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Genres of computer games


We take the actions most frequently performed in games of this genre as the main criterion for dividing genres (camera position: view from the eyes, rear view, view from the top, view from the cockpit; movement of time: real time or step-by-step mode; number of players - not are criteria for genres, they only determine the way the gameplay is presented).
Games are divided into three large groups: role-playing, shooters, strategies. All games within the group are very similar to each other, but at the same time there are games with various deviations. Standards of groups of games are in the golden mean, and genres with increasing deviations are farther from the center.
15 basic gameplay elements of which any game consists in general are highlighted (the penultimate line from the bottom: training, riddles, communication, role, study, collection, evasion, destruction, competition, technique, care, development, control, tactics, plan).
A detailed description of the internal logic of the scheme of genres can be found in the article "Classification of genres of computer games."

Genres of computer games
To view detailed information about the genre, click on the appropriate block in the diagram.

Games Information:

Action-RPG (combat role-playing game)

Open RPG (open role-playing game)

RPG (Roleplay)

MUD (Text online game)
MMORPG (online role playing)

Quest (Quest)
Browser RPG (browser-based role-playing)

Education (educational game)
Test (questions, riddles)
Hero (hero game)
Toure (journey)
Action Games:

Open Action

Action (thriller)

Slasher (battle)
Battle Racing (Races-battles)

Platformer (Platformer)
Arcade Action (primitive fighter)
Fighting (duel)
Racing (Racing)

Arcade (arcade)
Stealth-Action (Spy Thriller)
Shooter (Shooter)
Sport (Sport)
Simulator (Hardware Simulator)
Control games:

RTS (Action Strategy)

Global Strategy

Strategy (local strategy)

Sim Strategy (indirect control)
Global Wargame (Global War)

Economical (economic strategy)
Wargame (war game)
Cardgame (role-playing card game)

Logic (Logic games)
Tactic (Tactical game)
MicroControl (microcontrol)
City-building (gradostroy)
Life Sim (sim)

Games Information

As the name implies, the main thing in the games of this group is to obtain information in all its manifestations. In such games, sometimes there is both planning and dynamics, but the information in them is much more important.
The golden mean of the group is “RPG (RolePlayng Game)” - “role-playing game”.
Games in which "you can live", get used to the role of the hero, in which the main advantages are the atmosphere, the plot, the game world.
On one border of the group - a straight line like a rail, a plot (where there is a single correct path, and it is impossible to move even a step away from this path), on the other boundary, the opposite is absolute freedom (a huge open world, freedom of action and the complete absence of a plot). All genres of the group lie between these two extremes.
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Education (educational game)
Names: "Children's game", "Game for preschoolers"
Composition: this is an elementary genre of "learning"
About the genre: Many people, starting the transfer of the names of the genres known to them, forget about this particular genre. Only two categories of people remember him: the creators of such games themselves and the parents of young children.

C am genre is intended for a narrow age audience, but, as an integral part, it is used in a variety of games. Such a part is called tutorial.
Description: The main action is getting new information, or rather, learning. The simplest of them - the study of numbers, the alphabet, the names of things.
Sign: training material, lack of discretion
Games: children
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Test (questions, riddles)
Names: "Intellectual game" ("intellectual game")
Composition: this is an elementary genre of "riddles"
About the genre: P compared to the games of learning here is more freedom: there are several options for answering each question. This includes almost all intelligent television quizzes, and their computer counterparts.
Description: The main action is a test of knowledge (previously received information). A question is asked, the player must choose the only correct answer from the options offered, or, in the absence of ready-made options, create his own answer.
Sign: multiple answer options
Games: "Who want to be a millionaire?"
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Contact
Names: “Rromantic adventure” (“romantic adventure”), “Communication game”, “dating simulator”, “romance”
Composition: this is an elementary genre of "communication"
About the genre: In comparison with the games “riddles”, there is more freedom here: there are always more than one correct answer, and the result of this action may depend on all previous actions on the player’s next question or answer. Many questions and answers are connected logically into one whole - into a conversation.

It is the only group of games, where the main place is communication - dating simulators.
From the same time, it is possible to refer the so-called “artificial intelligence simulation programs” (this is when you can enter text that represents a question or statement, but the program will logically respond to all this), although it is difficult to call it a game.

And the genres of this genre are primitive. There is still a very large potential for their development. The possible further development of such games will contribute to the creation of an important part of artificial intelligence - logical speech.
Description: The main action is communication (conversation). A virtual interlocutor communicates with the player, capable of both asking questions to the player and answering many questions from the player.
Sign: interlocutor and nothing else
Games: "The Adventures of Larry", "Rendezvous with a Stranger"
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Hero (hero game)
Composition: This elementary genre "hero"
About the genre: The Heroic system as one of the components of the game is used in most modern games. This genre admixture is used in action games and strategies, and, of course, it holds almost all role-playing games.
In its pure form is found only in the simplest games - social networking applications.
Description: The main action is the development of something and anyone according to the levels and characteristics. In such games, there is a small proportion of communication, but, basically, it boils down only to sharing results with other players.
Sign: hero statistics (levels, characteristics, things)
Games: gaming applications in social networks
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Toure (journey)
Names: "Virtual Guide", "Sandbox"
Composition: This is an elementary genre of "exploring the world"
About the genre: In comparison with the “heroic” games, there is still more freedom. The player can still communicate with any creature, but plus to this, he can now decide which creature will play what role in his life. The player chooses who the enemy is for him, who is a friend, with whom you can talk, and who you can not notice at all. Before him is a free, open world to explore.

With the freedom of one being ends where the freedom of another begins. And as the most extreme point of freedom - complete loneliness. In most games, this state is temporary. Role connections are absent at the beginning of the game, they are created in the process.

But there are also games that are very close to the extreme point, where the player is practically alone, and he is free in his actions. This is the so-called "virtual travel", now an extinct genre. The most memorable game in this genre was a trip to a virtual tropical island. Of the modern games, the closest game to this genre is “ThePath” (a game about a lonely girl walking in the forest).
Description: The main action is the study of the surrounding world. The player goes where he wants, communicates with whom he wants, and does what he wants. There is nothing mandatory to perform.
Sign: huge open world, freedom of choice
Games: "The Path"
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Puzzle
Composition: "Learning", "mystery"
About the genre: W arr at the junction of "learning" and "riddles." The result is a single process: learning and, immediately, the application of the knowledge gained during one game.
Description: The main action is the study of certain rules, laws; then search for fairly simple combinations of actions that, according to these laws, will lead to the desired result.
Sign: incomprehensible devices, mechanisms or abilities
Games: World of Goo, Braid, Crazy Machines
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Quest (Quest)
Names: "Classic Quest" ("Classic Quest")
Composition: "Riddle", "communication"
About the genre: This is the same puzzle: you need to solve some riddle (task, problem), but the methods for solving it are unknown to the player. In order for the riddle to be solved, you need to collect the scattered information yourself, and for this you need to communicate with various interlocutors (who, in turn, will in turn ask all the new riddles).
As a rule, the quest is fairly linear, the solution is either only or very few.
Description: The main action is solving the problems (tasks, riddles) of other people to solve their own main problem. Half of the game - communication with the characters, half - solving riddles. Most often, puzzles are solved by applying the right thing in the right place. To transfer things there is a small inventory.
Sign: talk, use of things
Games: "Syberia", "Last Express", "Machinarium"
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Browser RPG (browser-based role-playing)
Names: browser games
Composition: "Communication", "role"
About the genre: B rauzernye games exist due to communication of a set of real players. They all compete in a single role-playing system.
Description: The main action is communication in the broad sense of the word (conversation, battle, union, trade). In such games you can communicate with several categories of people (living beings). Which category the creatures belong to depends on their role in your life. These can be: enemies, allies, merchants. Each category of creatures has its own method of communication.
Sign: interaction with real players for the development of their hero
Games: "Botva", "Ponaali here", gaming applications in social networks
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Adventure
Names: "Walker"
Composition: "Role", "exploring the world"
About the genre: In the composition there is a "study of the world", it means this "journey". Also in the composition there is a “role”, which means there is a plot. The result is that this is a “journey” with a “plot”. What can be called in one word - “adventure”.
He is “armed” with the whole arsenal of the role-playing system, the plot is rather simple, but interesting.

About ry long ago, before the appearance of three-dimensionality in games, this place was occupied by so-called “Adventures”, a long-dead genre. But now it also includes the most excellent games, those in which the plot and atmospheric beat over the gameplay.
Description: And gra is one big map, or several pieces, usually different in gameplay, but interconnected. There are no special restrictions on moving around the map. In the game world there are a lot of interesting characters, almost everyone can talk. All heroic attributes are available (development, skills, things carried with them).
Sign: spacious world, lots of interesting characters
Games: “Beyond Good & Evil”, “Dreamfall: The Longest Journey”, “Scrapland”
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer games MUD (Text online game)
Names: "Interactive fiction"
Composition: "Learning", "riddles", "communication"
About the genre: F antiques - MUD. It is easy to imagine such games as quests, but without a graphic image of the world. Interaction with the virtual world occurs through the "communication" text. The words that can be used to solve the set plot puzzles are unknown. They need to invent, carefully studying the provided text.
Description: A description of the place appears in the text box, and you can set commands in the text line: move in some direction, use the thing, use the spell ... The game has a role-playing system (often a classic D & D, sometimes its own, original) and determines character development.
The most curious thing is that the player’s complete list of keywords is unknown. Moreover, it depends on the place where his hero is located. Carefully reading the descriptions, you can find a lot of new things, from an inattentive player - hidden. In such worlds, truly knowledge is power.
Sign: solving quests with text commands
Games: Adamant MUD, Arctic MUD, RMUD
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer games MMORPG (online role playing)
Composition: "Communication", "role", "exploring the world"
About the genre: A broad sense of the word. In contrast to the "quest", you need to communicate here not to solve problems, but to develop your social status (which in most cases is displayed only in numbers opposite the line "hero level" and an increase in the number of special moves).

Also in the MMORPG is often a very huge world open to exploration, but it becomes almost meaningless and unnecessary without the participation of other players. In fact, players compete with each other in a huge, but half-empty world. In one case, directly - "PvP" (Player versus Player), in another case, indirectly, through his merits - "PvE" (Player versus Enemy).
Description: P comfort on the virtual world, communication with other characters, the development of your character. Peaceful communication with other players occurs in the cities of the virtual world, pumping - outside of them. The relatively boring gameplay that prevails in ordinary locations is diluted by instances (these are more carefully crafted separate game locations) with unique events in story quests, mass entertainment such as raids, assault rides and local wars.
Sign: a lot of real players in the virtual world with an RPG system
Games: World of Warcraft, Lineage II, Allods: Online
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer gamesGenres of computer games RPG (Roleplay)
Composition: "Riddles", "communication", "role"
About the genre: The middle of the "information games" section.

These elements of “riddles”, “communication” are put together in “quests”, on which the whole plot of such games is built.A rather large freedom appears in the plot due to the element “role.” The role in turn is communication in the broad sense of the word. The result is: role communication in the name of solving global problems.
Description: The main action is communication in the broad sense of the word (conversation, battle, union, trade). In such games you can communicate with several categories of people (living beings). Which category the creatures belong to depends on their role in your life. It can be: enemies, allies, merchants, employers, just passersby. Each category of creatures has its own method of communication. All this communication is a tool for solving clearly defined tasks in the form of “quests”.
Sign: plot-based role system
Games: "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic", "Neverwinter Nights", "Dragon Age: Origins"
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Open RPG (open role-playing game)
Names: "True RPG"
Composition: «загадки», «общение», «роль», «изучение мира»
О жанре: « Р олевые игры» с добавлением свободного для изучения мира. По сравнению с обычными RPGпоявилась очень большая свобода действий, а значит роль сюжета уменьшилась. Чаще всего сюжет представлен лишь одним длинным основным квестом, нужным для прохождения игры (в классическом понимании), и в принципе необязательным для выполнения. Если рассматривать составляющие жанра, то «Open RPG» – это «приключение» («роль»+«изучение мира»), доверху напичканное независимыми друг от друга «квестами» («загадки»+«общение»).
Description: Г лавное действие — общение в широком смысле слова (разговор, сражение, союз, торговля). В таких играх общаться можно с несколькими категориями людей (живых существ). К какой категории относятся существа, зависит от их роли в вашей жизни. Это могут быть: враги, союзники, торговцы, работодатели, просто прохожие. Игрок сам выбирает (своими действиями) кто и какую роль будет играть в его жизни, кто будет врагом, а кто союзником. Всё это ролевое общение – инструмент для решения четко поставленных задач в виде «квестов».
Признак: множество независимых «квестов», свобода выбора своих врагов и союзников
Игры: серия «The Elder Scrolls» («Morrowind», «Oblivion»), «Gothic», «Fable: The Lost Chapters»
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Action-RPG (боевая ролевая игра)
Названия: «Hack'n'Slash RPG»
Composition: «загадки», «общение», «роль», «уклонение», «уничтожение»
О жанре: Ж анр на стыке двух разделов «игр информации» и «игр действий». Смесь двух жанров: «RPG» и «Slasher».

Э то всё та же «RPG», но в ней основной упор сделан на один элемент ролевого общения – сражение. В следствие чего остальные элементы (разговор, союз, торговля) атрофировались и ушли на второй план. Сделано это с помощю того, что из всех элементов игры наиболее интересен сделан геймплей сражения. Все действия также как в «RPG» происходят для выполнения «квестов». Но в «Action-RPG» цель это не главное, главным становится процесс.
Description: Г лавное действие — один из элементов ролевого общения - сражение. Все уровни такой игры представляют собой одно сплошное поле боя, на которых ничего кроме враждебных монстров нет, сражатся нужно постоянно. Существуют лишь небольшие островки безопасности – города или небольшие поселения, в которых и сосредоточены оставшиеся элементы ролевого общения – торговля, общение и союз.
Признак: ролевая игра, в которой сражения и прокачка доминируют над всем остальным
Игры: «Diablo II», «Dungeon Siege», «Torchlight»
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games

Игры действий

Г лавное в играх этой группы – движения, которые необходим совершать управляя каким либо телом (человеческим или гуманоидным), либо техническим средством.

З олотой серединой группы является «Action» (игра-боевик).
Н аиболее динамичные игры. Именно эти игры принято хвалить за то, что они развивают скорость реакции.

Н а одной границе группы - аркадность (простота в освоении, нереальность происходящего), на другой границе противоположность – симуляторность (сложность в освоении, реалистичность). Все жанры группы лежат между этими двумя крайностями.
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Arcade (аркада)
Названия: «Classic Arcade»
Composition: это элементарный жанр «собирание»
О жанре: П оявление слова «аркада» связано с простейшими игровыми автоматами, игры которых пытались выделить в жанр. Слово «аркада» используется и как прилагательное к другим жанрам, например: аркадный платформер, аркадный шутер, аркадные гонки. Под словом "аркадный" обычно понимают - нереалистичный, более простой чем в реальности.
Ч аще всего игру записывают в ряды аркад по такому принципу: если это игра действия, но не экшн (нельзя стрелять, сражаться) и не гонки (нельзя использовать технику), то это игра - аркада. Метод дедукции – это конечно хорошо, но пора бы уже дать и более точное определение жанра.

К лассическая аркада - группа очень разнообразных игр действия, не попадающих под определения других жанров. Единственное, чем их можно объединить вместе - небольшие по размеру уровни, которые нужно полностью зачистить.
Э то один из самых старых жанров. Эталонные игры этого жанра можно найти сейчас только на старых консолях. В настоящее время к этому жанру относятся только самые простые игры действия.
Description: Г лавная задача - собрать все особые объекты на уровне (иногда бывают более спецефичные задачи: закрасить весь уровень, найти выход, попасть в определенную точку). Чаще всего вид сверху, реже - вид сбоку. Безмятежный процесс сбора вещей нарушается присутствием на уровнях врагов или ловушек.
С амым известным представителем этого жанра является игра "Pacman".
Sign: task performance at a small limited level
Games: "Pacman", "Lode Runner", "Bomberman"
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Stealth-Action (Spy Thriller)
Composition: this is an elementary genre of "evasion"
About the genre: And the grasses in which it is extremely rarely necessary (or even not at all required) to destroy enemies. The focus is on stealth and accuracy of movement, avoiding contact with the enemy.
Description: Г лавное действие — скрытное передвижение. Герой игры – большой специалист в своем деле (шпион, вор, убийца, снайпер). Задачи соответствующие – взлом неприступных банков, бесшумные убийства, подрывная деятельность на территории вражеских государств. У героя имеется множество различных шпионских приспособлений: устройство ночного видения, ловушки, взрывные устройства, бесшумное оружие и всё в таком духе. Обычно управляемый персонаж очень уязвим. Если взяться играть в такую игру как в обычный «Action», то продлится это недолго – пара точных выстрелов в героя, и он мертв.
Признак: множество шпионских приспособлений, быстрая смерть от пуль
Игры: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory», «Hitman 2: Silent Assassin», «Thief: Deadly Shadows»
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Shooter (Стрелялка)
Названия: «Shoot'em up»
Composition: это элементарный жанр «уничтожение»
О жанре: Ч асто «шутерами» ошибочно называют вообще все «боевики», это не правильно. Большая часть «боевиков» намного сложней «шутеров».

С амый чистокровный представитель – «виртуальный тир» — предельно упрощенная игра, где вам просто надо попадать по каким-либо мишеням, обычно — движущимся. «Scroller» (игра с постоянным равномерным движением вперед, где очень часто главные герои – космические корабли) тоже относится сюда. Сюда же относятся самые простые боевики, где кроме стрельбы почти ничего нет.
Description: Г лавное действие — уничтожение всего, что движется. Количество боеприпасов почти всегда неограниченное, поэтому стрельбу можно вести постоянно. Камера может быть двух видов: вид сверху (тогда герой либо находится в центре экрана, а со всех сторон прут враги («Alien Sooter»), либо он движется вперед с постоянной скоростью, тем самым в границы экрана попадают всё новые и новые враги ) или вид из глаз (при этом герой либо всегда стоит на месте («Moorhuhn»), либо автоматически передвигается на новую позицию, после уничтожения всех врагов на текущем месте («House of the Dead»).
Признак: непрекращающаяся стрельба, перемещение ограничено
Игры: «Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare», «Medal of Honor: Allied Assault», «Moorhuhn», «House of the Dead»
Genres of computer games

Genres of computer games
Genres of computer gamesGenres of computer games Sport (Спорт)
Названия: «Спортивный симулятор», «Спортсим»
Composition: это элементарный жанр «соревнование»
О жанре: У правление человеческим телом, загнанным в определенные рамки правил, которые соблюдаются с максимальной тщательностью. Территория также ограничена, нельзя покинуть поле или стадион.

В жанре есть небольшое условное деление на одиночные и командные игры. Игры где мы управляем всего одним человеком: симулятор гольфа, легкой атлетики, художественной гимнастики и прочих видов спорта Олимпийских игр. В играх, где мы управляем не одним человеком, а целой командой (выбирая по очереди игроков команды), управление усложняется добавлением навигации между членами команды. Это симуляторы таких игр как: футбол, хоккей, баскетбол.
Description: Г лавное действие — соревнование. Ставится задача противостоять соперникам. Именно соперникам, а не врагам или конкурентам, поэтому всё

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Часть 1 Genres of computer games
Часть 2 Control games - Genres of computer games
Часть 3 - Genres of computer games


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Computer games developming

Terms: Computer games developming