A rectangular Cartesian coordinate system (PDK) consists of a fixed point O (the center of the coordinate system ) and three intersecting in it, mutually perpendicular direction lines O x , O y , O z ( axes of the coordinate system ). Directions are chosen so that the straight lines form the right three vectors.
Fig. 2
The unit vectors defining the directions of the axes O x , O y , O z are denoted by the letters i, j, k and form an orthonormal basis (Fig. 2).
Vector called the radius vector of a point
. Vector coordinates
relative to the base i, j, k are coordinates of the point
i.e. if a
), then
- point with coordinates p x , p y , p z .
Because then
Fig. 3
If vectors are viewed on a plane, then the PDK consists of two perpendicular axes O x , O y with the guide orta i, j ( i = {1; 0}, j = {0; 1}) (Fig. 3).
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Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry
Terms: Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry