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1 Introduction to network economics. The main types of Internet commerce.


Introduction to network economics.

Electronic commerce (e-commerce), as you know, is implemented on the Internet through Internet - technologies. E-commerce is any form of business process in which interaction between subjects takes place using Internet technologies.

The most important properties of the Internet include the following:

  • time independence;
  • no binding to the user's location;
  • high integration;

The proportion of the population involved in the World Wide Web will not be given, as these data are constantly changing upwards. Also, we will not give the percentages of the best-selling products via the Internet, but we will note the traditional group of leaders (popular national resources for these sections in brackets): books (, music and films (, software (, computers and accessories (, and also automobile spare parts ( The world leader in online shopping is

The most visited sites by Google (2010) are: 1st place on Facebook, then Yahoo !, Among the Russian-language sites on the 57th place Yandex, on the 58th Mail.Ru, on the 81st VKontakte, on the 118th Odnoklassniki, on the 148th Narod.Ru, on the 178th Rambler .

There is a domestic browser on the Internet - shopping:, we also note the search engine

Given the weight of factors determining the feasibility of buying online:

1. convenience of choosing a product and ordering - 30%;

2. price - 27%;

3. convenience and efficiency of delivery - 25%;

4. curiosity - 8%;

5. adherence to fashion - 1%;

6. other - 3%;

The main advantages of using the Internet as a financial and economic environment are:

1. The Internet is an easy way to send large amounts of information at high speed in real time.

2. Low cost data transport.

3. It has no territorial and political boundaries, which dramatically expands the scope of activities.

4. The Internet allows you to significantly reduce the time required for the investments made by your company to start working.

5. The network promotes sales marketing (selling goods and services through "electronic stores", advertising products and opportunities of the company). The sale can be made either in the form of commercial orders with post-payment, or in on-line mode (directly on the network).

6. Using the network for marketing research and trade is much cheaper than all other media.

7. With the help of the Internet, you can not only sell products, but also deliver them to customers. This applies in particular to firms selling books, magazines, graphics, games, software.

8. Provides real savings in the provision of banking services. So, the provision of a check, when processing through the cashier of a branch, costs the bank an average of $ 2 (in Russia about $ 10), and using the Internet - 5 cents.

9. The Internet is the best tool for successful work in the securities markets, it allows you to earn money without leaving your home or office. The Internet improves market efficiency, expands the scope of the playing field. The network makes the investment process more democratic, the information gap between professionals and "amateurs" is significantly narrowed.

Problems of using e-commerce systems:

  • credit card fraud;
  • reduced personal security;
  • the threat of fraud (the paid goods may not be delivered) - there is no censorship or verification of the information on the Internet.

The main obstacles to the normal shopping and payment for goods in e-commerce systems:

  • difficulties in navigating web sites;
  • the difficulty of viewing products online;
  • difficulties in ordering and payment;

The Internet is a fairly young business environment. It should be noted that Yandex (6th place, cost $ 3 billion) and Ozone (18th place, $ 450 million) are among the top 20 Internet startups from 2005-2010. The best startup is Facebook ($ 9 billion), Wikipedia ($ 7 billion) and Craigslist ($ 5 billion) free ad resource. Note also the following types of business solutions: business social network LinkedIn, Mozzila, Zazzle (allows you to order things with your logos), Spot Runner (advertising on TV channels), Twitter (microblogging resource), Metacafe (video hosting) [1].

Questions for self-test:

1. What are the main types of Internet commerce?

2. What are the main advantages of Internet commerce over classical commerce?

3. What does online fraud include?


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Networked Economy (E-Commerce)

Terms: Networked Economy (E-Commerce)