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Kanban (development) Kanban


Kanban is a development management method that implements the “just-in-time” principle and promotes even load distribution among employees. With this approach, the entire development process is transparent to all team members. Tasks as they are received are entered into a separate list, from which each developer can retrieve the required task.

Kanban is a visual development system that shows what needs to be done, when and how much. The method takes as a basis the Toyota Production System [1] and lean manufacturing .

Basic principles

  • Kanban is based on four basic principles:
  • Reliance on existing development methods
  • Kanban starts with existing development methods and stimulates additional changes.
  • Preliminary agreement on important changes
  • The development team should take into account that permanent change is a way to improve the existing development process, but the implementation of global change has a big risk. Kanban encourages small and evolutionary changes.

Respect for the existing order, roles and responsibilities

Promotion initiative

The manifestations of each developer’s initiative are welcome.

  • Lean software development


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Software and information systems development

Terms: Software and information systems development