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Entry TRIZ


The theory of solving inventive problems (TRIZ) almost lost its fame in the 90s of the last century. But now TRIZ technologies are again gaining popularity in science, industry and even in the humanities. Today, the "Soviet theory of invention" of Heinrich Altshuller is studied at universities around the world, and it gradually returns to domestic scientific and educational activity.

Having passed the TRIZ classes proposed in this training, you will be able to get a basic knowledge of solving inventive problems. You will learn about the constituent elements, methods, techniques, Altshuller theory programs, get acquainted with examples of the use of TRIZ. And most importantly, our lessons will teach you to apply the skills of effective invention in your work.


  1. What is TRIZ?
  2. TRIZ application
  3. How to learn this?
  4. TRIZ lessons
  5. Training mode

What is TRIZ?

The theory of solving inventive problems ( TRIZ ) is a set of algorithms and methods created by the Soviet inventor Heinrich Altshuller and his followers to improve the creative process of scientists.

TRIZ - is not only a theory of creativity, although it contains recommendations for improving the creative process. Altshuller's theory is aimed at solving the so-called inventive problems. The inventive task is a complex task, for the solution of which it is necessary to identify and resolve contradictions that lie in the depth of the problem, i.e. identify the root cause (root of the problem) and eliminate this cause. This requires special skills and technologies, which will be considered in the lessons of our online course.

TRIZ application

The main task of TRIZ, according to the author of this theory, is to help scientists and inventors quickly find solutions to creative problems from various fields of knowledge. TRIZ allows you to solve many creative problems. In accordance with the opinion of people who have studied the theory of Altshuller, knowledge of TRIZ provides the following advantages (according to the book "Fundamentals of TRIZ"):

  • The ability to identify the essence of the problem;
  • The ability to correctly identify the main directions of the search, without losing many of the moments that you usually pass by;
  • Knowledge of how to systematize the search for information on the choice of tasks and search for solutions.
  • Learn how to find ways to move away from traditional solutions;
  • The ability to think logically, logically and systemically;
  • Significantly increase the efficiency of creative work;
  • Reduce time to resolve;
  • To look at things and phenomena in a new way;
  • TRIZ gives impetus to inventive activity;
  • TRIZ broadens the mind.

Some people argue that the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving can be useful only in exact sciences. In part, this is true: the theory was created and was sharpened specifically for technical use. But knowledge of TRIZ will undoubtedly help application in the humanities and business, due to the fact that the basis of the TRIZ methodology is universal for any creative tasks.

How to learn it

If you tried to figure out TRIZ yourself, then you probably encountered a number of problems.

  • First , TRIZ training materials need to be adapted to today's tasks, including not only technical, but also humanitarian ones.
  • Secondly , the methods of TRIZ, presented in a variety of textbooks, are poorly structured for the process of studying this theory.

This training, consisting of several lessons-notes, is aimed at outlining the basics of TRIZ and the possibilities of applying this theory to solve any creative problem.

The goal of this course is to structure the material, put all TRIZ elements on the shelves, combine everything into a single system. The main idea of ​​the lessons and lessons of this section of the 4brain site is to make TRIZ accessible to everyone. Teaching the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving should be clear and fascinating. The key task of our classes is to provide a knowledge base, as well as links to the necessary materials for deepening into various areas of TRIZ.

TRIZ lessons

The theory of invention, created by Heinrich Altshuller, and later supplemented by his students and followers formed its rather strict structure. The classical structure of TRIZ, which appears on most specialized websites and books, is as follows:

  • The laws of the development of technical systems.
  • Algorithms for solving inventive problems: algorithms, techniques and methods.
  • Methods of analysis of TRIZ: vepol analysis, FSA, sabotage analysis, system analysis and others.
  • Methods of creative development of the individual and groups.
  • Information fund consisting of numerous tables, applications, lists, helping in technical creativity.

The lessons of this online course are aimed at mastering precisely these basic parts of the “theory of invention”. Each lesson corresponds to a specific component of TRIZ. The lesson plan is as follows:

Lesson 1. Introduction to TRIZ. The first lesson of this section is an introduction to the basics of the classical Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, and the main questions are: how and when did TRIZ arise, what are its goals and what problems does it solve, in which areas it is applied. The system of TRIZ techniques has its historical and technical background, which will be described in this lesson.

Lesson 2. The laws of the development of systems. One of the prerequisites of TRIZ is that there are objective laws of the development and operation of systems, based on which you can build inventive solutions. In other words, many technical, production, economic and other systems develop according to the same rules and principles that will be considered in this lesson.

Lesson 3. Algorithms for solving inventive problems (ARIZ). Algorithms for solving inventive problems (ARIZ) are perhaps the most popular and effective element of Altshuller's theory. TRIZ algorithms are a detailed and rather time-consuming description of the sequence of the inventive process that a person engaged in creative activity can adopt. Immediately it should be noted that not only knowledge is important, but also an understanding of the algorithms, as well as the practice of working with them. The main question of this lesson is: what algorithms are used in TRIZ to find the most appropriate solutions and how to work with them effectively.

Lesson 4. Methods of analysis of TRIZ. An important element of TRIZ is a set of methods for analyzing the object of inventive activity and its external environment. Many of these methods emerged as a result of rethinking existing theories, and were shifted to the process of invention. In this lesson we will briefly describe the methods of analysis required in the process of inventive activity, and their application within the framework of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.

Lesson 5. Methods of creative development. The development of the creative potential of the individual and the creative abilities of the collective is a separate area that is explored by representatives of the Theory of Inventive Problems. In this lesson, only the TRIZ technologies for the development of the creative potential of the individual, groups, children, students and teachers are described.

Lesson 6. TRIZ Information Fund. And finally, the most important component of TRIZ is the whole Fund of accumulated knowledge about invention. This fund has been going for decades and contains: articles and notes of lessons, books and textbooks, video lectures, games, tasks and exercises, techniques and standards, as well as various Internet and software resources. Putting all this information on our site will be difficult, and, perhaps, meaningless. But it is still possible to structure the system of knowledge of the TRIZ fund, and this lesson is devoted to this.

How long will the training take?

In general, there are no special developmental exercises in TRIZ that need to be used to develop the skill of successfully solving inventive problems. Although TRIZ has a separate direction for the development of creative imagination and invention in creative teams, on our website a separate section on “Creative thinking” is devoted to this area.

Therefore, TRIZ training is associated with the study and memorization of algorithms and techniques, as well as their improvement and practical application. TRIZ can be trained all your life, constantly polishing your own algorithms. But to get acquainted with the basic methods can be 1-2 weeks of intensive or 1 month of moderate study.

created: 2017-07-01
updated: 2021-03-13

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Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

Terms: Theory of Inventive Problem Solving