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Preventive measures


The modern protective and protective concept of prevention involves the transition from administrative and punitive measures to comprehensive medical, psychological, psychological, educational, social and legal assistance and support to families and children at social risk, to social rehabilitation programs and the correction of children and adolescents with mental and social development. International experience shows that the implementation of preventive measures and programs has certain general trends and principles:
- professionalization of educational, preventive and protective and protective activities, the introduction and training of special staff of social workers, social teachers, social rehabilitation workers, practical psychologists specializing in practical work on the correction of deviant behavior of children and adolescents and improving the conditions of their family and public education;
- creation of a network of special preventive services and structures designed to provide social and socio-psychological assistance to the family, children, youth (psychological services and counseling, trust centers, leisure and rehabilitation centers, social shelters for children and adolescents in critical situations);
- recognition of the family as the leading institution for the socialization of children and adolescents, the implementation of special measures of socio-legal, socio-pedagogical and medical-psychological assistance to the family and, first of all, to families who cannot cope with the tasks of upbringing;
- psychologisation of educational, preventive and protective and protective activities, the leading role of medical and psychological assistance and support in the correction of deviant behavior of children and adolescents, the rehabilitation of minors with various forms of social and mental maladjustment.
In accordance with these principles, there is a reorganization of the activities of domestic social institutions that carry out educational and preventive work, which implies, firstly, a significant narrowing of the scope of activities of special bodies for early prevention (inspections and commissions for minors, law enforcement agencies), secondly, and introducing diagnostic, correctional and rehabilitation programs for children and adolescents into the broad practice of the public education and health authorities with various forms of mental and social maladjustment, as well as the creation of a system of social, socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical services for the family, children, adolescents.


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