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The problem of creating AI


The problem of creating artificial intelligence

Modern philosophers and researchers of science often consider interdisciplinary sciences as one of the achievements of the rediscovered in the 20th century.

Artificial Intelligence and artificial life is an excellent example of such an integration of many scientific fields.

Unfortunately, life is too complicated to be able to outline general directions in research. Proof can be the fact that some are interested in the study of "systems that demonstrate the phenomena of living systems", others are studying the nature of chemical reproduction or trying to solve the philosophical problems of self-knowledge.

The concept of “artificial intelligence” has a different meaning: from recognizing intelligence in computers equipped with text-and-speech recognition software to only intellectual systems that solve the whole complex of tasks performed by man.

The theory of artificial intelligence in solving many problems is faced with certain problems. One of these problems is to clarify the question of whether the possibility or impossibility of artificial intelligence is theoretically (mathematically) provable.

On this account there are two points of view. Some consider it mathematically proven that a computer can, in principle, perform any function performed by natural intelligence. Others believe mathematically proven to the same extent that there are problems solved by human intelligence that are inaccessible to computers in principle. These views are expressed by both cybernetics and philosophers. One of the many problems (we can say the main one) is that systems with a psyche differ from computers in that they have biological needs.

The reflection of the external world passes through the prism of these needs, in which the activity of the mental system is expressed. The computer has no needs, for it the information is insignificant, indifferent. In humans, social needs are built on above the layer of biological needs, and information for him is not only biologically but socially significant. However, technical systems can still have an analogue of physical organization. Developed cybernetic system has receptor and effector appendages. In practice, under the roof of the term artificial life, a grandiose variety of various projects nestles from models of DNA copying and feedback systems to studying the collective mind and population growth dynamics.

The idea of ​​creating thinking machines goes back into the deep past. Even the ancient Egyptians and Romans had a pious fear of cult statues, who gesticulated and uttered prophecies (with the help of priests). In the Middle Ages and even later it was rumored that some of the wise men had homunculi (small artificial men) - creatures capable of feeling. At the present time, however, it was found that both scientific and technical searches with very serious difficulties.

It was supposed that having overcome the period of “childhood” and increasing their level of intelligence, smart computers, thanks to their speed and accuracy and trouble-free memory, would gradually surpass their creators of people. Now few people talk about it.


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Artificial Intelligence. Basics and history. Goals.

Terms: Artificial Intelligence. Basics and history. Goals.