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Healing meditations


Sit or lie down, breathe and relax deeply. Starting with your fingers, feet, legs, pelvis, and so on, turn your attention in turn to each part of the body, relaxing it and relieving yourself of tension. Feel the tension running out of your body.
If you like, do a meditation on the opening of the energy centers to set in motion the energy.
Now imagine the golden healing light around your body ... feel it ... feel it ... enjoy it.
If any part of your body is unwell or you feel pain there, ask her if she wants to send you a message. Ask what you need to do at the moment or even in life.
If you get advice in return, make every effort to understand it and follow it. If you do not receive an answer, keep up the good work.
Now direct the energy of love, the healing energy to the part of the body that requires it, and feel the healing. You can imagine that your guide, or teacher, or healer helps you to heal.
Imagine that your problem is solved, and the energy comes from you, or any picture that helps you.
Now imagine yourself in a natural state of excellent health. Imagine yourself in various situations healthy and active. You are divinely, dazzlingly beautiful.
I overcame all diseases. I am free and healthy!
I radiate energy and health.
I love my body and I am completely satisfied with it.
I am kind to my body, and my body is kind to me.
I am full of energy and vitality.
My body is balanced and is in complete harmony with the universe.
I am grateful for the health, beauty and vitality that come within me.
I am a radiant manifestation of God. My mind and body are divinely beautiful.
From now on, whenever you do this meditation, imagine yourself in exceptionally good health and surrounded by golden light. Do not put more energy into this “problem” unless you feel that you need to understand something else.


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Psychological counseling

Terms: Psychological counseling