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Language and history of society (question about language development)


Qualitative and quantitative changes. Internal and external causes of language development.

Internal causes of language development (Serebrennikov):

1. Adaptation of the linguistic mechanism to the physiological characteristics of the human body. For example, the tendency to simplify pronunciation, the tendency to unify grammatical forms of words, the tendency to economy of language means.

2. The need to improve the linguistic mechanism. For example, in the development process in the language, redundant means of expression or those that have lost their function are eliminated.

3. The need to preserve the language in a state of communicative fitness.

4. Resolution of internal contradictions in the language.


But not all scientists agree to accept internal causes. Since language is a social and psycho-physiological phenomenon. Without such conditions, it can not develop. The development of language is driven by external factors.

External factors of language development (Golovin, Berezin):

1. Associated with the development of society. A large role is played by the interaction of different peoples, due to migration, war, etc. The interaction of languages ​​and their dialects is the most important stimulus for their development.

There are two types of language interaction: differentiation and integration.

Differentiation - the divergence of languages ​​and dialects, due to the resettlement of peoples over vast territories.

Integration - the convergence of different languages. There are 3 types of integration: coexistence, mixing and crossing languages.

Coexistence is a long-term and stable interaction of adjacent languages, as a result of which some stable common features develop in their structure.

Mixing - unite in language unions. Unlike coexistence, blending is a type of interaction where two languages ​​collide on their historical path, have a significant influence on each other, and then diverge and continue to exist independently.

There are different degrees of language confusion:

• Mild mixing.

• High - it is observed in hybrid ersatches.

Crossing - layering of two languages, in which one language dissolves in another. That is, a third is born from two parents-tongues. As a rule, this is the result of ethnic media mixing. One nation absorbs another. As a result, the transition from one language to another is accompanied by bilingualism.

Supstrast and superstrat.

Supstrat - elements of the language of the conquered people in a language that was transformed by crossing two other languages.

Superstrat - elements of language winners, formed in the third language.

The development of a variety of languages. The development of a language at its various stages:

1. Phonetic and phonological changes. Implemented more slowly than the rest. The factors are largely due to the language system.

4 types of functional changes: a) differential signs of phonemes can change, as a result of which the composition of phonemes changes (loss of prespirability, palatality and labialization - 6 phonemes are left); b) changes in the compatibility of phonemes. For example, the principle of increasing sonority has disappeared - as a result, unusual combinations of phonemes are now possible; c) change or reduction of phoneme options. For example, with the advent of reduction, vowels began to fall out; d) individual changes in a particular speech, all changes arise from the individual speech of native speakers.

Causes of phonetic changes:

1. The system factor is the internal logic of the development of the system (assimilation - loss, b, closure of syllables, etc.).

2. Articulation-acoustic conditions of speech activity (nasal consonants disappeared).

3. Social factor - the least affected, but changes also depend on the speaker.

2. Changes in grammar. They are largely due not to external causes, but due to the influence of systemic factors.

1. A change in form is associated with a change in content (many forms of declension are lost - the genus is now important).

2. The process of analogy (the doctor is originally masculine, and now possibly feminine, that is, the compatibility has changed).

3. Distribution of functions between similar elements (there used to be an extensive system of times).

These were internal factors.

External factors: as a result of interaction between speakers of different languages, a change in grammar may occur (as a result of the penetration of elements from another language). External factors to a greater extent affect the vocabulary.

3. Lexical changes are caused by external causes. Types of lexical changes:

1. Morpheme derivation - the formation of a new word from the existing morpheme material (computer + ization).

2. Lexical-semantic derivation:

a) the formation of a new meaning of the word as a result of rethinking the old;

b) the emergence of a new word as a result of rethinking the old word.

3. Lexical-syntactic derivation - a combination of the words “intersects” into one (today, immediately).

4. Compression - a combination of words with a common meaning was, but the meaning of one word was lost, the meaning of the phrase was preserved in the remaining word (complex - an inferiority complex).

5. Borrowing - when a word is borrowed from another language. One of the varieties is tracing (sky-translation) (sky building), another is semantic tracing (we borrow the meaning of the word) (in French, nail is a vivid sight, hence: the nail of the program).

6. Loss of a token - the word leaves the language.

7. The process of archaizing a word (out of language) or meaning (a month).

8. Changing the stylistic or semantic marking of the word.

9. The process of developing the stability of individual combinations of tokens.

10. The development of the ideomatism of individual combinations of lexemes (integrity of meaning and non-deduction from the values ​​of the components) (Indian summer is a warm season in the autumn period).

The development of the Russian language is influenced by both external and internal factors. External factors are largely due to changes in the vocabulary, and to a lesser extent, in phonetics and grammar.

created: 2015-07-24
updated: 2024-11-12

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Language theory

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