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Self-assessment test


On the basis of self-knowledge a person develops a certain emotional value attitude towards himself, which is expressed in self-esteem. Self-assessment involves the assessment of their abilities, psychological qualities and actions, their life goals and the possibilities of achieving them, as well as their place among other people. Self-esteem may be understated, overvalued and adequate (normal). The test will help you determine it.


Instructions: Carefully read the words describing the individual qualities of the person (character traits): accuracy, carelessness, thoughtfulness, receptivity, pride, rudeness, cheerfulness, care, enviousness, shyness, vindictiveness, sincerity, elegance, capriciousness, lightness, slowness, daydreaming, suspiciousness , revenge, perseverance, tenderness, ease, nervousness, indecision, lack of restraint, charm, sensitivity, caution, responsiveness, pedantry, mobility, n dozritelnost, principles, poetry, contempt, kindness, swagger, rationality, determination, selflessness, humility, compassion, modesty, patience, cowardice, uvlekaemost, perseverance, flexibility, cold, enthusiasm.
Make two rows of 10-20 words each. In the first column - let's call it “My ideal” - put the words that characterize your ideal. In the second - let's call it "Antiideal" - words denoting features that the ideal should not have.
From the first (“positive”) and second (“negative”) rows, select those features that you seem to possess. In this case, the choice should be made on a “yes - no” system: whether you have this feature or not, regardless of the degree of its manifestation.

Processing of results and conclusions

The number of positive traits that you attribute to yourself is divided by the number of words placed in the column “My ideal”. If the result is close to one, you are likely to overestimate yourself; a result close to zero indicates underestimation and increased self-criticism; with a result close to 0.5, the average average self-esteem is normal, and you perceive yourself quite critically.


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Psychological counseling

Terms: Psychological counseling