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Random elements and their distribution. A random process as a family of random elements and as one measurable mapping.


Random elements and their distribution. A random process as a family of random elements and as one measurable mapping.


1. Afanasyev L.G., Bulinskaya E.V. Random processes in the theory of queuing and inventory management. M., Moscow State University, 1987.

2. Billingsley P. Convergence of probability measures. M., Science, 1972.

3. * Brillinger D. Analysis of time series. M., Mir, 1979.

4. Wentzel A.D. A course of lectures on random processes. M., Science, 1982.

5. * Wentzel, E.S., Ovcharov, A.V. Applied problems of the theory of random processes. M., Science, 1992.

6. Gikhman I.I., Skorokhod A.V. Introduction to the theory of random processes. M., Science, 1972.

7. Gnedenko B.V., Kovalenko I.N. Introduction to queuing theory. M., Science, 1989.

8. * Dynkin E. B. Markov processes. M., Science, 1965.

9. * Dynkin EB, Yushkevich A.P. Theorems and problems on Markov processes. M., Science, 1968.

10. * Oak J. Probabilistic processes. M., Fizmatgiz, 1953.

11. * Ito K. Probabilistic processes. M., Science, 1962.

12. Klimov G.P. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Moscow, Moscow State University, 1981.

13. * M.V. Kozlov Elements of probability theory in problems and examples. M., Moscow State University, 1991.

14. Kramer G., Leadbetter J. Stationary random processes. M., Mir, 1970.

15. N. Krylov Lectures on random processes (parts 1 and 2). M., Moscow State University, 1987.

16. * Lamperti J. Random processes. Kiev, Vishcha school, 1983.

17. * Prokhorov A.V., Ushakov A.F., Ushakov V.A. Problems in probability theory. M., Science, 1989.

18. Rozanov, Yu.A. Probability theory, mathematical statistics and random processes. M., Science, 1987.

19. * Rozanov Yu.A. Stationary random processes. M., Science, 1989 (second edition).

20. V. Tutubalin. Probability theory and random processes. M., Moscow State University, 1992.

21. Shiryaev A.N. Probability. M., Science, 1990 (second edition).

22. Shiryaev A.N. Random processes (lectures for 3rd year students). Moscow, Moscow State University, 1972.

23. Hida T. Brownian Movement. M., Science, 1988.

24. Bulinsky A.V., Shiryaev A.N. Theory of random processes. M., Fizmatlit, 2003.

Note: Additional literature is marked with *.


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probabilistic processes

Terms: probabilistic processes