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3.3. Overloading operations ++ and - increment and decrement


Unary increment ++ and decrement operators exist in two forms: prefix and postfix. The modern C ++ specification defines a way in which the compiler can distinguish between these two forms. In accordance with this method, two versions of the functions operator ++ () and operator— () are specified. They are defined as follows:

Prefix form:

operator ++ ();

operator— ();

Postfix form:

operator ++ (int);

operator— (int);

Specifying the int parameter for the postfix form does not specify the second operand, but is used only to distinguish it from the prefix form.


class person

{int age;




void operator ++ () {++ age;}

void operator ++ (int) {age ++;}


void main ()

{class person jon;

++ jon; jon ++}


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C ++ (C plus plus)

Terms: C ++ (C plus plus)