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6. Business - structures on the Internet. Trading systems on the Internet. Financial systems on the Internet.


Internet trading systems

In e-commerce, there are five basic business models:

1. Business - Business (Business to Business or B2B);

2. Business - Consumer (Business to Consumer or B2C);

3. Business - Administration (Business to Administration or B2A);

4. Consumer - Administration (Consumer to Administration or C2A);

5. Consumer - Consumer (Consumer to Consumer or C2C) /

The B2B model is a sector focused on the organization of practical work between companies in the production of services or products. There is also a type of B2B: e - marketplace.

The B2C model covers a sector focused on the work of companies with individual consumers of goods or services.

Model B2A covers transactions between companies and government organizations.

Model C2A, currently operates mainly in the field of social security, including financial interactions between citizens and government institutions.

Model C2C covers the interaction between citizens (Example: "flea market" on the forum

Also note the following classification of virtual trading platforms:

1. Created by buyers (buyer-driven).

2. Sellers (supplier-driven or seller-driven).

3. Third party (third-party-driven).

The main developers of software solutions for trading systems on the Internet are: Ariba, CommerceOne, BidCom, Calico Commerce, e-STEEL,, PeopleSoft, Ventro Corporation, VerticalNet. At the same time, these companies usually own a leading platform in the field of specialization. For example, e-STEEL specializes in solutions for the steel industry and on its stock exchange e-STEEL exchange deals about 700 billion dollars a year, while the number of registered participants of the site does not exceed 1000 people.

The income of such companies is usually divided into 3 components:

a) selling software;

b) software maintenance and related professional services (training, analytics, etc.);

c) advertising;

d) transaction fees on the owned sites.

Moreover, the latter is usually the main type of income.

National program "Electronic Russia"

In 2002, on the initiative of the country's leadership, the e-Government program was launched. After 7 years, some success has been achieved, but we can characterize them as local. We note the statement of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev at a meeting of the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) Council of 2009: “What have we advanced? Yes, we have not advanced a fig! ”[1]. Undoubted success has been achieved in the field of taxation - now the overwhelming number of enterprises, both small and large, are submitting tax reports via the Internet. It is worth noting that the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation took the first steps towards the electronic type of reporting even before the start of the Electronic Russia program. There are electronic reception rooms where citizens can ask a question in person to the head of the department or get expert advice (for example, the Rosselkhoznadzor website). The foremost subject of the Russian Federation is the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, on the websites of which about 200 state services are available, a “single window” of electronic services is organized. But, in essence, these examples of exclusion, according to the Institute of the Information Society (IRMO), only 52% of federal executive bodies are designated for citizens' reception sites. The ability to load document forms in only 25% of institutions, and transaction services only on three sites. According to the latest data from the UN survey (UN e-Government Survey), in terms of e-government readiness, Russia ranks 60th out of 192 countries. Ahead of the Russian Federation is Costa Rica (59th place), and immediately after South Africa, Venezuela and Mauritius (leaders, in order: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, USA, Netherlands, South Korea, Canada, Australia, France, etc.).

According to the IRMO, there are five best Russian government departments in terms of the degree of provision of electronic services:

1. The Federal Tax Service -

2. Federal Customs Service -

3. The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications -

4. Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance -

5. Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology -

And the five worst:

80. The Federal Service for Technical and Export Control -

81. Main Department of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation -

82. Department of Energy -

83 -84 Federal Agency for the supply of weapons, military, special equipment and materiel - no site.

83 -84. The Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market - no website [2].

In this case, we note that each central institution has regional and regional branches (departments), which may not have sites. The author sees the solution to the problem in creating unified root sites with nested peripheral sites, like those of the NBA, NHL or MTS, Beeline.

We present some of the projects that should be completed by 2011 in the framework of the Electronic Russia program (see table).



Registration of motor vehicles


Providing information on administrative offenses in the field of road traffic


State technical inspection of vehicles


Customs clearance


Making social payments to the unemployed


State registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it


Real estate registration


Registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay


Registration, issuance, replacement of passports of a citizen of the Federal Republic


We note the scandal that broke out in early 2010 - it turned out that a third of the sites of federal government agencies do not belong to the relevant departments and what is most interesting is the Kremlin’s official website,, does not belong to the Presidential Administration. Sites were registered on individuals and "daughters" at government agencies. Organizations were justified by the fact that it is easier and there is no need for numerous approvals within organizations.

Internet financial systems

To the financial Internet - systems we assign the following types of online business:

a) Internet - trading.

b) Internet banking.

c) Internet - insurance.

First, consider the Internet - trading . E-commerce gradually erases the line between brokers and the exchange. To date, electronic trading systems have become almost fully automated, performing two main functions of the exchange: 1) reduce the seller with the buyer, 2) ensure the conclusion and execution of the transaction. Such systems allow eliminating intermediaries (brokers and dealers, including market makers, investment consultants and other professional market participants) who used to have almost exclusive access to information and the stock exchange [3].

Since April 1999, the SEC rules (Securities and Exchanges Commissin - Securities and Exchange Commission) have been in place regarding the registration and operation of Alternative Trading Systems (ATS) - electronic trading platforms where orders are issued, processed and executed . In fact, ATS are full-fledged exchanges, but subject to the law for broker-dealers.

Electronic communications networks (ECN - Electronic Communication Network), which are a special case of ATS, are becoming more and more developed. Unlike ATS, they were created as an environment for processing and executing limit orders, which are not currently executed on the ordinary exchange platform (including in the ATS) until their price becomes market. According to the SEC rules, networks can be registered as brokers, de facto being a full-fledged trading platform where applications are met and executed.

The goal of the SEC, which develops and supports the new legislative environment and the concept of the development of the stock market, is to reduce the barrier to entry into this field of business, create a competitive environment and promote the spread of new electronic technologies. Therefore, for “beginners” ATS and ECN, which have not yet gained momentum, simplified reporting rules apply. When the turnover in ATS becomes high enough, it can register as an exchange. To do this, the SEC had to expand the concept of “exchange”.

So, the brokerage service in the Internet - Internet trading is a service provided by an investment intermediary (a bank or a brokerage company) that allows a client to buy / sell securities and currencies in real time through the world wide web.

There are two options for trading: via a web site and using an open source software, such as MetaTrader or Quik.

Internet banking. The primary element of a complete financial services system is the banking sector. It allows you to ensure the conduct of calculations and control over them by all participants in financial relations. In addition to obvious advantages for corporate users, many of whom are already ready to switch from bank-client systems to managing financial resources via the Internet, the system should also satisfy the needs of private users. So, having opened a single account in a bank that has installed an Internet banking system, the user should be able, without rising from a computer, to settle accounts with Internet, cellular and paging service providers, make payments for utilities, make purchases in virtual stores and much more.

The provision of banking services via the Internet is one of the most dynamic e-commerce segments, which continues to evolve at a rapid pace along with the growth in the number of web users. Simultaneously with the increase in the audience, the number of customers carrying out banking operations via the Internet is growing, as well as their share in the total mass of individual customers of banks.

Internet banking provides the opportunity to perform all standard operations in the physical office of a bank, with the exception of cash transactions:

  • make all utility payments (electricity, gas, telephone, rent, heat);
  • pay bills for communication (IP-telephony, cellular and paging communication, the Internet) and other services (satellite TV, training, etc.);
  • make money transfers, including in foreign currency, to any account in any bank;
  • transfer funds to pay bills for goods, including those purchased through online stores;
  • buy and sell foreign currency;
  • replenish / withdraw funds from a plastic card account;
  • open various types of accounts (urgent, savings, pension) and transfer funds to them;
  • receive account statements for a certain period in various formats, etc .;

Note that the Internet service is implemented to some extent in most banks of the Russian Federation.

Internet - insurance . Under the insurance is usually understood the process of establishing and maintaining contractual relations between the buyer of insurance services (the insured) and their seller (insurer). The insurer determines the insurance program and offers it to the insured. If the conditions of the proposed program suit the client, then both parties enter into an insurance contract and the client makes one-time or regular payments within the framework of the concluded contract. When an insured event occurs, the insurer pays the policyholder the monetary compensation determined by the terms of the insurance contract. The document certifying the conclusion of the insurance contract and containing the obligation of the insurer is an insurance policy.

Internet insurance is a complex of the above elements of interaction between an insurance company and its client, arising in the process of selling an insurance product, its maintenance and payment of insurance compensation, if it is fully or largely carried out using the Internet.

Internet insurance complex usually includes:

  • calculation of the insurance premium and determining the conditions for its payment;
  • filling out an insurance application form;
  • order and direct payment of the insurance policy;
  • the implementation of periodic payments (installment insurance premiums);
  • maintenance of an insurance contract during the period of its validity (information exchange between the insurer and the insurer - generation of arbitrary reports upon user requests, including reports on the status and history of changes in contracts, receipts and payments);
  • exchange of information between the insurer and the insurer upon the occurrence of the insured event, etc.

The procedure for the virtual purchase of an insurance policy for an ordinary consumer usually looks like this. After determining the insurance object and setting its main characteristics, the system automatically calculates the insurance premium and determines the conditions for its payment. Next, you should fill in the application form for insurance, order and payment of the policy, which is then delivered by courier or by mail. In addition, modern virtual insurance systems allow you to carry out the entire subsequent contract maintenance process during its validity period. Thus, when servicing a company’s virtual representative office, one can never find out where its office is located. At the same time, the factor of trust in the insurance company is of great importance, therefore its popularity and reliability are among the important circumstances for the successful provision of virtual insurance services.


Questions for self-study:

[1] Expert Magazine, 2009, No. 37, p. 82.

[2] Approx. author - but there is a website EGAIS.

[3] Note that in the Russian Federation, registration is still required through a brokerage firm with a personal presence. The option of registering directly on the RTS or MICEX is possible, but personal attendance is required during the paperwork. The easiest way is to register via the Internet in an offshore brokerage office (for example, Cyprus) with the sending of photocopies of documents through regular mail, but in this case the risks are high. The least risky ways are registration through investment funds and banks, for example, KIT Finance or Troika Dialog, as well as directly at brokerage houses. But at the same time for a resident, let's say the settlement Mezmay is problematic.


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