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3.1. Unloading operations


Any unary operation Å can be defined in two ways: either as a component function without parameters, or as a global (possibly friendly) function with one parameter. In the first case, the expression Å Z means a call to Z.operatorÅ (), in the second case, a call to operatorÅ (Z).

· Unary operations that are overloaded within a certain class can only be overloaded via a non-static component function without parameters. The called class object is automatically perceived as an operand.

· Unary operations that are overloaded outside the scope of a class (as global functions) must have one class type parameter. The object transmitted through this parameter is perceived as an operand.


a) in the first case (description in the class area):

return_type operator

b) in the second case (the description is outside the scope of the class):

operator_type_of_operations operator_array_type (type_id)


1) class person 2) class person

{int age; {int age;

... ...

public: public:

... ...

void operator ++ () {++ age;} friend void operator ++ (person &);

}; };

void main () void person :: operator ++ (person & ob)

{class person jon; {++ ob.age;}

++ jon;} void main ()

{class person jon;

++ jon;}


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C ++ (C plus plus)

Terms: C ++ (C plus plus)