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The man is intelligent, and the crowd -
stupid and dangerous beast prone to panic ...


The end of the 20th century is the time of space flights and high-speed computers and ultramodern mobile phones, an ongoing arms race and calls for a ban on nuclear testing. Created by IBM as part of the ASCI (Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative) program, the ASCI White supercomputer runs 1000 (!) Times faster than the latest DEEP BLUE model. The system, built on the order of the Ministry of Energy, has a performance of 12.3 TFLOPS and 8192 processors, located on an area of ​​two basketball courts. Awesome power. If we add that this is the brainchild of IBM weighs 106 tons and costs 110 million dollars.

The spirit of competition lives in man since his birth. But does a man outdo his most respectable and wise rival - nature?

The human brain - something more perfect than the most audacious dreams of engineers and even science fiction. With a mass of from 1100 to 2000 grams, having a minimum power consumption, the brain is capable of parallel processing of information, memorization, management of body functions. The human cerebral cortex is extended, formed by neurons with a surface thickness of 2 to 3 mm with an area of ​​about 2,200 cm2, which is twice the surface area of ​​a standard keyboard. The cerebral cortex contains about 1011 neurons, which is approximately equal to the number of stars in the Milky Way. Each neuron is associated with 103 - 104 other neurons. In general, the human brain contains approximately 1014 to 1015 relationships.

The brain's working gear ("transistor equivalent in a computer") is a neuron.

"Sensitive neuron number seven trillion six hundred two billion seven hundred forty two million six hundred thirty seven thousand six hundred thirty third, according to the Office of Sight, a cone, blue, first interception, right yellow spot, edge, square three, supersensory" - this would be reported by the neuron forwarding blue signal from the right eye, the main planner. But the fact of the matter is that the brain has a distributed structure, the neurons within its area are interchangeable, it is difficult to assign the functions of the scheduler to any particular neuron or area, they are equal. Thousands of neurons interact with one, and each with thousands more.

When the neuron is at rest - it carefully separates the negative ions from the positive ones and “throws” the positive ones out of the axon. They are all the time trying to climb back, but the electrostatic repulsion forces begin to work, and the neuron carefully keeps them on the axon. But here comes the impulse to the input synapse - positive ions jump inside and depolarize the neuron. This method of transmitting information in our brain - electrochemical - is not the fastest known. A short series of pulses, as a rule, lasting several ms. The message is transmitted via pulse frequency modulation. The frequency can vary from a few units to hundreds of hertz, which is a million times slower than the fastest switching electronic circuits. However, complex decisions on the perception of information, such as facial recognition, a person takes in a few hundred ms. These solutions are monitored by a network of neurons that have a speed of performing operations of only a few ms. This means that the calculations require no more than 100 consecutive stages. In other words, for such complex tasks, the brain “launches” parallel programs containing about 100 steps. This is usually known a hundred steps. Reasoning in a similar way, it can be found that the amount of information sent from one neuron to another must be very small (several bits). It follows that the main information is not transmitted directly, but is captured and distributed in the connections between neurons.

Most of all, a purely human (or not?) Brain function — thinking — cannot be compared to a computer. Every sane person as a child realized himself as a person and nothing can convince or dissuade him of this.

It is believed that thinking is responsible for the area of ​​the cortex that covers the cerebral hemispheres of the Brain.

The centers of Sight, Hearing, Learning, Speech, Memory, and Imagination are located there. Extra-Conscious Activity is placed at the base of the brain. This part of the brain is responsible for digestion, contraction of the heart, respiration, growth. After all, all processes in our body are controlled by the brain. Many scientists believe that the brain is not fully used by man, and that one can cultivate hidden abilities in oneself. This, of course, is not about any kind of divination, teleportation, levitation, etc. But why, if the brain controls growth, do not “think” how to grow faster, or stop the heartbeat not by taking deep breaths, but directly giving commands to the heart? Churning out a headache not with an aspirin pill, but with complete control of the inflamed areas - here enthusiastic experimenters have already gone far - everyone knows all sorts of meditations, hypnosis, self-control, finally.

In general, evolution is not possible without experiment - take the same nature. It’s just hard to make any experiments with oneself, it’s even harder to realize their results. Somehow better in the old fashioned way, without noise and dust. The same is necessary - a person could suddenly change appearance during the night (only soft tissues without bones), grow hair, change character. In the morning he will burn at the fire of Giordano Bruno. Although the intellect of such a person will obviously be enough to hide his Me. But is it necessary? Why does this contradict artificial selection — after all, does the best survive? Here the author is inclined to believe that a crowd is surviving in the modern world.


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