You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin

5. Open and hidden gesture language.


The purpose of the lesson is to teach a student to read a person by his gesticulation A greeting and farewell; handshake; open and closed gestures; lies and insincerity; gestures and demeanor; hands as a source of personalized personality. Tests: “What do fingers speak about”, “Hand sides”, “Hand signals: support or interference”. Interpretation of drawings.

Isler-Mertz K. Sign language / Trans. with him. K. Davydova. - M .: FAIR-PRESS, 2001. - 160 pp., Ill. - (Grand World).

Gestures of palms and fingers.

Gestures made by palms and fingers can tell a lot about both yourself and the interlocutor. If your interlocutor has learned to manage his gestures, then pay attention to the palm of your hand, and you will read the most hidden information through the smallest movements of your fingers.

The left palm will tell about our inner world, about our abilities, inclinations, character traits. The right hand shows how we act and behave in real life.

First of all, it is necessary to monitor the direction of gestures - “to yourself” or “from yourself”.

Turn your eyes to the TV screen when the parliamentary debates are once again shown. Observe the behavior of the speakers, and you will come to interesting conclusions.

Let us give an example. Everyone knew beforehand that there would be television. All speakers were well trained, prepared in such a way that their image reinforced what they say. Everyone knows that good arguments can clarify a lot, prevent or prevent. Everyone also knows that it is best to put your hands on the podium and try not to swing them. Everyone knows that. And try to follow these rules.

However, during debates, when offensive remarks sound, many lose control of themselves. And you can see how the right hand with a reproachfully raised index finger arguing again and again pokes in the direction of the opponent. Consciousness, reason pushing to attack, and this is manifested through gestures. Sometimes you can catch appealing or cautioning movements of the left hand - a subconscious confirmation of expressed desire. In this case, it is obvious that the speaker is in the grip of emotions.

Speakers are extremely rare and are able to control both hands and keep them motionless.

It is very interesting to watch the involuntary gestures of people on a talk show or in the course of round-table discussions. In the midst of disputes is not up to the camera, as it is necessary to break the opponent. And we see Mrs. A. saying something, and Mr. B. with a disparaging gesture of her left hand refutes her argument. Or Mr. V. expresses his point of view, and Mrs. G., representing the opposition party, turning in his direction, agrees nodding. So, Mr. V.'s speech definitely found a lively response in her, no matter what she said later: “But I, as a representative of my party, do not agree with this ...”

The sides of the palm are "I" and "You."

During a private conversation or a televised discussion, other obvious differences between the interlocutors are evident, which are explained by the phenomenon of the presence of so-called “I” and “you” sides in the palm of your hand. This method has a serious rationale and gives answers to the questions:

• Is the “me” side more distinct?

• Are the sides of “me” and “you” in balance?

• Does the party outweigh you?

Figuring out these things in relation to oneself and to others is really important, because it gives additional information to reflection.

So, stretch your arms in front of you, spread your fingers slightly. Now mentally draw a centerline from the tip of the nail of the middle finger to the wrist, that is, to the base of the palm. The thumb, index finger and partly middle finger belong to the side of “I”, the other half of the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger are the side of “you” (Figure 10).

Where did these names come from? Imagine that you bring a piece of bread or a glass of water to your mouth - you do this with three fingers on the side of me (thumb, index and middle) (Figure 9).

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.   5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 9 Figure 10

The same three fingers you undo and button buttons, take a spoon or fork, a pencil. Doesn't that mean anything? With the same fingers it costs you nothing to pick up and carry or take a tool and make something, then build a house and build a wall. Hundreds of actions can be performed only with the help of these three fingers of the “I” side.

Thus, the side of the “I” symbolizes the forces necessary for survival: in order to eat, quench thirst, bring something, hold on, build and even fight with someone.

Now try, without moving your thumb and forefinger, to do something with the “you” side, that is, with your middle finger, ring finger and little finger. You practically will not succeed - no sensible gesture, no manipulations that could help in the struggle for existence! So, the side of "you" is a kind of continuation of the side of "I". The side of "you" can give signals, but only the side of "I" can really help in life. So decided

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 11 is the nature (Figure 11).

You can meet people who actively use the side of "I" in their gestures. Their ring finger and little finger are most often tucked in, inactive and practically motionless. Despite this, such people cannot be automatically referred to as self-centered, selfish. The active use of the side of the “I” speaks about the energy of their character, the determination to use everything to achieve the goal: responsibility, leadership qualities, perseverance, courage and initiative. But they have their own negative sides - impudence, rudeness, when you need to achieve something.

On the way to success, there are many side desires and secondary goals that people with the dominant side of the self continually encounter.

It is more difficult to recognize owners of hands with more developed party "you". The main distinguishing mark will be their desire to squeeze their fingers. The fingers of the side of "I" are pressed to the fingers of the side of "you": the index finger is pressed to the middle one, the big one is not very set aside, it is located closer to the index finger. "I" is very dependent on "you." Since the side of "you" can cause harm, those who dominate it prefer to keep it closer to themselves, rarely show it and gesticulate, squeezing or only slightly spreading their fingers. During the conversation, they prefer to hold hands in front of the chest or face. Often, the fingers interlock in the form of a shallow bowl directed toward oneself. We already mentioned this gesture when it came to introverts.

When you see that the speaker or the speaker is holding on like this, you can safely conclude:

• he does not use the power of conviction in his own interests, he is not self-centered (with all the ensuing consequences);

• he would rather listen to what the “you” side advises, which has its advantages, but also its disadvantages.

It is desirable that both of these qualities are in balance.

People with the dominant side of the "I" can take the side of others, only if they are valued and respected. And those who are dominated by the “you” side can act out of personal motives and mercenary considerations - only they act more gently, and this gets away with them.

If you decide to play on the run, listen to the opinion of the person with the dominant side of the palm "I" - he can tell you the true favorites. If you have to choose a person for communication or teamwork, then stop your choice on a person whose side of the palm “you” dominates.

A large group of people who have both sides of the palm are equally strongly represented belongs to the “intermediate class”. Depending on the situation, they may manifest themselves in this or that way, or they will act as a counterweight to each other.

"Message" fingers.

Everything that will be said about the fingers applies to both the right and left hand. Left - shows what is hidden in our subconscious, in thoughts, our desires. Right - how we behave in relation to others, how we realize our inner qualities. Thus, the left and right hands are equally important.

Thumb up The thumb is on the side of the palm "I". It allows you to judge the strength of will, energy, stimuli and sexual instinct. Used in many indecent gestures, it plays an important role in them.

Main characteristics

Straight and strong thumbs. Indicate great potential. The person is eager to establish himself and can act unceremoniously.

Thumbs bend to almost 90º. Before you extrovert with pronounced qualities of a leader. He has excellent chances to make a career and achieve independence.

The tips of the fingers are rounded. A durable and strong-willed person who steadily goes to the intended goal. Able to properly assess their capabilities and distribute the forces, whether it is passing exams or the realization of ideas.

Thin, fragile and short thumbs. They talk about the fine mental organization and unwillingness to go ahead to achieve their goals. A person achieves recognition in other, more diplomatic ways, gaining sympathy and favor.

Thumbs bend at a relatively small angle - 45º. These are people who are able to measure their needs with their desires. They do not necessarily hold leadership positions - they feel much more confident working in a team under someone else’s leadership.

Thumbs up with flat tips. Their owners are delicate and conscientious. Serious decisions are given to them with great difficulty, especially if you need to take into account considerations of personal gain, to punish or dismiss someone.


The more attention is drawn to the thumb, the stronger the “I” side is expressed in a person. The smaller the thumb, the more obvious the influence of the “you” side.

Forefinger.   The index finger characterizes a person’s ability to self-expression, realization, self-esteem, ability to lead.

Main characteristics

Too long, straight, prominent index fingers. This man is very confident. He wants and is waiting for public recognition. He is proud of his success and annoyed when they are not noticed.

Thin, short, weak index fingers. He is a quiet and modest person who prefers not to stand out from the crowd and is ready to bask in the rays of someone else’s glory - personal desires are not important for him, he does not put himself in the first place.


If the index finger is longer than the average, it means that the side of the “I” palm dominates in a person. If at the same time attention is attracted by the thumb, it means that it is important for a person to assert himself, he really wants to be known and have power in his hands.

If the tip of the index finger leans toward the middle, then the person’s self-affirmation will be associated with work. Personal wealth and success do not satisfy him.

Middle finger.   The middle finger belongs to the side of the "I" palm, and to the side of "you". It symbolizes the meaning of life, responsibilities, responsibility, sense of proportion, most clearly characterizes the fate of a person.

Main characteristics

Very long, straight and large middle fingers. Strong responsibility and a sense of justice. A person realizes that he has a destiny. He looks at things too seriously.

Middle fingers are thin, short, no longer than the rest. This indicates a light character person. What seems like a tragedy to others is not a big deal for him.


If the middle finger leans towards the index finger, it means that the side of the palm “I” has the dominant influence. Among such people are researchers, inventors, scientists.

If the upper phalanx of the middle finger leans towards the nameless one, it means that the “you” side has the dominant influence. Such a person is usually a good leader and an example to follow in any society.

Ring finger.   The ring finger belongs to the “you” side, on which everything that we like and warms the heart, therefore the ring finger is sometimes called the sun. It symbolizes our ideals, vocation, what is close and dear to us, those for whom we live and work: children, parents, spectators, patients, clients, students, etc.

Main characteristics

Straight, large and long ring fingers. The advantage on the side of "you": their own desires and concerns, as a rule, are relegated to the background. Ability to self-sacrifice: the interests of others are more important than their own, and the family first. He always thinks about business, not about profit.

Thin, small ring fingers. Obligations to “you” do not come from the heart. People without special attachments. Rarely observe religious, spiritual and social foundations. They, as a rule, are not able to feel subtle, they have no need for close friendship and high ideals.


If the ring finger is longer than the index finger, then the “you” side is stronger. This gives a good chance for those who are engaged in creativity - both professionally and simply for the soul. Satisfaction can bring self-affirmation in the religious, social or creative field.

If the upper phalanx of the ring finger leans towards the middle one, it means that the life goal is connected with the fact that you are on the side of the palm.

“You” is important too. You can not live without loving anyone and not caring about anyone. A great rarity when the ring finger leans toward the little finger. In this case, solar energy is concentrated on the side of the palm “you” and can literally gild such a person. This is a player, a playboy, he is attracted by dubious enterprises - but, as people say, “who does not risk, he does not drink champagne”!

Little finger.   The little finger characterizes sociability, ability to negotiate and to write creativity.

Main characteristics

Pretty strong and large pinky. His owner is a good family man, knows how to dispose of real estate and money. Logically thinking, well organized.

Weak, thin, short little finger. Careless and impractical person, shy to make acquaintances, perhaps, has problems with speech. In the negotiations concerning the money, must be especially prudent.

The little finger is at a fairly large angle. Such a person is always ready to flirt and gossip. His distinguished irrepressible curiosity and the ability to get into the soul.

The little finger tightly adjacent to other fingers. Closed and uncommunicative person. In everyday life, he is careful, seeks help and support from his “you” and, by the way, finds it. Sometimes he tries to imprison himself in an “ivory tower”.

These short characteristics are easy to remember. They are very many years old and can be found in all cultures. Keep in mind that both right and left hands deserve attention, they can carry different information.

The right hand reflects reality, and the left hand reflects your makings. They need to be combined, and it can be difficult!

"Messages" of fingers on the dominant side of the palm "I"

People with a pronounced side "I" are not selfish and not self-centered, as already mentioned. But they tend to listen to themselves and always act in their own way, which can not but affect the professional and family life.

Characteristics apply equally to men and women.

Side "I" with a prominent thumb

Character traits. Readiness to risk and propensity to independent business. The desire to be recognized feeds the initiative, but sometimes it becomes too much. Ability to lead and demand. The desire in any society to take an active position, and not be guided by the herd instinct.

Ability to eccentric acts. Such a person can offer assistance in professional and developmental activities, arrange and take part in a hike and a research expedition in order to get acquainted with other countries and cultures.

Tendency to take care of the weak. Can support Greenpeace or the Greens, work with children, in a rescue team and part-time job at UNICEF, be the leader of a social movement in defense of human rights.

The propensity to self-cause. As a rule, he chooses any free profession and receives an appropriate education, say economic or legal, after which he starts his own business and carries out independent projects.

Courage. Can work part-time or just for fun in the police, fire service, detective agency or rescue service.

Sacrifice Ready to take care of criminals who have served their sentences, for difficult children and adolescents, drug addicts and marginals.

Sport. As a rule, it is a fan of extreme (mountaineering, car racing, ski jumping) or water sports (surfing, freestyle), which give thrills associated with risk. But I recommend to make sure that the load is age appropriate.

Hobbies Artistic talent can translate into animal training or stunt work. Creative interests are not typical.

Politics. Politics can really captivate. In this case, the person aspires to the leading party position.

Side "I" with prominent index finger

Character traits. Such a person has the qualities of a leader and the ability to be an example for others, and in addition, a heightened sense of justice, perseverance and dedication, pride when something works out. He needs fame and recognition. These are good lawyers, tax advisors, prominent public figures. Successful in economic, legal and financial affairs, to which they have a special gift.

Leader in educational institutions. May hold responsible positions in shelters or social adaptation centers, committees for assistance to refugees and immigrants.

The pursuit of mentoring.A good HR manager will come out of it; you can safely delegate it to the supervisory board, say, a joint stock company or to the sphere of management. Often such a person teaches from the podium, whether it be a parent meeting or a production meeting.

Reliability and responsibility. He tries to protect and take care of the sick, the elderly and the needy.

Sport.Horse riding, tennis, golf - everything that has style and elegance. There is no question of achievements!

Hobby. He likes to read biographical, historical and culturological literature. He is fond of astrology, mythology. He plays chess well.

Politics.Takes an active position, speaks with slogans and policy statements. It seeks to occupy responsible and senior positions in various associations.

Может заниматься миссионерской деятельностью, находясь на верхней ступени церковной иерархии; занимать руководящие посты в министерстве культуры.

Сторона «я» с выделяющимся средним пальцем

Характерные черты. Такой человек может с успехом заниматься любой профессиональной деятельностью. Он наведет порядок в финансах и бухгалтерских книгах, сумеет распорядиться своими и чужими деньгами, особенно когда речь идет о клинике, санатории, пансионате для престарелых. Очень ответственно относится к тому, о чем ему поручено заботиться. Но независимо от сферы деятельности лучше всего ему работается самостоятельно, работа в коллективе - самый лучший для него вариант.

Задания, связанные с исследованием и анализом. Надежный работник в химической или физической лаборатории, в техническом или медицинском центре. Это внимательный и прилежный человек, который прекрасно справится с заданием по опросу общественного мнения, с самостоятельным анализом материала, оценкой ответов на экзамене или докладом на научной конференции. За все порученные ему важные и ответственные задания можно не волноваться: они в надежных руках.

Роль учителя или наглядного примера. Сюда относится все связанное с религией, обществом и эзотерикой. Стремится увеличивать свои познания в этих областях.

Caring for people. For example, in organizations such as the Red Cross, Amnesty International, church societies. The help of these people is especially needed by dying, terminally ill people who are at risk.

Sport. Long-distance running, fishing, yoga, autogenic training, chess.

Hobby. Archeology, ancient cultures, all sorts of beliefs. Philosophical literature. Silence, meditation, a holiday spent in pastoral solitude will help to relax and rejuvenate. Benefit will therapeutic diet.

Politics. Usually do not show much interest in this area of ​​public life.


Half of the middle finger refers to the side of the palm “you”. Those who have this side more developed, should listed the features listed above to it.

“Messages” on the dominant side of the palm “YOU”

People whose side of the palm “you” is more developed does not necessarily fully surrender to their “you”, they also satisfy personal needs. Simply, they tend to more rationally use their strength, performing tasks that give them "you." This is especially important in professional and family life. The following characteristics also apply equally to men and women.

Side "you" with a prominent ring finger

Character traits. It is impossible not to pay due attention to idealism and the need for art, a sense of beauty and artistic ambitions. It is good that the hobby is connected with one of these areas: drawing, music, literature, dancing, acting, both alone and in a team. Often and professional activities associated with art.

Семья, окружающая среда и животные - в хороших руках. Характерная черта такого человека - любовь к природе и чувство красоты. Его тянет ко всему живому. Он любит свой дом и родину. Трудно переносит одиночество. Старается приспосабливаться к обстоятельствам.

Хорошо развитое эстетическое чувство. Например, мода, прически, украшения. Профессионально или для себя любит заниматься дизайном интерьера, архитектурой, устройством сада и флористикой. Умеет делать это со вкусом.

Хорошие отношения со стороной ладони «ты». Превосходно справляется с заданием, если нужно кого-то встретить, представить на выставке. Идеальный человек для работы администратором в гостинице. Кроме того, очень подойдет работа, связанная с гастрономией.

Социальные потребности и занятия. Его делают счастливым семья и друзья. Нужно ценить его способность слушать и сочувствовать! Умеет обращаться с детьми, особенно с малышами. Сильные религиозные мотивы побуждают его помогать окружающим.

Необычные интересы. Очень интересуется магией, ритуалами, оккультизмом. Но существует опасность пристраститься к черной магии или вуду.

Интерес к эзотерике. Стремление узнать все о свойствах драгоценных камней, запахов и эликсиров и применить эти познания.

Интерес к медицине. Интересуется рэйки. магнетизмом, лечебным массажем. С удовольствием занимается с людьми в реабилитационных центрах. Желание лечить и помогать превращается в потребность.

Hobby. Walking and hiking. Romance novels and biographies - favorite reading. To celebrate holidays, to accept and entertain guests, to cook. But beyond that, an interest in esoteric or psychological literature.

Politics Does not take part in it, at the most that in this area is possible - this is sympathy for all the sufferers in the world.

Side "you" with eye-catching little finger

Character traits. Realistic views and the gift of eloquence are presented here at its best. Caution and quickness of mind are directed towards communication. Ability to sell and negotiate. Able to convince and persuade and usually always remembers who supported him or helped him.

Everything related to trading and presentation. It can convince its listeners if it offers an insurance contract, a razor, a computer or an alarm. His place on the exchange and at the conclusion of the marriage contract.

Ability to languages. Easily learn any foreign language, if it is required in the interests of the cause. It will be an indispensable employee, if you agree to work in a travel agency or guide-interpreter. Also suitable is the work of an art historian in a museum, a guide to art exhibitions.

Workshops. Crafts, calculations, the study of new technologies. We are pleased to give additional classes and advice.

Organizational skills and the ability to convince. Such consultants are lacking in many organizations dealing with money. Often manifest detective ability. Can earn a laurel wreath as a critic or cartoonist.

Talent to entertain. A speaker or entertainer at festivals and parties; He is wonderful at telling jokes and sticks to the stage perfectly. Puppet show for children and clownery will always be a success. He can be a great master of ceremonies, organizer and manager of anniversaries and other holidays.

Хобби. Мастер на все руки, если речь заходит о том, чтобы что-то починить, когда об этом попросят. Интересуется нумерологией, ицзин, флористикой и аранжировкой цветов, камнями, рунами, что часто помогает ему и с материальной точки зрения. Увлекается всем необычным (уфология, астрология, космонавтика, Атлантида). Читать предпочитает детективы и иллюстрированные журналы.

Sport. Легкая атлетика, гимнастика, спортивные игры - но всегда в меру!

Politics. Не вызывает особого интереса, за исключением курса акций, валюты и других ценных бумаг.

If neither the side of the "I" nor the side of the "you" stands out in the palm of your hand, the inclinations may change. You can not hesitate and hesitate for a long time, you need to make a decision and stick to it.


Panasyuk A.Yu. And what is he in the subconscious? (12 lessons on psychotechnology penetration into the interlocutor of the interlocutor). - M .: Delo, 1999. - 272

How the hands communicate with us, or trust the gesture more than the word.

Hands the most eloquent language nonverbalics. The psychological world of a person can be determined by the hands, and if a person consciously tries to control his actions, then even the most insignificant gesture with the hands produced subconsciously can say a lot. Interpret the hand gestures shown in the suggested fragments and characterize this representative of these gestures (Figure 12, 13,14).

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 12.

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 13.

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 14.

Pease A. Body Language. How to read the thoughts of others by their gestures. Exmo 2002.- 224 p. (Series "Psychology of success).


A greeting is always something more.

Often in life there are situations where circumstances do not allow you to get to know the interlocutor. So, usually the time of negotiations or discussions at a desk or even ordinary conversations in an informal setting is limited. Nevertheless, it is always possible to determine the type to which the interlocutor belongs, and, based on this, choose the correct tactics of actions. The gestures of your vis-a-vis can tell a lot about him and his attitude towards you, which means they will tell you how to behave with him.

In our daily life there are many fleeting meetings that we don’t pay much attention to in the bustle. It's about the people we meet in passing.

As a rule, especially if you work, by the evening you do not remember who you had to shake hands during the day. We greet colleagues on the run, meet acquaintances, meet or say goodbye to customers. This happens between cases, and we do not pay special attention to this - it is just a display of politeness, and nothing more.

But sometimes, after greeting the person or shaking his hand goodbye, you experience some strange feeling, something unusual, special. You definitely feel that in a short handshake there was some sort of shade - likes or dislikes. It all happened so quickly, and you did not have time to really understand. Interestingly, these imperceptible signals can cause both excellent relationships and acute mutual antipathy.

Many, when greeting, try to avoid physical contact using an American-style gesture: it is enough to raise your hand with the palm of your hand to the interlocutor and throw a careless “Hai!”. Firstly, it is better for reasons of hygiene, secondly, it saves time, thirdly, it does not oblige to anything, fourthly, this behavior is very convenient in a group: you do not need to contact everyone by name (especially if you have you no matter with memory). When addressing the interlocutors with a palm, the person as if says: “I have nothing to hide, I came with peaceful intentions”. This gesture is especially popular among young people.

When meeting at the same time with a small number of people, for example, if you represent two or three new colleagues, it is customary to shake hands and say the appropriate words.


A handshake is a custom that comes to us from the era of the caveman. When two troglodytes met, they raised their hands with their palms up to show that they had no weapons. Over the centuries, this custom has been modified. There were such gestures as an open hand, raised in the air, a palm pressed to the heart, and many other options. The modern form of this ancient greeting ritual is a handshake. People stretch each other's hands, squeeze them and shake them several times. Usually the hands are shaken five to seven times.

There are three main options for a handshake:

1. The palm is stretched strictly vertically (Figure 15.) , edge down, fingers slightly apart. The other person gives you the same hand. This is an open greeting of equals - it implies successful, positive communication.

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 15.

2. You extend your hand by opening the palm of your interlocutor (Figure 16) , your fingers are slightly apart. The more you open your palm, the more eloquent is the signal that you offer a confidential, intimate relationship, you are ready to share with him your impressions and to listen to the words of prompting, you are not striving for leadership. This may cause a good resonance, but not always, it happens that such a gesture is misunderstood: “It's wonderful, you can work with him, I tamed him!” An open hand always indicates readiness to accept something or recognize the superiority of the interlocutor. This willingness can be taken for weakness.

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 16.

3. You hold the palm vertically (Figure 17) or slightly tilted, but palm down. Fingers tend to lie on something, for something to take. This gesture means: “I take the lead, I believe in myself and have already thought of everything. You must obey me! ” Such a power of conviction can be justified and have good consequences. But it can also be taken for coldness and arrogance.

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Fig. 17

Greetings of all three types usually occur so quickly that we do not have time to make out, we just feel. However, in the subconscious still remains a negative or positive picture.

When two dominant people shake hands with each other , a kind of symbolic struggle takes place, an attempt to turn the partner’s arm into a subordinate position. As a result, both palms remain upright, which demonstrates respect and trust towards each other. Every father of his son teaches such a handshake, showing how a real man should shake hands.

When you feel that your partner intends to dominate your relationship, that is, his hand is pointing palm down during a handshake, it is very difficult to transfer his hand to a subordinate position, and not even physically as well as morally - because your attempt will be completely obvious. Here is a simple technique, thanks to which you can regain control of the situation and disarm the dominant partner by invading his intimate zone. To improve this technique, you must learn to step with your left foot during a handshake (Fig. 18). And then you should push the right leg forward, stand to the left of the partner, thereby penetrating into his intimate zone (Fig. 19). Now move your left foot to the right and complete the maneuver. Only after you get close to the other person, can you shake his hand. Thus, you can strengthen your own handshake or even transfer the interlocutor’s hand to a subordinate position. In addition, by invading the intimate zone of the interlocutor, you will gain control over the situation (Fig. 20).

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 18

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 19

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 20

Analyze the handshake styles.

There are different types of handshakes, some of them are listed below. You are invited according to the figures to interpret the psychological burden and situations where they can be applied or where no handshake data is permissible.


  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 21. Palm down

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 22. Edge down

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 23. Palm up

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 24 a.

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 24 b.

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 25 - “Glove”

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 26

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 27 - Weak Hand

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 28 - Shaking Your Fingertips

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 29 - "Crunches"

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 30 - Shaking a non-bent straight arm.

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 31 - Partner arm tugging

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 32 - Wrist Shake

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 33 - Elbow Shake

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 34 - Shaking the Forearm

  5. Open and hidden gesture language.

Figure 35 - Shoulder Shake.



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