Primary Life Purpose


This article discusses the basis necessary for the existence of any subject, including the Artificial Mind (IR). The basis by which the desires, motives and goals of the subject are created. The author gives a definition of the basis of the existence of any subject.

We first give the definitions of the basic concepts of the article.

The goal is the essence of desire, motive or goal.

The goal can be sane (conscious) and irresponsible (unconscious). The imputed goal is born on the basis of imputed actions (thinking is also an action). For example, the desire to go on a trip, call a friend, eat, take a walk alone, and so on. A deranged goal is born on the basis of instincts, deranged states. For example, at the moment of fear, something threatening seemed to the person. Without thinking, instinctively protecting himself, he performs an action, which, after realizing what he had done, can be very sorry. In the first part of the article, only imputed goals, motives and desires are considered.

An object is something that can do or take action.

A subject is an object (living or non-living) with its own personal Objectives. This shows that both man and any animal, and even an insect are subject.

The main (Main) Goal of Life is the basis of the existence of the subject, generating its other Goals (sub-goals).

Creating an Artificial Mind

In order to create a full-fledged IR, you need to create it as a subject. For example, imagine that something is created (an object) that can think like a person. Let's call this something an artificial thinker (artificial intelligence). An artificial thinker, for example, has the same knowledge as a person. And if the task is assigned to him, then it will be solved just as a person would do it. However, an artificial thinker, without having the basis of his existence, which would give rise to his goals, would be only a tool in the hands of man. A person, being a subject, has his own goals. If the subject does not have his own motives or goals, then the subject will degenerate into an object, becoming a tool for other subjects.

Where and why desires, motives and goals appear in the subject? The emergence of certain motives or goals of a subject is made from one, the most important or main goal of the subject’s existence - the Main Goal of Life. So, in order for an artificial thinker to become an Artificial Mind, becoming a full-fledged subject, you need to create in it the foundation of its existence.

Now we define what the basis of existence should be. It should be noted that an artificial thinker can be created in the likeness of the creator - man. So, the basis of the existence of an artificial thinker, to get an IR from it, can be created in the same way - in the likeness of a man. For this, it is only necessary to know the basis of the existence of the person himself as a subject. In other words, we need to know the Main Purpose of Life (Meaning of Life) of a person. And since man is a subject, one can take the Main Purpose of Life (Meaning of Life) for the subject.

Determining the basis of the existence of the subject

I propose the following definition of the Subject's Primary Life Purpose: The primary Objective of Life (Meaning of Life) of the subject is the desire-motive-goal to receive the greatest pleasure-pleasure from life.

Explanation of the definition.

  • Here, “desire,” “goal,” “motive” is the essence — the goal.
  • The presence of negative values ​​of pleasure. If the subject receives displeasure, pain, then this, to put it mathematically, is a negative pleasure, and therefore, the goal of reducing displeasure is equivalent to increasing the pleasure. That is, the above definition is also true for displeasure, inconvenience, pain.
  • Target area. The goal belongs to the subject himself, and this definition of the Basic Goal of Life refers only to the subject personally. This means that the purpose of the existence of one subject considered by another object does not apply to this definition. For example, from My point of view, the purpose of life, for example, a gopher is meaningless. And from his point of view, on the contrary, My goal in life is meaningless. Another example. The purpose of life of each subject in the community, defined by the community, may be quite different than the purpose of the subject. For example, the main goal of a community is community development and protection.

Proof of determination

To prove the definition of the Main Purpose of Life, we introduce the following concepts:

  1. A goal is a sub-goal if it is generated by another goal.
  2. The main goal is a goal that is not a sub-goal.

Algorithm for Finding the Main Purpose of Life

Any goal is taken as the current one. The origin target is for this current target.

If the generating target is found, then this current target is a sub-goal, and its generating target is also checked using this algorithm from point 2. If the generating target is not found, then the current target is the Main Life Goal. To prove that pleasure is the main purpose of life of the subject, or that the meaning of life of the subject is to receive pleasure, you can take to start the goal of satisfying hunger.

For example, I want to eat. This desire arises because of discomfort in the gastric tract, which I strive to reduce to zero. And this desire is reinforced by the pleasure I can get from eating delicious food. We see that the goal of satisfying hunger is a sub-goal of pleasure: “Why do I need to eat? Then I like that. ” Now let's see if there is a goal that generates receiving pleasure. “Why do I need pleasure? I don’t know, I just like it, I feel so good. ” It can be seen that the main motive, desire or goal here is to have fun. And since there are no “generating” goals for the goal, it means that this is not a sub-goal, but this is the Main Goal of Life at the moment. Now, let's say that the food is tasteless. Then I pursue another goal: to be full. But I strive to be full then to have the strength to live on. And I want to live on, then, to get other pleasures. The following chain of goals is built: “I need to eat, why? to be full, why? to have strength for life, why? to continue to enjoy life, why? I don't know, I like it that way. ” We get again the main purpose of life - pleasure. Finding in each situation the main goal, we will see that it is the goal of obtaining the greatest pleasure at any moment of life. Q.E.D. Other examples of evidence-searching for the Main Purpose of Life.

Examples from everyday life

Suppose we want to sleep, but it's time to get up and go to work. Getting up, we get negative pleasure because of lack of sleep. But why? What goal causes this displeasure? The generating goal - we need to have time to work. What for? To make more money. What for? To spend it on even more pleasure than the pleasure we could get from sleep. Here we weigh two meanings of pleasure: a small current pleasure from sleep and a great delayed pleasure, which is possible in the future thanks to the money earned. Here, instead of receiving pleasure in the future, minimization of the inconvenience associated with being late for work, which (inconvenience) can block the positive pleasure that we could get from sleep, with negativity can act. Again the main goal of action is to get the most pleasure.

Examples of age differences

Youth. The younger the subject, the more interesting life seems to him, and the stronger the desire to live: there is so much delayed pleasure ahead! The goal of living, survival is only a sub-goal of the Main Purpose of Life: to receive the greatest amount of pleasure. By the way, this explains the reluctance of small children to sleep. “What kind of sleep? I also just played out ...” - the children think, taking pleasure in waking.

Old age. Everything is tried, everything is tired, the pleasure of life is close to zero. Therefore, old people are not afraid of death. After all, Death is only the equating of displeasure and pleasure to zero. And since life does not give much pleasure, then the difference between life and death is erased in old age.

An example on the education of offspring. I take care of my children, reducing the amount of pleasure I get for myself (I can’t sometimes go to football, I can’t sometimes watch TV). But I know that in the future, from how I bring up my children, I will receive support and care from them when I need it in my old age. And thus I will get more deferred pleasure than the current inconveniences associated with raising children. Again, I am guided by the main goal - the greatest pleasure, even if not momentary, but deferred. As you can see, it is considered exactly the imputed goal - conscious actions. But it can work and not imputed goals, including instincts, which will be discussed below.

Examples based on self-sacrifice, heroic deeds

Why our Soviet people, during the Great Patriotic War, threw their breasts at the bunker or under the tank with a bunch of grenades. Yes, their physical pain was high, but moral satisfaction exceeded physical pain. They knew that by doing so they would save their comrades and their homeland. They knew that their names will forever remain in history as the names of heroes.

Why was the torture of the partisans or our prisoners of war at the same time not giving the result to the fascists? Because physical pain was less than the moral torment that a person received as a traitor. Knowing that he had betrayed, a person would receive moral torment and would still not be able to live on, he chose the least displeasure, namely, physical pain. And even death was more desirable for them than torture. In addition, feeling unbroken by torture, our fighters received moral pleasure, which further helped them to withstand the torture of torture and increased the preponderance of moral satisfaction over physical torture.

Suicide-based examples

When a person sees in the future only displeasure, pain and does not see a way out of such a state, and has no hope of getting out, he commits suicide. Thereby, choosing the greatest pleasure, which in the case of death equals zero. Notice, as a rule, the method of killing is painless, so as not to increase the displeasure of death itself, but only equate pleasure to zero. But zero is more than negative pleasure. There are also suicides bearing positive moral pleasure. These are, for example, the samurai hara-kiri, the self-sacrifice of fanatics, the sacrifice of believers.

Often, people who are fed up with the pleasures of life, cease to enjoy life. The meaning of life for them is lost. This moves them to the end of life: the zero pleasure of death is more than the displeasure of a boring life. However, if such people have an interest in something or the opportunity to at least somehow realize themselves (grandchildren appear, or an interesting matter appears), then thoughts about ending life immediately disappear. In other words, a positive pleasure in life appears on the scales, which outweighs the zero pleasure of death.

Drug Based Examples

The state of drug intoxication in itself carries great pleasure, incomparable with the pleasures of real life. A drug addict knows that there is a payback for this - loss of health and a quick end. But he still chooses drug addiction: the greatest pleasure for him is high. Because it is so hard to cope with drug addiction. It's not so much a “breaking up”, because of which it is so hard to quit addiction, as in the greater pleasure of buzz. Only a person who understands that moral and physical pleasure from real life can be obtained much more than a drug buzz can get rid of a drug, and that pleasure of a high is a fake for real pleasure. And then he will need outside help.

I myself experienced a weak narcotic attraction: computer games. This is the same drug, and the effect on the body also manifests itself negative. After sleeping at night, playing with toys, and going to work during the day - the body begins to fail. Even playing during the day, the body weakens: there is no mobility, there is stagnation of blood. When playing on a computer, you also get pleasure, which is rare in life or pleasure, which in real life is much more difficult to obtain. You can free yourself by finding new pleasures in life: love, successful realization of yourself in society, new friends, sports ...

See also

    created: 2014-09-23
    updated: 2024-11-14

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