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Forensic Psychological Expertise


When conducting, for example, a comprehensive forensic psychological and psychiatric examination, the psychodiag whines works together with the psychiatrist and solves the following tasks.

1. Qualifies the mental state of the subject, determines the nature, type and type of mental pathology, e ^ depth and personality expression, establishes the relationship of psychopathological and normal-psychological in the psyche, as well as compliance of the phenomenon of compensation and personality protection in the process of adaptation ^ to the situation.

2. Defines stable psychological properties and qualities, stable features of dynamic states - the type and depth of emotional reactions in explores my situation, reveals features of anomalous or accentuated personalities, degree of borderline intelligence | retardation.

3. Determines the impact of the identified personality characteristics and characteristics of the mental state on his behavior in the situation under study, that is, analyzes the possibility of! opportunity for the subject to reflect the surrounding! Reflex and regulate their behavior in a particular situation.
Where the results of the work of psychodiagnosti are used by representatives of other specialties, it should give prognostic information about the subject. This information must contain standardized data, that is, the client’s psychological task — his psychological diagnosis — must be correlated with a system of social tasks that presuppose the condition of the subject with other people.

The need for this, in our opinion, with a sufficient degree of obviousness can be seen on the example of the tasks of a comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination, where the concept of a norm of behavior, adequacy of behavior is one of the criteria for making social decisions about psycho-diagnostic information.

In these situations, surveys are the most useful objective tests, questionnaires, which can be specially created by the criteria of the customer.

When conducting forensic psychological examinations, you can, for example, use the “Pictogram”, “The Fourth Extra” methods, the Rorschach test, the Schmischek test questionnaire, etc.
In teaching practice, there are often situations where psychodiagnostics data - psychological diagnosis - are used to influence the life of a client by other people - teachers, parents, educators, etc.

In communicating the results of psychodiagnostic examinations to these persons, the psychologist must proceed from the fact that each of the users of his information must be prepared for its perception and application. In our opinion, it is advisable that the user form his own personal psychological task regarding the received psychological information - the task of understanding the significance of this information both for himself and for that person who they will influence.


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