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Crime as a social phenomenon


The recognition of the fact that crime as a social phenomenon has, above all, social conditionality, does not mean to ignore the individual properties of the individual when studying the genesis of criminal behavior.
Identifying the role and place of psychobiological prerequisites, characteristics of the organism and psyche in antisocial behavior is complicated by the fact that in psychology the problem of the relationship between the biological and the social in the individual is not fully resolved. These questions when considering the most diverse aspects of personality, from the nature of abilities to the nature of deviant behavior, are the subject of a very sharp, long-term discussion of scientists.
The dualistic, alternative approach to understanding the relationship between the biological and the social in the individual led to the isolation of two mutually exclusive approaches in psychological knowledge: sociologizing and biologizing concepts, in which the nature of various psychological properties and phenomena, including the nature of asocial, criminal behavior, is explained either by some congenital, hereditary factors and mechanisms, or only due to the social conditions of existence of the individual.
The merit of domestic psychology is the transition from the dualistic understanding of the nature of personality to the monistic understanding of man, behind which stands the unity of history and nature in the development of man.


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