hypotheses, claiming new discoveries. Hypotheses can be developed, clarified, supplemented, but not refuted, since there are always more people who want to deny even the obvious than those who want to confirm someone else's rightness. In addition, a hypothesis incorrect or ahead of its time, which sometimes happens, will not automatically receive confirmation and “die” by itself or be temporarily “preserved”. The criterion of truth in this case will always be His Majesty a Fact with which you cannot argue.

Conclusions on hypotheses applying for new discoveries can be presented by anyone who wishes to act as an expert and give a POSITIVE (!!!) conclusion with an obligatory reference to a source where there is a supporting fact. The hypothesis, confirmed by many reliable facts, borrowed from different areas of knowledge, will most likely be the “discovery of the century” or the road to it.

Hypotheses claiming a new discovery should be made public under a pseudonym in order to put all potential authors in equal conditions, and the recipient should have an authentic name behind each conclusion in order to rule out the possibility of falsifying the facts cited, since their reliability is the key to the purity of the experiment. If the hypothesis is true and “ripe”, then it will quickly “grow over” with its supporting facts.

From time to time, the results of this experiment should be made public, for example, the list of hypotheses-leaders that can truly become new discoveries, including discoveries of the century, i.e. have collected enough confirming material. In other words, you need to create an "Generation and Approbation of Ideas" service that will allow you to make a huge scientific "leap" at minimum financial cost, since this service will involve the knowledge of all Humanity, including the latest scientific discoveries and exploratory work in a variety of scientific fields. Such a discovery cannot have an individual author, since it will be done “by the whole world,” collectively.

With a strict approach, the author of any new discovery is always a whole galaxy of truth seekers scattered in space-time, one of whom (or in a community with several) simply voices the intermediate result achieved by all of them at one time or another, which can become a new discovery.

The method of analogies is proposed as the main method used in proposing hypotheses claiming new discoveries on a global scale, for example, the discovery of new universal laws of Nature. Analogs can serve as "inhabitants" not only of the "world" of quantities comparable with us, but also of the "world" of the atom and the "world" of the cosmos, as well as the processes occurring in these "worlds". This method, if similar subjects, objects and processes are chosen correctly, allows you to transfer the knowledge gained in any one scientific direction to all the same.

When proposing any hypothesis for a new discovery, it is recommended to ask yourself, and then try to get an answer to the following questions:

What do we know at this time as reliable, in the form of hypotheses and assumptions, in the form of fiction about ...?

What was known to our distant ancestors at the scientific and religious level, at the level of fairy tales, myths and legends about ..., but we were not adequately in demand?

What can follow from all this at the level of a hypothesis, an assumption, on the verge of science fiction?

It is known that any discovery, including the “discoveries of the century”, is carried out within the borders of our World through its further cognition. Therefore, we first consider these two questions.

How to determine the boundaries of our world?

How was our world limited for us several thousand years or even centuries ago? How is it limited now for those tribes and peoples that still live at the level of the Stone Age (several such tribes were found at the end of the past, the 20th century, now)?

At all times, as today, our World is limited for each of us not by any physical trait, but by our knowledge (information) about a certain interval of space-time. We know only a small part of the huge “iceberg”, the lower part of which is in the “water” and the upper part behind the “clouds”. And everything about which we are not informed, for us, as it were, there is .

For example, we don’t see a DNA molecule directly, but we know that it exists, and we even study its structure using special instruments. Therefore, it exists for those who know about it. We do not see the electromagnetic waves that literally permeate the entire space around us, but we know about their existence by the results of their impact. Therefore, they exist for those who know about it. Much of what exists in our World, but what a person does not knows (doesn't know yet) for him as if not exists , but this does not mean that it does not exist at all, but speaks only about the limitations of our knowledge.

With the expansion of our knowledge, our world is expanding. Moreover, for people with additional or, on the contrary, with missing sense organs - communication channels with the outside world, compared to the “gentleman's” set of the ordinary person, our world looks different. The same world in the perception of a “normal” person, color blind, blind, deaf - these are completely different worlds. In each of them, something is missing or weakened, but, as a rule, something else is reinforced.

The sensitivity of a “normal” person is also limited. For example, we do not hear the sounds of most of the sound range, but for those representatives of our world who hear them, they really exist. Similar differences are explained by the “super-abilities” of individuals. It is possible that how they develop hearing, musculature, etc., it is possible to develop “unusual” abilities. And in this area, as in any other, for sure, there are “talents” and those who “bear in my ear”. But everyone can get the “primary education”.

The limitations of our own feelings and knowledge do not give us the right to deny the existence of what others can feel and know, just as a deaf person cannot deny birds singing, and a blind person cannot deny sunlight. Unfortunately, many of us do just that, denying, for example, the ability of others to see the aura, or to have other unusual abilities, despite the fact that we are becoming more and more convinced of how immense the possibilities of Man are, the process is endless and the ways are unbelievable . knowledge .

What are you, ways of learning?

Ways of knowledge ... Everyone knows how they are different. What do they have in common?

Ways of knowledge are thorny : a new theory, most often, with great difficulty, wins the right to exist.

In any scientific theory, over time, the limitations of the field of application may be revealed, with which its author and his followers can be very difficult to agree with, and they are actively resisting the emergence of a new theory. Let us recall, for example, the relatively recent attitude to genetics and cybernetics in our country.

The subsequent discovery, as a rule, is generalizing in relation to several previous and, at the same time, part of future discoveries.

For example, Newton's mechanics and Maxwell's electrodynamics served as the foundation for Einstein, based on which he created his theory of relativity with its new, deeper, views of space and time.

Often, discoveries almost simultaneously make different people completely independently of each other.

When the idea is "ripe", then "the decision is carried in the air." This leads to the fact that no discovery can remain secret for a long time, it will still be opened by someone else. For example, Popov and Marconi, Boyle and Marriott. And there are many such examples. They literally "replete" the whole history of the development of science.

Some discoveries are ahead of their time and are “forgotten” about them, but they are returned to them as they accumulate the corresponding baggage of knowledge, therefore, often “new is a well-forgotten old”.

For example, the phenomenon of superconductivity, discovered at the beginning of the last (twentieth) century, received a theoretical explanation that allowed it to be put into practical use only in the middle, and the “superconducting” boom, which continues to this day, began only at its end.

The development of science - the knowledge of the world, like everything else in nature, occurs both in the form of gradual transitions stretched in time and sudden changes, when the amount of accumulated knowledge abruptly turns into a new quality - the discovery of something new.

At the same time, the old theory, as a rule, is not completely denied, and its rational grain is, in the form of a special case, a new one (the law of negation of negation).

In any era again open phenomena are explained by analogies with the already known. The analogues used in this case are, of course, only partially true. The language used to describe new phenomena is also partially true, since it is first necessary to use the old terminology, complementing it gradually with new concepts.

These “additions” have so far generated such a number of special terms that people working even in the same field of science and technology sometimes find it difficult to understand each other, let alone the others. This led to the need to introduce various standards and to issue special dictionaries on scientific terms.

With each new discovery, the pace of development of science is continuously increasing , the amount of knowledge accumulated by mankind is already so great that it is practically inaccessible for analysis and generalization not only by one person, but also by a large creative team.

If you spend eight hours every day reading all the relevant literature, then some experts believe that it is impossible to cover all the results of research and discoveries made by science in just one year.

Currently, scientists working in various fields of knowledge, unanimously believe that the major discoveries - "the discoveries of the century" lie at the junction of sciences. Therefore, the author of such discoveries can only be a “narrow-wide” specialist, and to become such at the present time is almost impossible. If such a unique specialist appears, then there will be a lot of obstacles on his way to receiving information: national, language, terminological barrier, barrier of state and industrial secrecy, unfriendly attitude of numerous opponents, various political, internecine, personal barriers and much more. Therefore, “the discovery century "make extremely difficult. But can it be done? Is it possible to grasp the immensity? The answer to this question will be given below. But first consider the others.

Who is an by the author discoveries? Such a question does not make sense. The discovery actually belongs not to one author, but to a whole galaxy of scientists working in this direction. Therefore, it is more correct to ask: “Who“ voiced ”(promulgated) the discovery?”, As there are many authors of each discovery, including scientists from many countries.

how is coming development science? First comes the "expansion" from the "point" - the number of facts increases. Then they are analyzed, summarized, sorted. The resulting information is “compressed” again, but, more often, not into one, but several “points” - the fundamental laws. On their basis, science is once again “distributed” in breadth, developing these “points” into new directions, which are then “compressed” again into several fundamental theories. And so on, but with a tendency towards expansion .

For example, each generation begins its training from scratch, encompassing the basic knowledge (“everything about everything”) of previous generations in preschool and school years. Then it expands this knowledge, making its contribution, and then concentrates it again in new textbooks, “squeezing” more and more closely as it moves towards more “outdated”, “ancient” knowledge. The next generation also contributes. And so on.

BUT what will happen if a will begin compression? Imagine that the process of human degeneration has begun on Earth (in some countries this is already planned). The fewer people on Earth there are, the less opportunities there will be not only for the further development of knowledge, but also for their maintenance at the same level. At first, industry, and then knowledge, will gradually begin to "curl up" and everything will end in word of mouth legends and myths. This, but only much faster, can lead to a global catastrophe, as a result of which the main material and technical base and scientific base will be destroyed and the number of people will sharply decrease.

In this case, the process of “collapse” of knowledge can be (by the standards of the Universe) almost instantaneous. Narrow specialization has reached such a level today that if even individual links of scientific and technical potential are lost, its restoration may take thousands of years.

It is possible that humanity has walked along such a cyclical path several times already, which explains the presence of sometimes incomprehensibly accurate, sometimes very distorted “residual” knowledge, passed on from generation to generation in the form of fairy tales, legends, traditions, as well as esoteric knowledge, the secret of which until recently it was sacredly preserved.

New - this OK forgotten or hidden old . One of the old secrets that humankind has tried to discover (or recall) since ancient times is the one that makes man a MAN, - the secret of his Soul. Interest in this issue, and at the same time in those sciences in which it was studied from ancient times, then increased, then faded away.

Another attempt to uncover this mystery, along with a natural flash of interest in "unconventional" and occult knowledge and phenomena, is observed in our days. Similar was before. Usually these outbreaks coincide with cataclysms occurring in the world or in individual countries. Their relationship is definitely traceable. But why are they interrelated? What is primary and what is secondary? A flash of interest is most likely secondary.

It is possible that in extreme situations, when there is no longer any hope for the Reason of Humanity, a person involuntarily turns to the subconscious and further. Another thing is also possible: in troubled times, human feelings heat up to the limit, the energy field sharply intensifies, and therefore the likelihood of establishing a wide variety of relationships increases. Both versions may be valid, and perhaps there are other answers to this question. Who knows! But everyone knows that nowadays human passions, like a forest fire, flare up here and there. And not only human passions. Earthquakes, floods, accidents of all kinds, and fires have become an almost integral part of daily radio and television news. Man is raging, the elements are raging, a craze has begun for everything previously secret and unknown. And not as before - a game of fortune telling in narrow circles, but practical use in the most serious areas of life, including in matters of life and death.

It is possible that we live in an era when, for some reason, the time has come to “declassify” at least some of the information directly related to the person himself. Because one can only be amazed that against the backdrop of scientific and technological progress of recent decades, the most unstudied object turned out to be Man, or rather, his spiritual world - the Soul. But why now is access to previously secret knowledge opened up? Perhaps because humanity stubbornly follows the wrong path of development

Humanity is moving along the path of technical progress, and not through the comprehensive development of “anomalous” abilities, which obviously exist in an embryonic or “collapsed” state in each of us.

Perhaps because humanity has excessively violated universal laws, set out, in particular, in religious commandments, and has come to a critical point when quantity can and must suddenly turn into quality.

When the mass of a radioactive substance exceeds a critical value, an explosion occurs. When water pollution in a reservoir reaches the maximum permissible level, the reservoir (river, pond, spring) rots. When the amount of information put into a computer exceeds its memory capacity, it “overloads” and stops working normally, etc.

Perhaps because man has already begun replicating (cloning) twins and has come very close to the real possibility of creating a biological self-programming robot, that is, another intelligent being in his own image and likeness.

But the image of a “man-father,” to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. And if we have not been able to build a World for ourselves according to the laws of Homo Sapiens, then who will we raise and release from the “test tube”? If we ourselves do not know and do not fulfill universal laws, we have not been able to implant their knowledge in the souls of our children by blood and ensure their implementation, then will we be able to do this for our children by reason, and not by blood? Will not both of them destroy their parents, and at the same time the entire globe?

It is possible that this happened for one, several or all of the reasons listed above, and perhaps for reasons unknown to us. But as a result, much that was previously secret became clear and accessible to anyone. And this cannot be denied. It cannot be denied that such sciences (now they can already be called sciences) such as dowsing, astrology, bioenergy, forecasting (prediction) of events, etc., have practically received official recognition.

There are already military astrologers, for example, one of them was a guest of the “Hero of the Day” program (NTV) on December 26, 1997. Dowsing is successfully used in various sectors of the national economy. Treatment by influencing the human biofield is becoming increasingly widely used.

e. The benefits of therapeutic fasting are recognized in all civilized countries of the world. Even in the Home Medical Encyclopedia, published back in 1993, you can already read about the use of hypnosis, acupuncture, and yoga for treatment. There is information there about meteosensitivity, and about the “qigong” system, about extrasensory perception and psychics, and about much more, which until quite recently was categorically denied by our official medicine.

In the last few years, there have been certain shifts in the “non-traditional” direction at the intersection of such sciences as biology, medicine, and physics. In the field of radio engineering, for example, as follows from abstract journals, scientific symposia are already being held on the topic: “Millimeter waves in biology and medicine,” a journal is being published under the same name, which discusses the effects of millimeter waves on plants, animals and humans, and their use for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Various methods of bioresonance therapy have been developed, based on the fact that each element in nature, including human organs, has its own frequency range. Several hundred bioenergetic standards have been created, guardians of frequencies, the influence of which stimulates his immunity and (or) neutralizes intoxications. The required frequencies are created using the Beta family of devices (see, for example, the magazine “Faces” No. 11/97). On the same basis, most likely, many technical devices have recently been developed designed to treat a whole range of diseases. However, in general, “technicians” still show insufficient interest in the problem of studying man and especially in the problem of studying his soul. The likelihood that it is here that the greatest discoveries can be made is greatest.

It is possible that in the field of studying the human Soul, new ideas are already so “ripe” that expensive research and development are not needed for a qualitative leap. It is possible that the next greatest discoveries lie “at the tip of the pen” (history knows many such discoveries) and for this it is enough to analyze the already existing, both obvious and supposedly incredible facts, in search of a very real and probable explanation for them. It is possible that the truth at this level of knowledge already lies on the surface, and we do not see it because each of those who are searching is developing deeper and deeper only their own “mine”, sometimes not even interested in what is happening in the neighboring ones. adits." It is quite possible that the greatest discovery - the “discovery of the century” (and more than one), which is capable of explaining almost everything at a given stage of knowledge, is already fully “ripe” and “in the air.” But how to “catch” him?

How to make the “discovery of the century”?
Since the greatest discoveries most likely lie at the intersections of sciences, to “voice” them it is necessary (just!!!) to become familiar with what is known today about our World as a whole or, at least, within the framework of global scientific directions. However, due to the vastness of information already available about our World, it is almost impossible for one person to accomplish all this; one can only make assumptions and put forward hypotheses.

Hypothesis 1.1: “The discovery of the century” and more than one has already been made at the level of a hypothesis, and the specific information confirming it, like “pebbles,” is scattered across various “narrow” scientific areas. To confirm a discovery, it is necessary (just!!!) to collect into a single whole the already known facts that certify it, which can be done easily and without large economic costs by creating a worldwide service for “Generation and testing of ideas.”

The amount of information available now tends to infinity . But cumulative analysis of several scientific areas at once - collecting different "Pebbles" and the identification of their common "pattern" is almost not practiced. If the analysis of diverse facts to do at least in the most general form, the discovery of level hypotheses are able not only to a scientist, but also to an ordinary fairly literate and inquisitive person who is absolutely interested in everyone , including science, science fiction and all “devilry,” but naturally only one “elite” knows. In the absence of deep knowledge, he is certainly not able either to prove his discovery himself, nor to find sufficiently rigorous scientific facts to prove it. Expressing this or that assumption, he does not suspect that he has already made the discovery. Therefore, the main difficulty lies in finding existing or potential authors of discoveries and collecting evidence confirming the discovery of evidence, if they exist. The following is an unusual , but extremely simple way to solve this problem by setting a global an experiment .

how to put global experiment? In such an experiment, one should go not from the particular to the general (not from the analysis and generalization of a vast array of specific information to the search for general laws), but from in common - to privately (from the discovery - to the sum of the facts confirming it), as if “attracting” specific information confirming it to the supposed discovery.

As a "magnet", hypotheses and assumptions can serve, including, supposedly, crazy, delusional and fantastic (it is known that almost all science fiction over several decades has become a reality). These hypotheses should be based on a certain amount of already known facts, and the correctness of the hypotheses should be checked by how tightly the other numerous and already known facts are packaged in them, presented by various scientists (and not only by scientists), which will make collective “discoveries of the century” .

For this experiment in one of the media (magazine, newspaper, television, a page on the Internet, etc.) you should create a special section, for example, “The Discovery of the Century”. This information medium should be very popular especially in the circles of scientists working in various fields (otherwise wide advertising is needed). In the proposed rubric, hypotheses and prerequisites for their occurrence should be made public. Anyone can be the author of hypotheses. Hypotheses should relate to global issues and have very short and clear wording so that their meaning is accessible to a wide range of people with the most diverse specialization and level of education. All "narrow" specialists (or rather, everyone) can try the hypothesis "per tooth", applying it to their specific field of knowledge. The hypothesis, confirmed by many reliable facts, borrowed from different areas of knowledge, will most likely be the “discovery of the century” or the road to it. This will be the first case in the history of mankind. a collective discovery that does not have a specific author, a discovery that was originally built on probability theory. In the same rubric, conclusions should be made public that contain concrete facts confirming (!!!) each of the hypotheses (the hypothesis can be developed, clarified, supplemented, but not refuted). These conclusions can be given to anyone who wishes to act as an expert and give a positive (!!!) conclusion. Conclusions should also be stated briefly , clearly , popularly and with obligatory reference to the source, where there is a supporting fact.

Hypotheses must be made public under a pseudonym in order to put all potential co-authors on equal terms, but each conclusion must have a specific addressee with a genuine name in order to exclude the possibility of falsification of the facts cited, since their reliability is the key to the purity of the experiment. If the hypothesis is true and “ripe”, then it will quickly “grow over” with its supporting facts.

Why should only positive conclusions be considered? This is necessary because there are always more people who want to deny even the obvious , than those who want to confirm someone else's rightness, and then it will be impossible to cope with the flow of information. In addition, there is no point in collecting negative conclusions. A hypothesis (idea) that is incorrect or ahead of its time, which sometimes happens, will not automatically receive confirmation and will “ die ” by itself or be temporarily “preserved”. Publication of positive reviews will lead to the emergence of new ones, and the hypothesis, like a snowball, will grow into more and more facts, stimulating their further searches.

With a large flow of information, it is necessary to form databases and from time to time to publish the results of this experiment, for example, a list of leading hypotheses. In other words, create a “ Service generation and approbation ideas . "

AT than benefit such a experiment? With mass participation in the experiment of specialists from various scientific fields, science with minimal financial expenditures can make such a “leap” that is impossible even with the highest level of funding for its particular specific industries. In this case, the sum of knowledge of all humanity , including the latest scientific discoveries and exploratory work. With other well-known scientific searches this can not be done.

The proposed global experiment is also an objective study that helps to identify the most "hot" points - scientific directions, which it is advisable to stimulate in the first place, as it involves independent experts from around the world.

This experiment automatically removes many of the difficulties that stand in the way of scientific discoveries, including the main difficulty — collecting the necessary information. Easily overcome the language barrier and the barrier of secrecy. Translation into a common language of extremely brief information is quite accessible to most people, and the approach to secrecy and its level varies from country to country. Moreover, a reliable hypothesis and without secret information can gain a sufficient amount of supporting facts. With the proposed approach, the fight against opponents and ill-wishers is excluded, which sometimes lasts for many years, since they are deprived of the right to vote. And although it is said that truth is born in disputes, the dispute is different in dispute, and in this case His criterion of truth will be Majesty The fact that you can not argue. However, some difficulties still remain.

What kind difficulties? One of the difficulties lies in informing about this experiment a huge number of highly qualified specialists from various fields of science. This is due to the fact that fanatics in their field, as a rule, are not very interested in popular publications and programs. Information, submitted in separate specialized editions, will not lead to mass coverage of the desired contingent. In addition, apart from purely scientific, bordering on science fiction, interest in the outcome of the experiment, the authors of hypotheses and experts can offer as a reward nothing but one - the authors of the correct hypothesis and its experts will become co-authors of the discovery of the century.

The main difficulty is the issue of financing the service “Generation and Testing of Ideas”, since in this project there is no possibility of obtaining direct and quick economic profit . If you put everything on self-sufficiency, collecting money from the authors of hypotheses and experts for publishing their material, the idea will die before it was born. It is well known that bright minds - scientists of “not of this world”, especially Russian, who are able to offer something original, as a rule, do not have enough money, and the success of the experiment completely depends on its scale - the mass alert of all potential “generators” of ideas and experts and from their personal activity.

Look for sponsor! - This is one of the real financing options. However, such a program could be financed both by the state and by any world organization, for example, UNESCO, which is interested in identifying the most relevant scientific directions and in forcing scientific discoveries, since the result of its implementation can be staggering , and the cost, compared to generally accepted the cost of science, penny . Of course, not all hypotheses will be confirmed, but it is not terrible. The history of science knows many examples when testing hypotheses, including those that were not justified, cost not only enormous material costs, but also human lives. A negative result is also a result.

Possible single scheme build hypotheses already shown above, since the hypothesis that the “Discovery of the Century” (and not one) has already been done is trial "Ball ". Similarly, it is proposed to put forward other hypotheses.

When proposing any hypothesis, it is recommended to ask yourself, and then try to get an answer to the following questions: What is known to us at this moment in time as reliable, in the form of hypotheses and assumptions, in the form of fiction about ...? What was is known our far away ancestors at the scientific and religious level, at the level of fairy tales, myths and legends about ..., but we were not adequately in demand? what can of Total of this to follow the level of hypothesis, assumptions, on the verge of fiction?

Method analogies in the hypothesis can be the main. Analogs can serve as "inhabitants" of different worlds, including the world of the atom and the world of the cosmos, as well as the processes occurring in them.

It is known that the resolution of our senses with all the “nozzles” that exist at the moment does not allow us to examine in detail the smallest elements in the atomic world and in the world of space. For one, we are too “far-sighted ”, and for the other - too "Myopic" . We see our own world in such detail that, because of their multitude, we sometimes fail to notice the main thing - orderliness, regularity.

It is known that the period of many cyclic processes (in adopted units of measure of time) in the world atom is much smaller than in our world, and in the world space - much more . Therefore, in the world of the atom, we can observe the passage of many cycles, but it is very difficult for us to see what is being done in a separate phase of each cycle. In the world of space, often we can observe during our life (and even the life of Mankind in the phase of the Man of Reasonable) only tiny “pieces” of the life cycles of certain space objects. Therefore, more or less complete information about their life can be obtained only by adding together “pieces” taken from cycles of “related” objects that are at its different stages (phases) of development. In the world of "average" values ​​- in our environment, general patterns are often shielded from us by a mass of details, and therefore it is sometimes very difficult for us to track them.

It follows from the above that laws of the universe can be searched by method analogies , based on our knowledge today about all three worlds. The method of analogies, if similar subjects, objects and processes are found correctly, allows transferring deep and detailed knowledge obtained in any scientific direction to all similar ones, which significantly speeds up the process of cognition.


This section shows the thorny paths of knowledge and gives recommendations on how to avoid many obstacles that lie in the path of each discovery and, especially, the “discoveries of the century”, if such a discovery is made by the whole world. Hopefully, the hypothesis that many “discoveries of the century” have already been made will be of great benefit, as it will help most of us overcome the internal barrier of the incredible difficulty, if not the impossibility, of making such a discovery. Testing this hypothesis depends only on the desire to search the truths of many people.

In the meantime, there is no “Generation and Testing of Ideas” service, we have to use traditional methods - to write books and articles.

created: 2014-09-15
updated: 2024-11-14

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