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2. Natural and esoteric knowledge


General and various.

Planetary concept.

Physical knowledge.

Physiological knowledge.

Energy information structures (IES).

The energy body.


Classic determinism and teleologism.

Theosophical problem.

4. General and different in religious concepts.

5. The general and various in parapsychological practices.

6. Nerve impulse, biocurrency, EEG. The concept of bioenergy radiation, biofield.

7. Matter, energy, neutrino, neutrino stars.

8. The concept of cosmic energy. The concept of Psi - field.

9. The concept of the energy body, its structure.

10. Nervous system and channel system (meridians) of the energy body. The main chakras and their functions.

11. The general concept of acupuncture and other "punctures."

12. The concept of extrasensory perception.

13. Evolutionary brain changes. Reptile complex, limbic system, neocortex, hemispheric specialization.

14. The main rhythms of the world.

15. The archetypes of the collective unconscious.

16. Unconscious (5 areas).

17. Range of consciousness, expansion of consciousness.

18. Hypothetical creatures of other ranges.

19. Sleep, dreams.

20. Meditation, contraindications.

21. Hypnosis, rapport.

22. Trans.

23. Concentration. Paranormal processes and effects.

24. States of consciousness (general description).

25. The language of the unconscious.

26. External aids, their functions.

27. Psychopharmacological substances: stimulants, depressants.

28. Psychopharmacological substances: drugs, hallucinogens, psychedelics.

29. Internal aids.

Main literature on topic 2

1. Cultural <historical psychology and the construction of worlds. M .: Publishing house "Institute of practical psychology", Voronezh: NPO MODEK, 1996.

2. Cosmic subject. - M .: In-quarto, 19c.

3. Climbing to individuality. - M .: Education, 1991. - 291 p.

4. Steiner R. Practical esoteric. - Yerevan: Longin, 2012. - 128 p.

5. Serkin religious and esoteric teachings on the development of psychology // Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2007. V.4. № 4. S. 75 - 79. (available on the teacher’s page, publications for 2007).

Additional literature on the topic 2

1. Freud Z. Psychology of the unconscious. M .: Enlightenment, 1990.

2. Problems of the soul of our time. M .: Publishing group "Progress", "Univers", 1993.


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Parapsychology and esoterics: a psychological analysis

Terms: Parapsychology and esoterics: a psychological analysis