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4. TRIZ analysis methods


Method in any science or scientific theory is equivalent to the instrument of labor. If he falls into skilled hands, then knowledge of the principles of his work and the ability to use it greatly simplify the task and contribute to its early solution.

TRIZ is no exception. An important element of the theory is a set of methods for analyzing the object of inventive activity and its external environment. Many of these methods emerged as a result of rethinking existing concepts, and were transferred to the technical field. In this lesson we have collected short descriptions of the method of analysis in the process of inventive activity and their application within the framework of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.


  1. Vepol analysis
  2. Functional cost analysis
  3. System analysis
  4. “Sabotage” approach
  5. Theory of dissipative structures
  6. Verification test

Vepol analysis

The need for vepol analysis of technical systems is due to the modern stage of technological development. Lesson 2, devoted to the laws of the development of technical systems, spoke about the development of today's TS in the direction of increasing the degree of vepolnost, which contributes to an increase in controllability. Consequently, the main goal of carrying out the field-care analysis is to find the possibility of changing the parameters and functions of the technical system by changing the substances used in it and influencing them with fields.

Vepol (or structural real-field) analysis is based on the understanding of vepol (short for “substance” + “field”) —the interaction model in the minimal technical system. In essence, each technical object can be regarded as a substance in a certain environment. In this case, some kind of interaction between the object itself and the environment or between it and other objects (substances) always occurs (or should occur). Such interaction is inevitably accompanied (or should be accompanied) by energy exchange, therefore there is always a field in the system - mechanical, electromagnetic, optical, gravitational, thermal. In other words, any technical object, given in the task, can be considered as a field-field system or capable of becoming one. Hence, the versatility of the Wepol approach: the development of technical systems proceeds either through the transition of non-field-based systems to field-like ones, or from simple types of field systems to more complex ones.

This method was born as a result of the analysis by G. S. Altshuller of resources for solving frequent contradictions. Some of the “40 principles” discovered by him consider various substances and fields to resolve contradictions and increase the ideality of technical systems. For example, the teletext system uses a television signal to transmit data, filling in small intervals between television frames in a signal. Another technique that is widely used by inventors is to analyze the possibility of using substances and fields that are not used directly within the framework of this TS. The simplest and most obvious example: air intakes on the radiator grille of the car, which direct the air flow to the radiator, thereby cooling it.

The use of vepol analysis in TRIZ implies the construction of a vepol model of the system under consideration based on the conditions of the problem. Then the model is changed and transformed to determine the necessary conditions for solving the problem. Vepol analysis performs the function of a language of a uniform description of technical systems and is used in different sections of TRIZ: in the standards for solving inventive problems, in ARIZ. You can read more about classical vepol analysis in the book “Structural real-field analysis” by V. Petrov and E. Zlotina.

From the description it is obvious that the field analysis is intended mainly to solve contradictions in technology. But lately, along with a renewed general interest in TRIZ, there has also been an increase in interest in this method of analysis, in particular, its application in other areas. Out of criticism and the impossibility of using vepol in non-material systems where there is no substance, the notion of “ele-pole” - element + field was born. More details about this method and examples of its use in other areas, including humanitarian, can be found in the works of M. S. Rubin.

Functional cost analysis

Functional-cost analysis (FSA) is a method for conducting a feasibility study of systems aimed at optimizing the relationship between their consumer properties (functions that are still perceived as quality) and the cost of achieving these properties. Used as a methodology for continuous improvement of products, services, production technologies, organizational structures. The task of the FSA is to achieve the highest consumer properties of products while reducing all types of production costs. Remember what the first laptops were at the price and size, and what they have become now. FCA in TRIZ and classical FCA have significant differences in methodological terms. In spite of the fact that today these are two independent models, it is worth remembering that the functional cost analysis of TRIZ arose as a result of the rethinking of the original theory created on the basis of L. Miles Value Value Analysis ’and the Elemental Economic Analysis of Yu. M. Sobolev. In fact, Altshuller and his followers synthesized instruments of TRIZ and FSA.

The FSA + TRIZ technique is to identify and remove from the design of the machine those of its parts that perform auxiliary functions. The design of the system is changed so that these parts of it are removed, and their functions either become unnecessary or are transferred to the remaining parts (evolution of the mobile phone antenna: external-internal). As a result, the vehicle performs the functions of a smaller number of its component parts, and the quality of its work does not deteriorate.

The purpose of the functional cost analysis is as follows (on the basis of the methodological recommendations of V. M. Gerasimov, V. S. Kalish, and others):

  • Providing consumer properties of the object while minimizing the cost of their manifestation;
  • Reducing the cost per unit of effect achieved by: 1) increasing the consumer properties of the object while reducing costs; 2) increase the consumer properties of the object while maintaining or economically justified increase in costs; 3) cost reduction while maintaining or reasonable reduction of the functional parameters of the object to the required level;
  • increasing the competitiveness of products;
  • improving the quality of the object as a whole or its component parts;
  • increasing the environmental friendliness of production, etc.

FSA is addressed after developing a model of an ideal vehicle. It consists of 3 parts:

  1. Technical and economic analysis of the product system. Implies an assessment of the value and significance of each element of the system. Data from all stages of production is collected, after which measures are developed to reduce the cost of the product.
  2. Technical and economic analysis of the resource system. An assessment is made of the resources needed to develop and improve a product system. Developed measures to improve the efficiency of product development.
  3. Economic and technological analysis of the organization and management of the product development system. It consists in the element-by-element estimation of the time and cost of each functional element in product development and the total time spent on development. Similarly, the proportion of time and cost of each resource is estimated. After that, measures are developed to improve them.

System Analysis Methods

The method of system analysis is a scientific method of knowledge, which is a sequence of actions to establish structural links between variables or elements of the system under study. It is based on a complex of general scientific, experimental, natural science, statistical, mathematical methods. The value of a systems approach is that the consideration of the categories of system analysis provides the basis for a logical and consistent approach to the problem of decision making.

The current stage of development of science is characterized by the wide use of a systematic approach to the object under study. Its application gives the researcher the opportunity to uncover the essence of the subject in its organic integrity, to reveal various internal as well as external relations, to unite all knowledge into a single system. This method applied to the development of technology - one of the basic principles of TRIZ - means the ability to see, perceive, represent as a single whole system in all complexity, with all the connections, changes, combining different, but complementary approaches:

  • Component. Studies the composition of the system - the presence of subsystems and supersystems;
  • Structural. Deals with the location of subsystems in space, their placement relative to each other and interconnections;
  • Functional. Analyzes the functioning of the TS, the interaction of its subsystems and supersystems;
  • Genetic. It studies the formation of a system, the sequence of its development (evolution), the replacement of one system by another, or its transition to a super-system.

The use of these tools allows the scientist not only to create a comprehensive picture of the world. The TRIZ system research apparatus, which includes the approaches described above and is specialized in the analysis and synthesis of technical systems, is based on the laws of technology development and is used to predict the development of TS.

In addition, a systematic approach is the foundation of the organization of systems thinking. GS Altshuller and his followers besides studying methods and algorithms for solving problems, paid much attention to the development of human creative abilities. Detailed material on this compiled in the next lesson.

“Sabotage” approach

The method of detecting and predicting emergencies and undesirable phenomena was developed by B. L. Zlotin and A. V. Zusman and was also called the “sabotage” approach. This is a kind of combination of TRIZ, functional, systemic and morphological analyzes, Ishikawa diagrams and specially developed checklist questions.

The technique is designed to solve problems related to ensuring industrial safety: forecasting possible emergency situations, accidents, catastrophes and other undesirable phenomena; timely identification of “risk factors” and “precursors of an accident”; development of specific technical and organizational solutions aimed at preventing predicted adverse events. At the same time, the developers indicate that “sabotage analysis” does not replace existing anti-emergency methods, approaches and measures, but complements them with modern means of solving creative problems.

In order to identify and eliminate a weak spot in the technical system, an emergency situation is specifically created (according to the authors: “sabotage is organized,” hence the name). Further analysis is carried out in order to identify weaknesses, the likelihood of failure. If the system shows a high risk factor, a contradiction is formulated, on the basis of which steps are taken to resolve the problem. More detailed analysis of the vehicle based on this method can be found in the source.

Theory of dissipative structures

In the center of the theory of dissipative structures developed by I. R. Prigogine, there is a dissipative system - an open system that operates far from thermodynamic equilibrium. In other words, it is a stable state that arises in a non-equilibrium medium under the condition of dissipation (dissipation) of energy that comes from outside. For more information, look at Wikipedia.

From the point of view of TRIZ in this theory, the most interesting is a qualitatively new approach to the analysis of systems (biological, social, technical). In short, I. R. Prigogine saw a positive characteristic in the system instability. He concluded that over time and the reproduction of various non-linear functions, performing the processes of matter and energy exchange, including with the external environment, the system can stabilize or regulate itself. Speaking in simple language, the scientist saw that the unstable system gradually adapts itself to internal and external conditions, without direct intervention in its structure and human organization. Based on this, it was concluded that there are cases when you need to “rely” on the system and wait until it balances itself or, at least, does not show possible ways of its improvement.

This is a bit discordant with the clarity of the TRIZ algorithms, but at the same time it allows us to develop inventions in the direction of creating fundamentally new systems, which in Altshuller’s theory is a weak point. The discovery of such vehicles is a new era in science, although much remains to be seen.

In conclusion, we note once again that any method is just a tool. And with all its usefulness in this quality, it is important to consider some details. Just as with one hammer it is impossible to make repairs, and the use of one method will not lead to an optimal result. In addition, you need to be able to use it. Therefore, in order to learn how to apply the analysis methods proposed in TRIZ, it is necessary not only to become familiar with the theory in detail, but also to test its performance in practice.


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Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

Terms: Theory of Inventive Problem Solving