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ROI design programs and websites (Return on Investment)


ROI (Return on Investment) - ROI, investment performance indicator; net profit divided by investment

Preliminary design allows not only to get a better and more convenient project, but also to save on product development and support. There are five main benefits of preliminary design.

  • Conversion of visitors to buyers

    To increase the level of conversion of visitors into buyers, and any other, you need to make this process as quick and convenient as possible. At the same time - not at the expense of the quality of these buyers. With the help of preliminary design it is possible to work out this process in detail before starting the system. And to make the interface as simple and convenient for key users.

  • Saving on development

    The interface is worked out to the details, and therefore is a complete and white spots in it the minimum number. One of the most embarrassing cost items in development is the constant rework due to the fact that the concept of functionality was very general. And when it comes to its implementation, it turns out that more time is needed to create. Even worse, if you have to redo the adjacent pieces of code. Pre-design allows you to remove a significant portion of these risks.

  • Support savings

    The product continues to live after its launch. So it requires attention and resources not only at the development stage. Preliminary design helps to reduce these costs by facilitating the support of the three components of product life activity: functionality, users and partners. Improving the quality of support.

  • Increase user loyalty

    It rarely happens that a good interface is enough for a product to succeed, but recently this item has become more and more important. In the preliminary design, we deal not only with the page layouts, but also analyze the needs of key user groups. And we try to do so, the interface allowed these needs to be realized as fully as possible.

  • Possibility of early presentations

    It is important to know what their investors or future users think about the product. With the help of the page layouts, you can not only tell about the bright future, but also show its first sketches. Here you can get the first feedback on how clear the interface is. An interactive prototype is even more convenient for these purposes, but even black and white schemes give an excellent effect. Moreover, you can get the first of them within a couple of weeks after the start of work.


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Web site or software design

Terms: Web site or software design