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Forensic Psychiatric Examination


The main task of the forensic psychiatric examination is to determine the person's responsibility. We are imputed - punish; deranged - send for compulsory treatment, cure and release. “Can an act be blamed?” Is decided on the basis of two factors, medical (sick or not) and psychological-legal (could at that moment be aware of the consequences of his actions and direct his actions), and to make a negative decision, both criteria.

Solving the issue of insanity is specific not only in terms of the mental state of a particular person, but also in terms of a specific crime (for example, a slight theft will not forgive petty theft, and participation in a group crime could not be aware of its role).
Forensic, psychological and psychiatric examination in addition to the question of sanity can solve other issues:
- what is the level of a person’s mental development, does mental age correspond to a passport age (for example, if a minor is “in the mind,” then they will even soften the one in charge)
- in what affective state the person was at the time of the crime, was there an excessive affect that the person could not control (if yes, then imputed, but soften)
- Is it possible to trust the testimony of witnesses (the psychologist can characterize the peculiarities of the human psyche that could affect his testimony)
- assessment of the state of suicide before an act of suicide based on the available facts (what are the reasons, whose fault),
psychological and pedagogical expertise: carried out by clinical psychologists in relation to children with developmental anomalies, learning difficulties, behavioral deviations. The diagnosis and forecast of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions are given - where and how to teach and correct. Sometimes, within the framework of this examination, a distinction is made between CRA and underdevelopment.


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