Global domains
Fff = king; queen; elephant; horse; rook
Angle = obliquely; straight
Range = line; beside; a horse
Beat = beat (Range, Angle); a horse
String = string
Strings = String *
Field = Field (String, String)
Global predicates
put_figures (fff)
nondeterm rule (fff, byot)
markup1 (Strings)
markup2 (Strings)
% of the rules of combat figures
rule (king, byot (near, diagonally)).
rule (king, byot (next, right)).
rule (queen, byot (line, diagonally)).
rule (queen, byot (line, straight)).
rule (elephant, byot (line, diagonally)).
rule (horse, horse).
rule (rook, byot (line, straight)).
% of the size of the board vertically and horizontally
markup1 (["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]).
markup2 (["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "i", "k", "l"]).
database - layouts
% fact - places where there are figures
worth (FFF, Field)
Nap = left; to the right; up; way down; down_left; down_right
up_left; up_right
% service procedures for sorting cells
% to "understand" the rules of the computer
% note, here the "understanding" is the same as the person
% and there is no mathematical operation.
% everything is based on facts
nondeterm search_of_list_of_facts (Strings, String).
Element_left (Lines, Line Element, Line ElementLeft)
Right Element (Strings, String Element, String Element Right)
field_left (Field, Field Find)
field_sprava (Field, Field Find)
field_up (Field, Field Find)
field_below (Field, Field Find)
field_field (Angle, Field, Field Near)
nondeterm field_parking (Angle, Eg, Field, Field Beside)
field_line (Angle, Field, Field Line)
field_con (Angle, Field Of, Field)
% enumerates the elements of the list as the facts of the base of the PROLOGUE
% This allows you to enable the rollback mechanism.
search_of_facts ([String | _], String).
brute force_list_of_facts ([_ | Strings], String): -
search_of_list_of_facts (Strings, String).
% will find the item to the left of this in the list
Element_left ([ElementLeft, Element | _], Element, ElementLeft): -
Element_left ([_ | List], Element, ElementLeft): -
Element_left (List, Element, ElementLeft),
% will find the item to the right of this in the list
Right element ([Element, Right Element | _], Element, Right Element): -
Right element ([_ | List], Element, Right Element): -
Right element (List, Element, Right Element),
% takes a field next to
left field (field (Number, Letter), field (Number Left, Letter)): -
markup 1 (Numbers),
left-element (Numbers, Number, NumberLeft),
right_field (field (Number, Letter), field (NumberNumber, Right)): -
markup 1 (Numbers),
right element (Numbers, Number, Right Number),
top_field (field (Number, Letter), field (Number, Letter Top)): -
markup 2 (letters),
left element (Letters, Letter, Letter Above),
bottom field (field (Number, Letter), field (Number, Letter B below)): -
markup 2 (letters),
right element (Letters, Letter, Letter Below),
% enumerates all fields nearby in accordance with the angle of the battle
field_number (straight, Field, Field1): -
left_field (Field, Field1),!.
field_number (straight, Field, Field1): -
field_sprava (Field, Field1),!.
field_number (straight, Field, Field1): -
field_up (Field, Field1),!.
field_number (straight, Field, Field1): -
field_below (Field, Field1),!.
% the same, but the fields near the angle of the battle "diagonally"
field_on order (obliquely, field, field1): -
left_field (Field, Field0),
field_below (Pole0, Pole1),!.
field_on order (obliquely, field, field1): -
right_field (Field, Field0),
field_below (Pole0, Pole1),!.
field_on order (obliquely, field, field1): -
left_field (Field, Field0),
field_up (Field0, Field1),!.
field_on order (obliquely, field, field1): -
right_field (Field, Field0),
field_up (Field0, Field1),!.
% enumeration of all fields on the battle line
field_in order (straight, left, Field, Field1): -
left_field (Field, Field1).
field_in order (straight, left, Field, Field1): -
left_field (Field, Field0),
field_number (straight, left, Field0, Field1).
field_in order (straight, right, Field, Field1): -
right_field (Field, Field1).
field_in order (straight, right, Field, Field1): -
right_field (Field, Field0),
field_field (straight, right, Field0, Field1).
field_in order (straight, up, Field, Field1): -
top_field (Field, Field1).
field_in order (straight, up, Field, Field1): -
top_field (Field, Field0),
field_number (straight, up, Field0, Field1).
field_in order (straight, down, Field, Field1): -
field_below (Field, Field1).
field_in order (straight, down, Field, Field1): -
field_below (Field, Field0),
field_field (straight, down, Field0, Field1).
% enumeration of all fields along the line of battle “diagonally”
field_in order (obliquely, down_left, field, field1): -
left_field (Field, Field0),
bottom field (Field0, Field1).
field_in order (obliquely, down_left, field, field1): -
left_field (Field, Field0),
field_below (Pole0, Pole2),
field_in order (obliquely, down_left, field2, field1).
field_in order (obliquely, down_right, Field, Field1): -
right_field (Field, Field0),
bottom field (Field0, Field1).
field_in order (obliquely, down_right, Field, Field1): -
right_field (Field, Field0),
field_below (Pole0, Pole2),
field_number (obliquely, down_right, Field2, Field1).
field_in order (obliquely, upward, left, field, field1): -
left_field (Field, Field0),
top_field (Field0, Field1).
field_in order (obliquely, upward, left, field, field1): -
left_field (Field, Field0),
top_field (Field0, Field2),
field_in order (obliquely, upward, left2, field2, field1).
field_in order (obliquely, upward_right, Field, Field1): -
right_field (Field, Field0),
top_field (Field0, Field1).
field_in order (obliquely, upward_right, Field, Field1): -
right_field (Field, Field0),
top_field (Field0, Field2),
field_in order (obliquely, upward_right, Field2, Field1).
% if the fields are on the battle line
field_line (straight, field, field1): -
field_number (straight, left, Field, Field1),!.
field_line (straight, field, field1): -
field_number (straight, right, Field, Field1),!.
field_line (straight, field, field1): -
field_number (straight, down, Field, Field1),!.
field_line (straight, field, field1): -
field_number (straight, up, Field, Field1),!.
field_line (obliquely, field, field1): -
field_in order (obliquely, upward_right, Field, Field1),!.
field_line (obliquely, field, field1): -
field_number (obliquely, upward left, Field, Field1),!.
field_line (obliquely, field, field1): -
field_number (obliquely, down_right, Field, Field1),!.
field_line (obliquely, field, field1): -
field_number (obliquely, down_left, Field, Field1),!.
field_con (For example, FieldIz, Field): -
% skipped%
% the field selection mechanism itself
figure_bob2 (Field Of, Byot, Field)
figure_bob1 (Field Of, Byot, Field)
figure_break (FFF, Field)
Shapes_Non_Boy (FFF, Field)
nondeterm select_field_to_dock (Field)
put_figures1 (FFF)
put_figure (FFF)
% takes a cell on a board that has not yet been placed
% figure
select_field_to_doske (field (Number, Letter)): -
markup 1 (Numbers),
markup 2 (letters),
search_of_list_of_facts (Numbers, Number)
search_of_facts (Letters, Letter).
% determines whether two figures are worth fighting
% if this place is already taken
figure_patcher2 (Field, _, Field): - !.
figure_sub_boy2 (PoleIz, byot (next, for example), Field): -
% if the figure is near and in the direction of the battle
field_field (for example, fieldof, field),
figure_for_boy2 (FieldIz, byot (line, for example), Field): -
% if the figure is on the battle line
line_field (eg, field from, field),
figure_for_boy2 (FieldFrom, horse, Field): -
% if the figure is on the battlefield of a horse
field_ (horse, field, out), field)
% figure under the battle that we put
figure_bob1 (FieldIz, Byot, Field): -
figure_boys2 (FieldFrom, Byot, Field),
% figure under battle that already stands
figure_bob1 (FieldIz, Byot, Field): -
figure_boys2 (Field, Byot, FieldIz),
% figure under fight
figure_break (Figure, Field): -
% search rules for the figure
rule (Figure, Byot),
% brute force on the board
worth (_, fieldis),
% if the Figure with the Rule of battle beats a given cell from its coordinates
% or vice versa
figure_fighting1 (FieldFrom, Byot, Field),
% then figure under fight
% make sure that the figure is not under attack
shapes_non_placing (Figure, Field): -
not (figure_stop (Figure, Field)),
% puts one piece on the board
put_figure (Figure): -
% takes any field
select_field_to_doske (Field),
% if the figure on this field is not beaten
% and will not beat another figure
Shapes (figure, field),
% then put it on the board
assertz (standing (Figure, Field)),
% puts the pieces on the board
put_figures1 (Figure): -
put_figure (Figure),
put_figures1 (Figure),
put_figures1 (Figure): -
% output option with the arrangement
nl, write ("option for", Figure),
worth (Figure, Field),
write ("", field),
put_figures (Figure): -
% initial preparation
% enumeration of all fields
select_field_to_doske (Field),
% clear knowledge
retractall (_, layouts),
% put the first figure
assertz (standing (Figure, Field)),
put_figures1 (Figure),
/ * call install predicate * /
Goal put_figures (queen).
The prologue gives the placement options for the given piece (queen). This program is not implemented search for the horse. Having examined the search for other figures - you can easily implement it yourself.
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Presentation and use of knowledge
Terms: Presentation and use of knowledge