Six types of questions


From: Zagashev I. How to solve any problem. - SPb .: Prime-Evroznak, 2002. - p. 72-78.

We develop the ability to competently ask questions - we take another important step towards effective problem solving.

Since antiquity, the most prominent philosophers and speakers have recognized that the effectiveness of solving a problem largely depends on the ability to ask questions correctly. Competently and skillfully posed question allows you to get all the necessary information about the person, phenomenon or subject with which your problem is connected. And the question asked by the master may even turn your life around. There are many examples in the history when Chinese and Japanese monks, practicing Zen, achieved spiritual enlightenment only from one correctly asked question. Here is one of these cases.

  • The monk asks his mentor:
  • - Teacher, help me achieve liberation.
  • - Who keeps you in custody?
  • - No one holds.
  • “Then what do you want to be free from?”
  • At that moment, the monk understood something.

Unfortunately, for most people, the art of asking questions is still a mystery. And many do not own it just because they do not know what questions are. Now we will fill this gap and learn the tools of a wizard who knows how to collect information - we will get acquainted with various types of questions that will help to successfully cope with problems.

There are six types of questions.

In order for you to better understand how they work in practice, consider them by example. Suppose you face a problem - to buy a monitor for the computer. You have a limited amount of money, but you want the monitor to be such that you, while working on it, do not spoil your vision.

  Six types of questions

SIMPLE QUESTIONS - these are the questions, answering which you need to get some specific information, to recall and reproduce some (74 :) information. For example, if you feel that you do not have enough data to solve a problem, you can ask these questions to others or to yourself. For example: “Where can I buy a used monitor?”, “Do you (I) have friends who work in computer stores or repair monitors?”, “What is the price range for used monitors? ".

SPECIFIC QUESTIONS usually begin with the words: “So you say that ...?”, “If I understood correctly, then ...?”, “I could be wrong, but, in my opinion, you said about ... ? The purpose of these questions is to clarify the information you have just received from the interlocutor. Sometimes they are set to obtain information that is missing but implied in the message. Let's say you have in your hands a price list for monitors, but at prices you cannot determine with certainty whether they are used or new. You call the company and clarify: “If I'm not mistaken, do you sell new monitors?” Or: “You said you recently saw a monitor in the store that I needed?”. Do not be lazy to once again ask a clarifying question, so as not to miss your lucky occasion!

INTERPRETATIONAL, or EXPLAINING, QUESTIONS begin, as a rule, with the word "why." When solving problems, they can inspire you with fresh ideas, allow you to get detailed information about the object you are interested in and find out the reasons why people’s actions and actions are incomprehensible to you. For example: “Why am I ashamed to ask my friend for a loan?”, “Why do you give such a small warranty period on the monitor?”, “Why do I spend so much money on directories when you can just look in the Internet?”.

CREATIVE QUESTIONS - these are questions, the wording of which contains elements of conditionality, assumptions, forecast. When solving a problem, you can ask them yourself when you need new ideas, you need creative dope. For example: “What will happen if I spend a little time with the purchase, save some money, and then buy a new modern monitor?”, “What will happen if I ask your friends to help me find the right model?”, “What will happen if I now I will buy a smaller monitor, and after a while, having accumulated the necessary amount, I will sell it and buy the one I need? ”

EVALUATION QUESTIONS will help you to give an extremely accurate assessment of the subjects, facts and facts related to your problem. These questions are the best tool to select the most advantageous ideas you have and solutions to the problem. For example: “Why is a digital monitor better than an analog one?”, “How is a domestic monitor different from an imported one?”, “Why is it more reasonable to wait for the next delivery than to get a monitor from this lot?”.

PRACTICAL ISSUES establish the relationship between theory and practice. They allow you to soberly assess the situation and the degree of reality of your plans, to see the problem from the side: “What would you do in my place?”, “Explain, please, how can this be done in practice?”, “Where did you see the monitors with a high degree of protection so cheap cost? ".

With the types of questions, I hope you figured out, but at the same time a little distracted, rested. And now we will “run in” this knowledge in practice.

Rule "7W" (10-15 minutes)

This rule is very clearly expressed in folk jokes. For example:

  • - Where, Thomas, are you going?
  • - Mow the hay.
  • - What do you hay?
  • - Cows feed.
  • - What do you cows?
  • - Milk milk.
  • - What do you milk?
  • - Baby water.
  • - What guys?
  • - Mind to learn.
  • - What to learn?
  • - So that in the world could live, to bring benefits to people.

The question words “Why?” And “Why?” Begin with the letter “W” in English. To understand the causes of the problem, you can use the rule "7W". It is necessary to formulate the questions seven times starting with the indicated words. I do not guarantee that the problem will be solved immediately, but you realize the purpose of your actions as clearly as possible. Adopt this technique and try to apply it, for example, in the case when a friend came to you and asked for advice. Just ask him similar questions - let him answer. And when you will be puzzled by another problem, ask them yourself. Believe me, this method works very powerful and efficient! It may happen that the problem is immediately solved by itself. (77 :)

"Question words" (15-20 minutes)

  1. Clearly state the problem.
  2. Write down the ten question words that come to your mind.
  3. Ask these questions about your problem.
  4. And now - answer them. You will immediately understand the direction in which to look - where it is most difficult to answer.

WHAT ___________________________________________________________________?

WHO __________________________________________________________________?

WHERE ___________________________________________________________________?

AS ___________________________________________________________________?

WHEN _________________________________________________________________?

WHY _______________________________________________________________?

WHAT FOR _________________________________________________________________?

WHERE IS _______________________________________________________________?

WHAT ...? WHAT ________________________________________________________?

WHAT IS THE INTERRUPTION OF __________________________________________________?

FOR WHAT REASON ____________________________________________________?

WHAT IS BETTER _____________________________________________________________?


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Interrogation: Questions as Tools for Thinking and Problem Solving

Terms: Interrogation: Questions as Tools for Thinking and Problem Solving