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Assertion is one of the most important elements of creative visualization.


Assertion is one of the most important elements of creative visualization. An assertion is a positive attitude that something imaginary already exists. This is the way to “materialize” what you represent.
Many of us know that we are almost constantly in our minds conducting an internal "dialogue." Our mind is busy “talking” with itself, it endlessly comments on our life, peace, feelings, our problems, other people, etc.
The words and thoughts that pass through our consciousness are very important. Basically, we do not notice this stream of thoughts, but all the same, what we “tell ourselves” mentally is the foundation on which our real experience is built. Our mental comments affect life feelings and sensations and color them, and ultimately it is these mental forms that attract and create everything that happens.
Everyone who meditates knows how difficult it is to calm this inner conversation in order to reach a deeper intuitive level. One of the traditional exercises of meditation consists in a simple, as objective as possible observation of this internal dialogue.
This is a very important lesson, allowing you to understand what you usually think. Many of our thoughts, like a tape, hold past events. It’s like old “programs” that were acquired long ago, but still affect our destiny.
Lesson creating creative visualization gives us the opportunity to get rid of old, negative, unnecessary thoughts and replace them with positive ones. This is a powerful technique that can change your attitude towards life in a short time and, thus, completely change your goals.
Statements can be uttered silently, out loud, recorded or even sung. Daily, only ten-minute classes can outweigh the stereotypes acquired over the years. The more often you remember that you need to ensure that you “tell yourself” and choose positive words and thoughts, the more positive the life you create will become.
An affirmation can be any positive setting. It can be very general or very specific. There is an infinite number of possible statements. The following are just a few of them to give you a general idea:
Every day I get better and better.
Everything comes to me easily and effortlessly.
I am a creature that radiates light and love.
Illumination descended on me. I \ 'm naturally enlightened
My life is extraordinarily beautiful.
I have everything to enjoy life.
I am the master of my fate.
Everything I need is already in me.
created: 2015-12-24
updated: 2024-11-14

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