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Glossary of terms (definition) Cognitive science


Non-mental action is a combination of internal (that is, occurring within the nervous system of the body) limited processes (for example, contraction or relaxation of specific muscles), which result in a known external (that is, occurring outside the NS) limited process (for example, raising the arm)

Concept - an algorithm embedded in an individual (I-concept or description of a complex process or sequence of commands-incentives.) Actions that achieve a specific result (D-concept or description).

Cognition - knowledge inside.

Knowledge is information in the internal form, obtained by processing incoming from the outside both sensory and verbal flows of pre'information. Knowledge is also possible to externalize both sensory and verbally.

Mental action is an action whose performers are neurons (except motor neurons). The immediate result (limited process and final event) of such an action is invisible, since it also turns out inside the NA. But it is objective and can be (both situationally and procedurally) verbally orally with the presence of the corresponding atoms of the language.

The atom of a language is the aggregate of two-way connections between the name and the denotates denoted by it.

Identification is the realization of communication from the denotation to the name.

Finding - the implementation of communication from the name to the denotation.

Interpretation is the realization of a connection from the name to the concept (in its verbal form) of the identification of the denotate with the given name.

Implementation - objectification of a certain entity (that is, the same as the search, but only through the creation)

Objectification (or inside?) Of a concept is the implementation of the performer of this concept.

Articulation is the externalization of a fragment of internal information (go to an internal question) in a verbal form.

Essence - an element of the objective world, corresponding to a single word or phrase. The main types of entities - subject, property, relationship.

Quantity is a property of a specific entity - a discrete set of homogeneous objects or quasi-objects.

Projective knowledge is knowledge about denotations or situations before it is obtained that do not exist in the objective world.

Theoretical knowledge is knowledge about denotations and situations that were not directly detected in the objective world until it was obtained.

Virtual knowledge is the knowledge gained by the internalization of an artificial sensory flow.

An internal question is an internal urge to scan a specific fragment of internal information and update the found fragment, (thus, the question is actually a motivating statement, corresponding to the formulation of the problem of solving an equation with one unknown, the found value of which will be the answer to the asked question.)

The situation is a fragment of the objective world corresponding to a single thesis.

Law - the knowledge expressed by the general thesis.

The law of existence is knowledge expressed by a particular thesis.

A paradigm is an element of a concept that is invisible until a certain moment (as part of a certain AP), the detection of which turns general knowledge with this concept into a particular one.

Fact is knowledge expressed by a single thesis.

Description - a sequence of exclusively conjunctively related theses relating to a system of simultaneous object-subject conjugate fragments of the objective world.

A description of a simple process is a sequence of theses, representing a sequence of situations of a single process.

A simple process - changing the set of properties (or a specific property) of a single object

Description of a complex process - a sequence of theses relating to the system of non-simultaneous object-subject conjugate fragments of the PM, corresponding to the sequence of their appearance-detection in time.

Event - the beginning or end of a process or state.

State - the constancy of any property or combination of properties of a certain object during a time interval.

Classification - a sequence of disjunctively related theses (related to different non-simultaneous fragments of the PM, conjugated subjectively and not being situations of the same process)

Reasoning - a sequence of implicitly (directly or inversely) related theses and, possibly, questions.

Deductive reasoning is a sequence of implicitly related theses.

Inductive reasoning is a sequence of reversely implicitly related theses and, possibly, questions mediating these connections.

Thesis is an affirmative sentence.

Conjunction, disjunction, implication, reverse implication - the connection between theses. denoted respectively by the unions “and”, “or”, “if. that "because".

The subject is an entity that is detected as a spatially limited value of a proto-property or a conjunction of the values ​​of proto-properties.

A proto - property is a type of physical quantity whose value at a given point in space and at a given moment in time can be obtained directly by receptors or instruments. (conclusion: position in space and in time are not properties or in any case special properties. Therefore, mechanical movement and deformation of an object is not a process.)

Sensory flow - a set of values ​​of proto properties in time or in space.

A property is a logical or numeric functional from a fragment of a sensory flow. corresponding to the subject.

The relation is a functional from the corresponding thesis (or the conjunction of theses to the description, but this is already connected with deductive reasoning) of a fragment of the sensory flow that includes two or more subjects.

A process is a change in the value of a proto property (or a set of interconnected proto properties) over time.

An event is a change in the simplest logical property in time or a moving or growing object reaches a certain boundary, for example, another object. Examples: a tree caught fire, lightning struck a tree

Border - change of the simplest logical property in space.

The simplest logical property is the approximate constancy of the value of the proto-property.

Restricted process - a process limited to one or more events.

A balanced atom of a language is an atom of a language in which a one-to-one correspondence is ensured between the name and the set of its corresponding denotates.

The proton is a limited entity found in a unary sensory flow. For example. physical word - you can only see it or just hear it. (It will become a genuine sign or a logical word if you deprive it of all the physical characteristics inherent in a sound (such as loudness, timbre, pitch, etc.) or visual phenomenon.) Another example: a geometric figure - you can only see it .

The subject is the outgoing subject of the relationship, (and the process?)

The object is the incoming subject of the relationship, (and the process?)

Concept Verbalization - the formation of a connection between a sensory-formed concept and its name.

Note - visual reference to the denotation

Ostensive naming is the simultaneous implementation of an indication and naming of an entity.

Generalization of situations - the formation of two situations that intersect in a subject or predicate, the third situation in which the concepts of intersecting entities are summarized.

Simplification of associated situations (descriptions or descriptions of complex processes) -

Kazimost is a property of knowledge, which is a consequence of the incorrectness or insufficiency of the method of its detection. The consequence of the appearance of knowledge is its logical, rather than numerical, contradiction with knowledge discovered in another way.

Reality - the property of knowledge, in which it can not enter into a logical contradiction with a single real knowledge.

The reference system is a necessary component of the procedure for determining the coordinates of the observed object (or quasi-object). It necessarily includes a certain point (origin) and, although one ray or a straight line, on which the direction is given.

A natural reference system (for a given movement) is such a reference system in which the kinematic law of a given movement has the simplest form.

Verbalization of the concept - linking the name to the concept.

The conceptualization of the word - the binding of the concept to the word, includes the message of the definition and the transformation of the definition into a concept (the definition of the word).

Concept formation - internal concept formation, often includes the selection of concept elements.

Analysis of the concept - getting from the concept of its definition (conceptualization).

Concept definition is a verbal form of a concept.

A critical situation in cognition is a situation in the process of cognition, which is a hindrance or obstacle to the further continuation of cognition. There are four types of critical situations in cognition: pseudo-synonymy, hidden homonymy, concept reset, and concept competition.

Pseudosynonymy is a critical situation in cognition, which consists in implicitly linking different words to the same concept.

Hidden homonymy - is the implicit linking of one word to different concepts.

Reset (reset) of the concept - is to try to get a definition of the concept based on the complete negation of the existing concept.

Concept competition is an implicit and uncontrollable linking of different (formed) concepts to one word.


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Presentation and use of knowledge

Terms: Presentation and use of knowledge