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1.8. Defining Classes and Class Methods


Class definitions are usually placed in the header file.

Example 1.8.1

Example 1.8.1


#ifndef POINTH

#define POINTH 1

class point


int x, y;


point (int x1 = 0, int y1 = 0);

int & getx (void);

int & gety (void);

. . .



Because the description of the point class is planned to be included in other classes in the future, to prevent inadmissible duplication of descriptions, the conditional preprocessor directive #ifndef POINTH is included in the text. Thus, the text describing the point class can appear in the compiled file only once, despite the possibility of the repeated appearance of #include “point.h” directives.
Methods can be defined as follows.

#ifndef POINTCPP
#define POINTCPP 1
#include “point.h”
point:: point (int x1, int y1) {x = x1; y = y1;}
int & point:: getx (void) {return x;}
int & point:: gety (void) {return y;}
. . .
In a program using class objects
#include “point.cpp”
. . .
void main (void)
point A (5,6);
point B (7,8);
. . .

The external definition of class methods makes it possible, without changing the interface of class objects with other parts of programs, to implement component functions in different ways.


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