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What is front-end and back-end development?


What is there to conceal the front-end & back-end not so long ago for me were also incomprehensible bourgeois terms that I often met on the Internet. At that moment I decided to figure out what it is. Understood and realized that a lot of what I do - this is the front-end development.

I hasten to share the hidden knowledge. So, the entire Internet is built on a client-server architecture:   What is front-end and back-end development?

A server is a remote, powerful computer on which server software is installed that serves clients. As web developers, we are interested in a web server. Very often on a typical server we are dealing with an Apache web server and PHP programming language.

PHP is a scripted interpreted programming language designed to develop server-side scripts. Such popular things as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and many many other popular CMS are written in PHP. So, all that is connected with writing server-side scripts is back-end development. And programmers who do this are respectively called back-end developers.

The client is our computer, which stands on our table and with which we travel across the expanses of the network. The client software installed on the client machine is required to communicate with the server. In our case, this is a web browser.

When we create a website, we try to make it beautiful and functional. We make sure that it works equally well in all modern web browsers. So we got to the concept of front-end.

  What is front-end and back-end development?

So front-end development is the creation of the client part of the site. Front-end developer is engaged in the layout of the site template and the creation of the user interface. Usually a front-end developer is a jack of all trades. He simply must have the talent of a designer, be a skilled designer and a good programmer.

Modern front-end developer should be fluent in html5, css3, javascript (jQuery - at a minimum). Each front-end specialist has his own experience, which he keeps in the form of a framework. Many developers use popular frameworks in their work, such as: TwitterBootstrap, Foundation 3, Compass.


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Web site or software design

Terms: Web site or software design