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What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages


  What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages   What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages
As suggested
development organizer ...
As described
in the technical specifications ...
  What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages   What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages
As designed
leading system specialist ...
How it was implemented
programmers ...
  What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages   What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages
How it was implemented ... What the user wanted ...

  What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages

  What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages

  What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages

  What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages

  What the user wanted and what the programmer suggested or Software development and implementation stages


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Software and information systems development

Terms: Software and information systems development