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1. General idea of ​​psychological counseling


Plan 1. The concept of psychological counseling. Differences counseling and psychotherapy.

2. The subject of consultative psychology

3. Models of counseling psychology

4. Principles of psychological counseling

5. Types of psychological counseling

1. The concept of psychological counseling. Differences counseling and psychotherapy

The word “consultation” is used in several meanings: this is a meeting, the exchange of expert opinions on a particular case; expert advice; an institution that provides such advice, such as legal advice. Thus, consulting implies advice, clarification of a specialist on any issue, conversation with the aim of expanding and deepening knowledge. Literally, “advising” means giving advice on a problem of interest.

The word "psychological" can be understood in two ways. On the one hand, it may indicate that counseling is based on data from psychological science. On the other hand, it can be considered as an indication that counseling is carried out on psychological problems, i.e., it concerns such phenomena as psyche, activity, behavior.

Psychological counseling has a pronounced specificity, which is determined by the subject, goals and objectives of this process, as well as the way the consultant realizes his professional role in the individual logic of family life. The specificity of psychological counseling is an emphasis on dialogue, on the circulation of information, on information exchange between the psychological counselor and those people regarding whom psychological counseling is used.

Abroad, advisory psychology emerged as a special approach to providing psychological assistance to a person and family in difficult life situations in the 1950s. XX century. What is the basis of modern psychological counseling, originated and developed primarily in the mainstream of psychotherapy, the main psychotherapeutic areas developed in the West. Yu.V. Menovschikov is inclined to indicate a specific date for the emergence of psychological counseling - 1951, the time when the term “consultative psychology” was introduced at a conference in the USA in order to separate counseling from the clinical psychology of the industry - psychology dealing with the problems of helping people severely mentally or somatically ill. Naturally, this department was prepared by the whole course of development of psychotherapy before, and subsequently psychotherapy made and makes a significant contribution to the development of psychological counseling.

Counseling is distinguished from classical psychotherapy by the rejection of the concept of the disease, greater attention to the client’s life situation and his personal resources; from training - giving importance not so much to knowledge as to the ways of interaction between the consultant and the client, which creates additional opportunities for self-overcoming difficulties.

In domestic psychological science, the term "consultative psychology" appears in the early 90s. last century. Consultative psychology proceeds from the idea that with the help of a specially organized process of communication a person who has applied for help can be updated with additional psychological strengths and abilities that will help him find new ways out of difficult life situations.

Consultative psychology attempts to answer five basic questions.

Five core questions of counseling psychology

1. What is the essence of the process that occurs between a person (or family), who is in a difficult situation and has asked for help (the client), and a person who provides her (consultant)?

2. What functions should the consultant perform and what personality traits, attitudes, knowledge and skills are necessary for the successful performance of their functions?

3. What are the reserves, the internal strength of the client can be updated in the course of counseling?

4. What features does the situation in the life of the client impose on the counseling process?

5. What techniques and techniques can be consciously used in the process of providing assistance?

With all the differences that are observed today in understanding the essence of psychological counseling and its tasks, theorists and practitioners agree that counseling is a professional interaction between a trained consultant and a client, aimed at solving the problem of the latter. This interaction is usually done face to face, although it can sometimes involve more than two people.

Psychological counseling is closely related, and in many respects directly intertwined with psychological correction and psychotherapy. Moreover, these areas are often mixed by practicing psychologists themselves.

The word "psychotherapy" comes from the Greek foundations of "psy-ho" - the soul and "therapy" - care, care, treatment. Traditionally, psychotherapy implies a form of treatment of mental disorders. However, on what rightly draws our attention to EA. Spirkina, psychotherapy in the West in its development has long left this narrow framework. Knowledge and methods accumulated in it initially in the process of treating mental and psychosomatic disorders allowed psychotherapy in our time to become a means of personal growth and reaching maturity, a means of helping a person to deal with philosophical and existential problems, a means of increasing education, a means of achieving behavioral changes. The methodological basis for working with the client in the framework of this psychotherapy is various areas of psychoanalysis, behavioral and cognitive directions, various trends within the framework of a humanistic approach. Recently Ericksonian hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) have become popular. In our country, psychotherapy for a long time was taken to mean something different - the section of medicine, the methodological basis for working with a client in which were the works of I.M. Sechenov, V.M. Bekhtereva, P.B. Gannushkina, I.P. Pavlova and others, and the main methods of working with the client were hypnosis and autogenic training. When practical applications of Western psychotherapeutic areas began to penetrate into our country and were used by practical psychologists, the task arose of separating this new direction of psychological assistance from psychotherapy in its traditional sense for our country. To do this, they began to use the term "psycho-correction", meaning by it the application of Western psychotherapy. However, the term “psycho-correction” was not very successful for this. Firstly, it bears in itself a shade of subject-objectivity, which is not characteristic of some well-known areas of Western psychotherapy. Secondly, this term can also be used in relation to work with impaired development of higher mental functions, for example, in children. Currently, a compromise solution has been found on the definition of the concept of “psychocorrection” - a system of measures aimed at correcting deficiencies in psychology or human behavior using special means of psychological influence.

As we see, it is quite difficult to separate the two terms - “psychocorrection” and “psychological counseling”. Even psychological counselors who speak in favor of breeding these two concepts sometimes use them as synonyms. For example, Yu.E. Aleshina, in her guidance on psychological counseling, refers to the third stage of the consultative conversation as “Exerting psychocorrectional impact”. So, the term “psychological counseling” is more applicable to situations of dialogue, frank discussion, subject of subject communication. The term “psycho-correction” is more applicable to situations of planned impact, when the specialist who has an impact is not fully open to the client, their communication is not in the nature of a frank dialogue, the relationship is tinged with subject-objectness. We also believe that psychological counseling can be more oriented towards settling the client’s relationship with other people, and psycho-correction can be oriented towards solving the client’s internal problems. However, when we discuss the actual process of working with a client, it is difficult to determine where psychocorrection ends and psychological counseling begins.

Therefore, in a situation of real analysis of work on impact, it would not be a serious violation to consider these terms as synonyms. Note that the word "psychocorrection" is purely Russian. In Western psychology, this term is not used. In the domestic literature, a new phrase has recently emerged to designate psychotherapy in the sense in which this word is understood in the West, “non-medical psychotherapy”.

The main differences of psychological counseling from psycho-correction and psychotherapy, reflecting the essence of this method of providing psychological assistance, are as follows:

1. A wider scope of application compared with clinical practice, the focus on the problems of mentally healthy people. Psychological counseling has been used in education, management and industry, to solve individual and family problems.

2. Orientation to a broader use of data obtained in empirical studies, organized according to an experimental plan, using the methods of mathematical statistics to analyze the results.

3. Work primarily with situational problems solved at the level of consciousness, in contrast to the focus on in-depth analysis of problems and work with the unconscious in psychotherapy.

4. A large subject-subjectness, dialogue dialogue psychologist and client. The implication is that the client is a healthy person who can be delegated more responsibility for his life.

5. Orientation to the healthy side of the client’s personality, rejection of the concept of the disease in the process of working with it, recognition of the client’s rights to greater variability of behavioral reactions and mental states as healthy, not painful phenomena.

6. Orientation to the greater activity and independence of the client in the process of working with him, the awakening of internal human resources.

7. Admissibility in psychological counseling of a wider range of diverse professional models of the work of a psychologist consultant than in psychotherapy.

Now, following Yu.E. Aleshina will consider the specific procedural differences of psychological counseling from psychotherapy:

1. Differences due to the nature of customer complaints. In the case of psychological counseling, the client complains about difficulties in interpersonal relationships or carrying out any activity. In the case focused on psychotherapy, the client complains about the inability to control himself.

2. Differences associated with the process of diagnosis. In psychological counseling, diagnostics is mainly focused on the events of the present and recent past. At the same time, considerable attention is paid to specific behavior, interpersonal relations. In large part of the psychotherapeutic approaches, diagnostics is mainly aimed at the events of distant childhood and adolescence (the probable time of psychological trauma). Considerable attention is also paid to the analysis of the unconscious: dreams and associations are explored.

3. Differences associated with the process of impact. The basis of psychological counseling is primarily a change in the client’s attitudes towards other people and into various forms of relationships with them. The next stage of work is the change in customer behavior. In a significant part of psychotherapeutic approaches, much more attention is paid to the relationship between the client and

a psychotherapist whose analysis in terms of transference and countertransference is one of the most important means of deepening and expanding the possibilities of influence, whereas for counseling it may even act as an undesirable side effect that makes it difficult to work. The transfer here refers to the tendency of the client to transfer (project) to the specialist who has an impact, and his relationship with him, and his relationship with significant people, the main problems and conflicts; under countertransference - the inclination of the specialist who influences to project their relationships with significant people, the main internal problems and conflicts on the relationship with the client.

4. Differences associated with the timing of work. Psychological counseling is often short-term and rarely exceeds 5-6 meetings with a client. Psychotherapy is often focused on dozens or even hundreds of meetings over a number of years.

5. Differences related to the type of clients. Almost anyone can be a client in psychological counseling. Most areas of psychotherapy are focused on neurotics with a high level of development of the propensity for self-observation and self-analysis, which are able to pay for often expensive and long-term treatment with sufficient time and motivation for this.

6. Differences in the requirements for the level of training of the specialist who has an impact. The psychologist-consultant needs a psychological diploma (certifies his knowledge of the achievements of scientific psychology) and some additional specialized training in the theory and practice of psychological counseling, which may not be very long. Practical training of a future counseling psychologist implies monitoring the work of an experienced psychologist consultant (better than a few) and independent work experience under the supervision of an experienced consulting psychologist with subsequent analysis of the activities. The psychotherapist is not strongly tied to a psychological diploma (many psychotherapists grew out of the medical environment or from areas much more distant from psychology). He needs to get a document certifying his right to work within the framework of the direction of psychotherapy he has chosen. In contrast to the psychological counselor, the psychotherapist in most areas requires a long experience of his own psychotherapy (in order to understand what the client feels while working with him, to understand the features of his countertransference) and a long period of independent work under the supervision of an experienced leader.

We define psychological counseling as direct work with people, aimed at solving various kinds of psychological problems associated with difficulties in interpersonal relationships, where the main means of influence is a certain way to build a conversation.

The appropriate form of conversation is actively used in psychocorrectional work, and in psychotherapy. But if counseling is focused primarily on helping the client in reorganizing his interpersonal relationships, then psychocorrectional or psychotherapeutic influence is mainly focused on solving the underlying personal problems of a person that underlie most life difficulties and conflicts.

2. The subject of consultative psychology

Consultative psychology can be defined as a section of modern science aimed at studying the structure and patterns of the process of psychological counseling.

Regardless of how to interpret psychological counseling, it is obvious that this type of activity at the present stage of development of society is a reality that needs to be studied.

The emergence of consultative psychology prepared by the entire course of development of psychology, until the beginning of the XXI century.

At different stages of the development of psychology, various branches of it arose and became relevant.

Psychological science originated as the science of the laws of mental activity, aimed at the study of such a complex object as the psyche. At first, the authors were interested in the most common laws of mental activity. Studied:

a) as a person in general (a certain generalized, abstract person)

learns the world around;

b) on the basis of individual sensations coming from the senses, he develops a certain integral image of the world and himself in this world;

c) how he builds the image of his action in the world;

d) how it really works in this world.

This is how the general psychology appeared and began to develop.

Over time, on this path, psychology approached the fact of the existence of individual differences , due to which differential psychology appeared, and psychodiagnostics began to develop intensively. The study of patterns of human behavior in general has become exhausted.

First came the typology of individual differences, then the methods for identifying them. The use of data on individual differences strongly advanced science and firmly entered by the end of the 20th century. in practice psychologists practitioners.

Further, the direction of research begins to shift more and more towards such uniqueness, which cannot be typologized. Now we are increasingly talking about the uniqueness, unpredictability of each person. Naturally, the general laws of the mental exist, and typologies, for example, temperament, character, are justified. But we are increasingly approaching those aspects that it was impossible to explore with the help of the old paradigms. The emergence and development of humanistic psychology correspond to this fact.

Здесь же закладываются основы и консультативной психологии. Когда стали исследовать уникальность, познавать ее законы, использовать эти законы в практике оказания помощи конкретному человеку, вместо закономерностей психики предметом научного анализа становились закономерности диалога, позволяющие работать с индивидуальностью. Локус исследования сместился с индивидуальных различий на различия в способах ведения диалога, в формах организации взаимоотношений между специалистом, оказывающим воздействие, и клиентом. Ученых стало интересовать, какие способы организации диалога способствуют выявлению закономерностей функционирования уникальности конкретного человека, а какие препятствуют этому процессу, блокируют его, делают порой совсем невозможным; какие параметры взаимоотношений помогают оказывать психологическую помощь в опоре на закономерности уникальности клиента, а какие мешают.

Another important step in the development of psychology, which predetermined the emergence of consultative psychology, was the inclusion in the context of a psychological analysis of the social environment in which a person lives. Began to study the effect of the fact of involvement in large and small groups on the mental activity of a person. This corresponded to the emergence and development of social psychology in the field of scientific and applied research.

Но и в психотерапии, в области, возникшей из практики оказания психологической помощи и благодаря этой практике, локус анализа на протяжении XX в. все более смещается в сторону социального контекста. Теперь мы видим, что согласно многим направлениям современной практической психологии фактор текущей социальной среды вообще признается решающим для объяснения поведения человека вопреки, скажем, его прошлому, детству. Ярким примером этого служит современная семейная терапия, где в рамках крупнейшего и влиятельнейшего системного подхода (Сальвадор Минухин, Мюррей Боуэн, Натан Аккерман, Карл Витакер, Иван Бошормени-Надь, Теодор Лидс и другие) межличностный контекст (фокусирование на текущих взаимодействиях) всецело доминирует над интрапсихическим контекстом (концентрация внимания на прошлом индивида).

One should appreciate the role of psychotherapy for the emergence of counseling psychology. At the initial stages of its development, psychology was primarily an academic science. There was no question of the wide use of her achievements, since there were not so many of these achievements. The urgent and most painful tasks of the practice laid the foundation for the emergence at the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX centuries. in the West of psychotherapy. So began to lay the foundations of counseling psychology. In addition, the amount of psychological knowledge in general has greatly increased, for example, psychotherapy has significantly advanced such a branch of general psychology as personality psychology.

На первых этапах развития психологического консультирования естественным был интерес к природе той реальности, с которой сталкивается клиент в своей жизни, которая порождает проблемы, с которыми он приходит в психологическую консультацию. Например, психолог, занимающийся психологическим консультированием в организации, естественный интерес будет проявлять к психологии организаций, к тем психологическим закономерностям, которые обусловливают поведение людей в организациях. Психолога, работающего с семейными проблемами, будет интересовать психология семьи. And so on. Впоследнее время все более отчетливо заявляет о себе другой ракурс анализа - что реально происходит в момент консультирования между консультантом и лицом, находящимся в положении клиента. Многие психологи-консультанты, оказывающие помощь на основе доведения до клиентов имеющей отношение к их проблемам психологической информации, не раз отмечали, что в процессе диалога между ними и клиентами возникало и еще что-то (кроме объективного контекста), что помогало решать проблемы. После консультации с проблем клиента они переключались на анализ самого диалога. Этому ракурсу и соответствует консультативная психология.

Объект изучения консультативной психологии – человек, группа или система людей как субъект психологической помощи.

Современные представления о предмете консультативной психологии многообразны. Предметом исследования консультативной психологии являются:

  • социально-психологические характеристики (свойства, процессы и состояния) индивида как субъекта психологической помощи. Консультативная психология изучает те личностные особенности клиентов, которые проявляются в результате их жизни в социуме и вызывают тревогу, мешают адекватно функционировать, нуждаются в понимании (самопонимании), принятии, развитии и др. Наиболее часто изучаются тревожность, застенчивость, конфликтность, возбудимость, зависимость, агрессивность. Чаще всего социально-психологические характеристики являются предметом индивидуального психологического консультирования.
  • феномены общения и взаимодействия индивида со средой, являющиеся причиной для обращения за психологической помощью. Сюда относятся отношения и взаимодействие в диадах "родитель-ребенок", "учитель-ученик", "начальник-подчиненный", "психолог-клиент", "врачбольной". Они исследуются в индивидуальном психологическом консультировании, семейном консультировании, организационном консультировании, психолого-педагогическом консультировании и др.
  • социально-психологические характеристики (свойства, процессы, состояния) групп людей как целостных систем в контексте оказания психологической помощи. Предметом консультативной психологии может быть групповая сплоченность или напряженность, конфликты в системе (в семье, школе, производственном коллективе, организации).
  • psychological mechanisms of interaction and human impact on each other. For example, the study of the mechanisms of persuasion, suggestion, imitation is typical for the medical consulting industry. In psychological and pedagogical counseling, the mechanisms of identification and interiorization are important in solving the problems of child socialization, the formation of social norms and rules.
  • психология профессиональной подготовки и профессиональной деятельности психолога-консультанта. Предметом консультативной психологии являются особенности формирования личности профессионала, психологические закономерности становления его профессиональной идентичности, условия, организация и содержание его профессиональной деятельности. Особую важность приобретает изучение эпистемологических (от греч. episteme – знание, понимание), онтологических (бытийных) и аксиологических (ценностных) аспектов деятельности психологаконсультанта.
  • психологические технологии оказания консультативной помощи иих сравнительная эффективность.

Currently, the analysis of the subject of consultative psychology is an important theoretical problem. The prevailing ideas about the subject are very differentiated, which is typical of most adjacent, bordering areas of psychology. Today it is more expedient to talk about the “subject field” of consultative psychology.

При попытке придерживаться более «узкого» и конкретного понимания предмета мы сталкиваемся с некоторыми ограничениями в вопросе о предмете консультативной психологии. Индивид, обратившийся за помощью, может при первой консультации предъявить свою проблему, например, агрессивность. Но если мы сведем ее к социальнопсихологическим характеристикам индивида, мы упустим специфику проявления агрессивности в той или иной социальной среде, источники ее возникновения и способы изменения поведения. Более продуктивным, на наш взгляд, является принятие положения о существовании «"предметного поля» консультативной психологии, состоящего из:

клиента – личности и/или группы как субъекта психологической

помощи со всей присущей ей спецификой социально-психологических характеристик и взаимодействий,

psychologist-consultant - a specialist with a certain level

theoretical and practical training and personal characteristics in conjunction with the process, conditions, specifics of professional consulting activities,

psychotechnology (methods, techniques, techniques)

effective provision of psychological assistance.

Consultative psychology is not a uniquely interpreted area of ​​scientific knowledge. It is a combination of theoretical and practical approaches with a very wide range of applications.

3. Models of counseling psychology

Психотерапия и психологическое консультирование - процесс, происходящий между двумя людьми, в котором участвуют в равной мере сознательное и бессознательное начала как психотерапевта (психологаконсультанта), так и пациента (клиента). При этом к личности психолога предъявляются требования рефлексии, открытости к собственному опыту и многое другое. Эти требования в разной форме работают в различных школах психотерапии и психологического консультирования.

1. Медицинская модель. Наиболее важные моменты, касающиеся различий во взаимодействии с клиентами психологов, придерживающихся соответственно медицинской и психологической моделей, связаны со следующими параметрами:

директивность – недирективность психолога; анонимность – самораскрытие;

opportunity - the impossibility of expressing positive and

negative feelings towards the client;

one-sidedness - bilateralism is the degree of responsibility of the psychologist (psychotherapist) and the client (patient) for the effectiveness of counseling (psychotherapy).

2. Psychological (student-centered, humanistic). Differences of the psychological model from the medical one: it comes from individual, not social ethics; perceives a person as indivisible integrity, and not the sum of organs and mechanisms; comes from the principle of reality, and not opposing objectivity and subjectivity; addresses problems and potencies, not diseases and shortcomings; focused on the development and optimization of individual being, and not on the elimination of symptoms and the normalization of social behavior; focuses on the process, not on the method; concentrates on the present, opening the way to the future, and not on the past in the name of returning to the former norm; presupposes the work of the psychologist “by himself” (personal involvement), and not by “technology” (V.E. Kagan)

3. Pedagogicalthe model is based on the hypothesis of lack of competence of the client in the area of ​​life skills, knowledge, skills in which he is experiencing difficulties. The task of the psychologist is to analyze the problems and develop a set of measures aimed at resolving them. In the pedagogical model, the therapy process is aimed not at “cure” (the term of the medical paradigm), but at the correction or more successful adaptation of the client to reality, i.e. the goal is to teach the client to cope more successfully with this reality. The psychologist acts as an authoritative (but not authoritarian) and encouraging teacher who strives to teach clients to be the best consultants for themselves. According to our observations, this model is often used by school psychologists in advising parents and teachers on the upbringing and education of children.

4. Диагностическая модель предполагает, что психолог выступает в качестве компетентного специалиста, главная задача которого – проведение диагностики и информирование клиента (или заказчика – лица, осознающего наличие проблемы у клиента и обратившегося к психологу) о характере проблемы, путях и прогнозах по ее решению. Эта модель широко используется при массовых отборах (например, при рекрутинге), в профессиональном консультировании (в школах, в центрах занятости) и направлена, прежде всего, на оказание психологической помощи в жизненном и профессиональном самоопределении.

3. Принципы психологического консультирования

The word "principle" comes from lat. principium is the basis, the beginning, and means the basic, initial position of any theory, doctrine; guiding idea, the main rule of action. The principles of psychological counseling are the essence of the rules of work arising from the practical experience of people in this area. In our description of the principles of psychological counseling, we will adhere to the order that Yu.E. Aleshina.

1. Friendly and non-judgmental attitude towards the client.

2. Orientation to the norms and values ​​of the client.

3. Careful attitude to advice.

4. The distinction between personal and professional relationships.

5. Client involvement in the consultation process.

6. Anonymity.

7. Acceptance by the client of responsibility for what is happening with him

4. Types of psychological counseling

The following types of psychological counseling are described in the Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia:

1. Problem-oriented counseling. The emphasis here is on behavior modification, analysis of external causes of the problem. The purpose of working with the client: the formation and strengthening of the client's ability to take actions adequate to the situation, mastering the techniques to improve self-control. Many of the techniques used in this area, taken from behavioral therapy.

2. Person-oriented counseling. Based on the analysis of individual, personal causes of the problem, the process of folding destructive personality stereotypes, preventing similar problems in the future. The consultant here essentially refrains from advice and organizational assistance, as this leads away from the internal, underlying causes of the problem. Many of the techniques used in this direction are taken from the numerous psychoanalytic and post-psychoanalytic movements of Western psychotherapy. First of all, it should include the techniques of gestalt therapy, humanistic psychotherapy.

3. Solution-oriented counseling . The emphasis here is on activating the client’s own resources to solve the problem. Representatives of this approach draw attention to the fact that the analysis of the causes of the problem inevitably leads to an increased sense of guilt among the client, which is an obstacle to the cooperation of the consulting psychologist and the client. Many of the techniques used in this approach are taken from short-term positive therapy.

Let us consider in more detail some decision-oriented psychological counseling techniques. Activation of resources, their search at the client are carried out using questions or chains of questions. The search for resources can be focused on the past (“What used to help you overcome such problems?”, “How did your relatives, acquaintances solve such problems?”), The present (“What helps you solve the problem now, at least temporarily?”) And the future (“Who or what could help you in resolving the problem?”).

The most commonly used techniques

1. "Reliance on progress." Has there recently been a period when the problem disappeared or decreased significantly? Why do you think? What contributed to this? What could we all do to secure these mechanisms?

2. "Fantasies about the future." When can the problem be resolved? What can contribute to this? Imagine: if we met you, when you already had everything in order, and asked: “What helped you? "What would you answer? What else could help you?

3. "Thanks in advance." Consider how you will thank the people on your program for their help.

a. Further, the client is invited to start an advance implementation

program of thanks.

4. "Problem as a solution." What has this problem taught you? How was she helpful to you?

5. "New positive name." Come up with some good name for your problem so that we can use it in conversation.

Finding a good name for your problem prompts you to start analyzing its positive aspects.

R.V. Ovcharov allows you to select six binary oppositions, according to which you can make a fairly large number of types of psychological counseling:

1. Individual and group counseling. Group psychological counseling is most often organized after preliminary individual consultations for clients with similar psychological problems or if they are all members of the same interpersonal relationship (for example, family).

2. Single and multiple consultations.

3. Consultations on personal treatment - consultation as a result of a call, referral.

4. Without additional testing and with additional testing.

5. Without the involvement of methods of psychological correction (bringing to the client relevant psychological information related to his problems) and with the involvement of these methods.

6. Consultations are isolated and combined with other methods of psychological assistance (for example, socio-psychological training between consultations).

In addition, it is possible to single out the types of psychological counseling by the nature of the tasks to be solved: age-psychological, professional, psychological-pedagogical, family, etc.

As a basis for identifying types of psychological counseling, you can use the nature of the theoretical approach in which the counseling psychologist works: cognitive psychology, behaviorism, humanistic psychology, psychoanalysis.

You can also use the degree of spontaneity or mediation of the contact between the psychologist consultant and the client as a basis for identifying within psychological counseling of species. In this regard, it is possible to talk about face-to-face counseling, counseling on the helpline, counseling through distant writing, counseling through writing popular books on psychology or psychologists' open answers to letters from readers in popular publications. All of the above forms of psychological counseling, except for internal psychological counseling, can be combined with a single concept - distant psychological counseling.

created: 2017-06-28
updated: 2024-11-10

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Individual and family counseling

Terms: Individual and family counseling