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Student problem. Teacher problem. "Escape" from reality. The problem of the school. The problem of knowledge transfer: traditional learning, participatory learning, the activity principle of learning


Student problem.

Teacher problem. "Escape" from reality.

The problem of the school.

The problem of knowledge transfer: traditional learning, participatory learning, the activity principle of learning

1. The problem optant. Indicators of readiness for apprenticeship, the problem of the student.

2. The problem of the teacher. The problem of the transfer of esoteric experience.

3. The problem of the school. Principles of learning.

Main literature on the topic 1

1. Fraser James George. Golden branch. - M .: Politizdat, 1983. - 703 p.

2. Gurdjieff G. Meetings with great people. - M .: Letavr, 1994. - 288 p.

3. Steiner R. Practical esoteric. - Yerevan: Longin, 2012. - 128 p.

Additional literature on the topic 1

1. The secret doctrine. Smolensk: Tok Publishing and Publishing Center, 1993. Vol. 1.

2. Andreev A. Mir Trails. - SPb .: Troyanova Trail, 1998. - 254 p.

3. Gurdjieff G. Conversations of Beelzebub with his grandson. - Mn .: Harvest, 19c.

4. Castaneda K. The Way of Knowledge. In 10 tons - Kiev: "Sofia", 1992 - 1997.

5. Looking for yourself. - M .: Politizdat, 1994. - 335 p.

6., Bondarenko. Training. Health. - M .: Enlightenment, 19c.

created: 2017-06-28
updated: 2024-11-11

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Parapsychology and esoterics: a psychological analysis

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