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TABLE 2 Compliance of the types of the backed-up information with behavioral manifestations (classification by types of information)


The silent information Behavioral manifestations
The answer is not prepared Evasive speech, pauses, speech errors, reduced number of illustrations
Non-emotional information (facts, plans, fantasies) Speech reservations, tirades, emblems [1]
Emotions (joy, surprise, fatigue) Speech reservations, tirades, micro expressions, blurred expressions
Fear Evasive speech, pauses, speech errors, increase in tone, louder and faster speech, pallor
Anger Increase tone, louder and faster speech, blush, pallor
Sorrow (perhaps wine and shame) Lower tone, slower and quiet speech, tears, lowered gaze, blush
Embarrassment Blush, look down or sideways
Excitation Increasing the number of illustrations, raising the tone, louder and faster speech
Boredom Reduced number of illustrations, slower and quiet speech
Negative emotion Evasive speech, pauses, speech errors, increase in tone, decrease in tone, increase in the number of manipulations
The emergence of emotion, any Change in breathing, sweating, swallowing, blurred expression, rapid blinking, dilated pupils


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Psychology of lies

Terms: Psychology of lies