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Ethics Tests with Answers


Other peoples correct answered (level of difficulty) 47% questions

1. Ethics as a science exists:

a) more than 20 centuries;

b) more than 10 centuries;

c) since the end of the 18th century;

d) from the 4th century BC.

2. Ethics is a science:

a) which studies virtues;

b) on generally accepted and repetitive forms of human behavior

c) morality;

d) on mores and customs.

3. Morality is:

a) rules generally accepted within the framework of a social community (group), patterns of behavior or action in a particular situation;

b) a form of public consciousness in which ideas, ideas, principles and rules of behavior of people in society are reflected;

c) generally accepted and repetitive forms of human behavior that serve as a means of transmitting social and cultural experience from generation to generation;

d) rules of conduct for rituals and forms of activity.

4. Social norms are:

a) rules generally accepted within the framework of a social community (group), patterns of behavior or action in a particular situation;

b) a form of public consciousness in which ideas, ideas, principles and rules of behavior of people in society are reflected;

c) generally accepted and repetitive forms of human behavior that serve as a means of transmitting social and cultural experience from generation to generation;

d) rules of conduct for rituals and forms of activity.

5. Rituals are:

a) the rules of conduct of people in the performance of rites and forms of activity.

b) generally accepted and repetitive forms of human behavior that serve as a means of transmitting social and cultural experience from generation to generation.

c) rules of conduct that are established and protected by the state.

d) the most generalized and stable rules of behavior of people in a particular society, which are time-tested and have long existed.

6. Traditions are:

a) rules of conduct that are established and protected by the state.

b) constitute the rules of conduct that are established by the public organizations themselves and are protected by means of public pressure measures provided for by the charters of these organizations.

c) the spiritual and moral rules of human society, based on the idea of ​​people about God as the creator of the universe.

d) the most generalized and stable rules of behavior of people in a particular society, which are time-tested and have long existed.

7. Rights are:

a) constitute rules of conduct that are established by the public organizations themselves and are protected by means of public pressure measures provided for by the charters of these organizations.

b) rules of conduct established and protected by the state.

c) the spiritual and moral rules of human society, based on the idea of ​​people about God as the creator of the universe.

d) the most generalized and stable rules of behavior of people in a particular society, which are time-tested and have long existed.

8. Religion is:

a. spiritual and moral rules of human society, based on the idea of ​​people about God as the creator of the universe.

b) the transfer of social and cultural experience from generation to generation;

c) rules of conduct for rituals and forms of activity.

d) the most generalized and stable rules of behavior of people in a particular society, which are time-tested and have long existed.

9. The norms of public organizations - are:

a) the most generalized and stable rules of behavior of people in a particular society, which are time-tested and have long existed.

b) rules of conduct established and protected by the state.

c) rules of conduct, which are established by the public organizations themselves and are protected by means of public pressure measures provided for by the charters of these organizations.

d) generally accepted and repetitive forms of human behavior that serve as a means of transmitting social and cultural experience from generation to generation.

10. The founder of ethics is recognized:

a) Plato (428-328 BC)

b) the great ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (469-399 BC).

c) Aristotle (384-322 BC),

d) Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD)

11. The term "ethics" (ethica) was first used to refer to a science that studies virtues:

a) Plato (428-328 BC)

b) the great ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (469-399 BC).

c) Aristotle (384-322 BC),

d) Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD)

12. In the history of the development of ethics as a science, one can distinguish:

a) 3 stages: antique ethics, medieval ethics, modern ethics.

b) 2 stages: antique ethics, modern ethics.

c) 5 stages: pre-ethics, ancient ethics, medieval ethics, modern ethics, modern ethics.

d) 4 stages: ancient ethics, medieval ethics, modern ethics, modern ethics.

14. The author of the term “Moral”:

a. Homer

b. Tacitus;

c. Cicero.

15. Morality - the term:

a. French;

b. Chinese;

c. Russian.

16. “Domostroy” - a monument of ethical thought:

a. Ancient Greece;

b. India

c. Of Russia.

17. “Love for one's neighbor” is the moral norm of ethics:

a. antique;

b. Confucian

c. Christian.

18. Ethical utilitarianism is ethics:

a. feudal economic relations;

b. slaveholding market relations;

c. bourgeois market relations.

19. Eudaimonism is:

a. debt;

b. the beauty;

c. happiness.

20. Hedonism is:

a. asceticism;

b. sensual pleasure.

c. patriotism;

21. The Logos is the law:

a. The Roman Empire;

b. Russian Empire;

c. Cosmos.

22. Asceticism is:

a. refusal of sensory-physical pleasures;

b. sadness

c. entertainment;

23. The concept of “sin” was first formulated:

a. Plato;

b. Aristotle;

c. Thomas Aquinas.

24. “Deontology” is:

a. doctrine of the rules of conduct;

b. doctrine of social mores and customs;

c. the doctrine of the problems of morality and morality, a section of ethics.

b) professional ethics.

25. “Categorical imperative” is found in the teaching:

a. Marx;

b. Hegel;

c. Kant.

26. The religious principle prevailed in ethics:

a. antiquity;

b. New time;

c. Middle Ages.

27. Rationalism is a distinctive feature of ethics:

a. Protestantism.

b. paganism;

c. Orthodoxy

28. Etiquette is:

a. religious teaching;

b. a monument of ancient ethical thought;

c. culture of behavior.

29. Ethics related to “practical philosophy”:

a. Aristotle.

b. Hegel

c. Marx

30. Emotivism is a direction in ethics:

a. Marxism

b. existentialism;

c. neopositivism.

31. “To teach a person to be happy” is the point of view:

a. reasonable selfishness;

b. hedonism;

c. eudaimonism.

32. Emotivism is a direction in ethics:

a. Marxism

b. existentialism;

c. neopositivism.

33. “Man must be free,” ethics says:

a. ethical utilitarianism;

b. existentialism ;

c. neotomism

34. Good and evil are:

a) self-esteeming feeling, experience, one of the most ancient intrapersonal regulators of human behavior.

b) the moral task that a person formulates for himself on the basis of moral requirements that apply to everyone.

c) the most common forms of moral assessment, distinguishing between moral and immoral.

35. In ethics, justice is a category

a) meaning a state of affairs that is considered for granted, consistent with ideas about the essence of man, his inalienable rights, proceeding from the recognition of equality between all people and the need for conformity between the act and the reward for good and evil;

b) a specific moral category;

c) a specific legal category.

36. Debt is:

a) a moral task that a person formulates for himself on the basis of moral requirements that apply to everyone.

b) self-esteeming feeling, experience, one of the oldest intimate personality regulators of human behavior.

c) a category of ethics that characterizes a person from the point of view of fulfillment of moral requirements, the correspondence of his moral activity to moral duty, considered from the standpoint of the individual’s capabilities

37. Conscience is:

a) self-esteeming feeling, experience, one of the most ancient intrapersonal regulators of human behavior.

b) the moral task that a person formulates for himself on the basis of moral requirements that apply to everyone.

c) a category of ethics that characterizes a person’s ability to exercise moral self-control, internal self-esteem from the standpoint of matching his behavior with the requirements of morality, independently formulate moral goals for himself and require them to perform them.

d) the obligation and need to report on their actions, actions, to be responsible for their possible consequences

38. Responsibility is:

a) an expression of a person’s responsibility for his behavior before himself, a form of self-assertion of the person.

b) the moral task that a person formulates for himself on the basis of moral requirements that apply to everyone.

c) a category of ethics that characterizes a person from the point of view of fulfillment of moral requirements, the correspondence of his moral activity to moral duty, considered from the standpoint of the individual's capabilities.

d) the duty and need to report on their actions, deeds, to be responsible for their possible consequences.

39. Dignity is:

a) a category of ethics, meaning a special moral attitude of a person to himself and attitude to him by society around him, based on the recognition of the value of a person as a person.

b) a category of ethics that characterizes a person from the point of view of fulfillment of moral requirements, the correspondence of his moral activity to moral duty, considered from the standpoint of the individual's capabilities.

c) the opinion about the moral character of a person that has developed among others, based on his previous behavior.

d) an expression of a person’s responsibility for his behavior before himself, a form of self-assertion of the person.

40. Reputation is:

a) self-esteeming feeling, experience, one of the most ancient intrapersonal regulators of human behavior.

b) the moral task that a person formulates for himself on the basis of moral requirements that apply to everyone.

c) the opinion about the moral character of a person that has developed among others, based on his previous behavior.

d) an expression of a person’s responsibility for his behavior before himself, a form of self-assertion of the person.

41. The right is:

a) a moral task that a person formulates for himself on the basis of moral requirements that apply to everyone.

b) necessary, interconnected and interpenetrating systems of regulation of public life.

c) the set of generally binding or authorized by the state generally binding rules of conduct (norms), compliance with which is ensured by state measures

42. Morality and law are:

a) necessary, interconnected and interpenetrating systems of regulation of public life.

b) the set of generally binding or sanctioned by the state of generally binding rules of conduct (norms), compliance with which is ensured by measures of state influence

c) perform a single social function - the regulation of people's behavior in society.

d) recognition of the dignity and worth of the individual.

43. The presumption of innocence means:

a) a moral task that a person formulates for himself on the basis of moral requirements that apply to everyone.

b) the opinion about the moral character of a person that has developed among others, based on his previous behavior.

c) the expression of a person’s responsibility for his behavior before himself, a form of self-assertion of the person.

d) recognition of the dignity and worth of the individual.

44. The presumption of innocence was first formulated:

a) in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of a Citizen, adopted in France in 1789,

b) in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 19, 1966

c) in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993

45. The culture of the criminal process is:

a) the level, degree of development of any branch of economic or mental activity.

b) the qualitative characteristics of this type of state activity, based on the general concept of culture, as well as ideas about legal culture.

c) the achievements of society in industrial, social and spiritual life.

See also

    created: 2020-04-28
    updated: 2024-11-15

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    Очень полезная статья, которая помогла мне лучше понять основные принципы этики. Я рекомендую всем пройти тесты, чтобы проверить свои знания и узнать новое.
    Эти тесты по этике очень интересные и разнообразные. Я нашел несколько вопросов, на которые не смог ответить сразу, но благодаря объяснениям я смог лучше понять этические принципы.
    Важно знать не только основы этики, но и уметь применять эти знания на практике. Эти тесты помогают понять, как применять этические принципы в реальной жизни.
    Эти тесты по этике подходят не только для профессионалов, но и для всех, кто хочет развивать свои знания и навыки в области этики. Я считаю, что каждый должен пройти эти тесты, чтобы лучше понимать свои права и обязанности в обществе.
    Очень удобный формат тестов с ответами и объяснениями. Я нашел эту статью случайно, и благодаря ей я смогла проверить свои знания и узнать много нового о принципах этики. Спасибо авторам за полезную статью!

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