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Matrix and Gram determinant


Let in the Euclidean space Matrix and Gram determinant the scalar product is defined in a known manner Matrix and Gram determinant . Gram matrix of a vectors system Matrix and Gram determinant is called a square matrix consisting of various scalar products of these vectors:

Matrix and Gram determinant

The Gram matrix is ​​a symmetric matrix. Its determinant is called the Gram determinant (or Gramian ) of a vector system Matrix and Gram determinant :

Matrix and Gram determinant


Example. If in space Matrix and Gram determinant rows consisting of Matrix and Gram determinant real numbers, the scalar product is determined by the rule1)

Matrix and Gram determinant

then the gram gram row

Matrix and Gram determinant

calculated by matrix multiplication:

Matrix and Gram determinant

and at Matrix and Gram determinant meaning transpose. From the Binet-Cauchy theorem it immediately follows that with Matrix and Gram determinant (the number of lines exceeding the dimension of space) Gram's determinant is zero. This result is generalized BELOW for arbitrary Euclidean spaces.


Example. If in the space of polynomials with real coefficients the scalar product is given by the formula

Matrix and Gram determinant


Matrix and Gram determinant

The generalization of the resulting matrix is ​​known as the Hilbert matrix.

If the vector system Matrix and Gram determinant forms the basis of space Matrix and Gram determinant (i.e. space Matrix and Gram determinant is an Matrix and Gram determinant -dimensional), then setting the Gram matrix Matrix and Gram determinant allows us to reduce the calculation of the scalar product of arbitrary vectors from Matrix and Gram determinant to actions on their coordinates:

Matrix and Gram determinant

Matrix and Gram determinant

Linear independence of vectors


Theorem. Matrix and Gram determinant if and only if the vector system Matrix and Gram determinant linearly dependent .

Proof HERE.


The rank of the Gram matrix coincides with the rank of the system of the vectors generating it:

Matrix and Gram determinant


If some major minor of a Gram matrix vanishes, then all major minors of higher orders turn to zero.

Gram Detector Properties


Theorem. Matrix and Gram determinant for any vector system Matrix and Gram determinant .

Proof ☞ HERE


With Matrix and Gram determinant we obtain the Cauchy-Bunyakovsky inequality:

Matrix and Gram determinant


The Gram matrix of a linearly independent system of vectors is positive definite.


Theorem. Let be Matrix and Gram determinant means the orthogonal component of the vector Matrix and Gram determinant regarding Matrix and Gram determinant . Then

Matrix and Gram determinant

Proof ☞ HERE


The value of the Gram determinant does not exceed its main term, i.e. products of its main diagonal elements:

Matrix and Gram determinant


For an arbitrary square real matrix

Matrix and Gram determinant

fair Hadamard inequality 2):

Matrix and Gram determinant

In other words: the module of the determinant of the matrix does not exceed the product of the lengths of its rows. A similar statement is true for the columns of the matrix.

Evidence. Denote Matrix and Gram determinant matrix row Matrix and Gram determinant through Matrix and Gram determinant . Then because Matrix and Gram determinant (see property 1 ☞ HERE), we have:

Matrix and Gram determinant

when specifying a scalar product in Matrix and Gram determinant in the standard way. Based on the previous investigation, we have:

Matrix and Gram determinant

Equality is possible if and only if either all the lines are pairwise orthogonal, or at least one line is zero. ♦



Matrix and Gram determinant

with the exact value of the determinant Matrix and Gram determinant .


Theorem. The value of the Gram determinant will not change if the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization algorithm is applied to the vector system. The notation of this algorithm has the equality:

Matrix and Gram determinant

Distance to linear manifold


Theorem. Distance Matrix and Gram determinant from point Matrix and Gram determinant to linear manifold in Matrix and Gram determinant

Matrix and Gram determinant

and for fixed linearly independent Matrix and Gram determinant calculated by the formula

Matrix and Gram determinant

Proof for the case Matrix and Gram determinant ☞ HERE. Happening Matrix and Gram determinant reduced to the previous shift of space by vector Matrix and Gram determinant : see comments on the theorem Matrix and Gram determinant ☞ HERE. ♦


Other applications of the Gram determinant in problems of calculating the distances between surfaces in Matrix and Gram determinant ☞ HERE.

Parallelepiped volumes

The area of ​​the parallelogram is equal to the product of its base by the height. If the parallelogram is built on vectors Matrix and Gram determinant and Matrix and Gram determinant of Matrix and Gram determinant then the base can be taken as the length of the vector Matrix and Gram determinant , and for the height - the length of the perpendicular dropped from the end of the vector Matrix and Gram determinant on the axis of the vector Matrix and Gram determinant . Matrix and Gram determinant

Similarly, the volume of a parallelepiped built on vectors Matrix and Gram determinant of Matrix and Gram determinant , equal to the product of the area of ​​the base to the height; the area of ​​the base is the area of ​​the parallelogram built on the vectors Matrix and Gram determinant and height is the length of the perpendicular dropped from the end of the vector Matrix and Gram determinant on the plane of vectors Matrix and Gram determinant .

Matrix and Gram determinant

Volume Matrix and Gram determinant -dimensional parallelepiped in Euclidean space Matrix and Gram determinant we define by induction. If this parallelepiped is built on vectors Matrix and Gram determinant then for its volume we take the product of volume Matrix and Gram determinant -dimensional parallelepiped built on vectors Matrix and Gram determinant the length of the perpendicular dropped from a point Matrix and Gram determinant on linear shell of vectors Matrix and Gram determinant (i.e. the length of the orthogonal component Matrix and Gram determinant regarding Matrix and Gram determinant ):

Matrix and Gram determinant


Theorem. Square volume parallelepiped built on vectors Matrix and Gram determinant , coincides with the value of the Gram determinant from the same system of vectors :

Matrix and Gram determinant

The proof follows from the representation of the length of the orthogonal component Matrix and Gram determinant via Gram's determinants (see Theorem Matrix and Gram determinant and the effect to it is Д HERE).


The module of the determinant of a real matrix

Matrix and Gram determinant

equal to the volume of the parallelepiped in space Matrix and Gram determinant plotted on vertices with coordinates

Matrix and Gram determinant

(i.e., “built on the rows of the matrix”) and equal to the volume of the parallelepiped constructed on the vertices with the coordinates

Matrix and Gram determinant

(i.e., “built on matrix columns”).

The proof actually coincides with the proof of Hadamard's inequality:

Matrix and Gram determinant


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Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry

Terms: Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry