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3 The main directions of esotericism




Of magic.

Fourth way

30. Magic.

31. The concept of karma.

32. Yoga.

33. Shamanism.

34. Kabbalah.

35. Polytheism, monotheism.

36. The concept of the works of Art. Grof. Perinatal matrices.

37. Representations of the afterlife.

38. Magic as an everyday practice.

39. Ritual dances as business games of the past.

Main literature on topic 3

1. Andreev D. L. Collected cit. in 3 t. T. 2. Rose of the World. M .: The editors of the magazine "Urania", 1997.

2. Gurdjieff G. Bulletin of the coming good. - SPb .: Chernyshev Publishing House, 1993. - 256 p.

3. Men Alexander. History of religion. In 6 t. T. - M .:.

4. Satprem. Sri Aurobindo, or the Journey of Consciousness. - SPb., 20s.

5. History of psychology. Psychology of the soul. - M .: Academic project; World, 2011. - 391 p. (Appendices, p. 347 - 394).

6. Fraser James George. Golden branch. - M .: Politizdat, 1983. - 703 p.

Additional literature on the topic 3

1. Aurelius Augustine. About the city of God. M .: AST, 2000.

2. The influence of religious and esoteric teachings on the development of psychology // Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2007. V.4. № 4. S. 75 - 79. (available on the teacher’s page, publications for 2007).

created: 2017-06-28
updated: 2021-02-27

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Parapsychology and esoterics: a psychological analysis

Terms: Parapsychology and esoterics: a psychological analysis