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Introduction to the theory of language


Private linguistics - is studying one language. There are the following aspects of language learning: synchronous and diachronic. General linguistics interests the language in general.


1. Has an object - that is being studied. And the subject is from which side it is studied. The object is a feature of the functioning of the language in society, as a means of communication. Subject - those parties that are subject to study and analysis. The subject could often change. The focus of attention in different periods are different subjects. Modern linguistics believes that language is a complex semiotic system that emerged at a certain stage of human development, has the properties of continuous development, variability, dynamism, a hierarchically ordered system that serves as a means of cognition and communication, and in its functioning is due to the connections of thinking.

2. General linguistics has its own meta-language . This is a set of terms and means by which it describes the object of study.

3. Linguistics has its own methodology - a set of methods by which it describes the language (descriptive, comparative methods).

Content blocks (linguistics consists of):

1. The theoretical and philosophical complex of questions: the nature of language, functioning, the origin of language, ways of existence, the ratio of language and thinking, the ratio of language and speech, the ratio of language and society, internal structure and the relationship between units, among the sign systems.

2. The block associated with the diversity of languages ​​and the relationship between them: addresses issues related to the classification.

3. The block associated with the study of methods of language analysis.

4. Historical block: associated with the history of linguistics.

5. Conceptual and problematic block: linguistic terminology is studied.

As an object, the language began to speak in the XIX century. The first reflections about the language appear BC.

created: 2015-07-24
updated: 2024-11-15

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Language theory

Terms: Language theory