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Substances that activate the higher integrative functions of the brain. The main manifestation of the action of nootropics is their ability to exert a beneficial effect on learning and memory when they are violated. Nootropic drugs are used to restore these functions, in case of their insufficiency resulting from degenerative brain lesions, hypoxia, brain injury, stroke, intoxication, and neurological deficiency in mentally retarded children, Alzheimer's disease, etc. Many nootropic agents have pronounced antihypoxic activity.

These drugs do not affect the higher nervous activity of healthy animals and the psyche of a healthy person, in norm they do not change many behavioral reactions.

The basis is a favorable effect on metabolic (energy) processes of the brain (increased synthesis of high-energy phosphates, proteins, activation of a number of enzymes, stabilization of damaged neuronal membranes). Some mimic the metabolic effects of GABA.

Nootropic drugs have a therapeutic effect in case of mental deficiency only with prolonged use, have a significant latent period of action. In some cases, these drugs are used in combination with other psychotropic drugs (for the treatment of the mentally ill).

Most of the known nootropic agents also possess antihypoxic and some anticonvulsant activity.

The group of nootropic drugs include piracetam, Aminalon, pantogam, pyriditol, etc. The most widely spread piracetam.

Piracetam (nootropil) is a cyclic derivative of GABA. It has a favorable stimulating effect on mental activity (thinking, learning, memory) in case of its insufficiency. An important property of piracetam is its antihypoxic effect. It has a moderate anticonvulsant effect, preventing the spread of seizure activity.

Piracetam easily penetrates tissue barriers. It is rapidly absorbed from the intestines, penetrates the blood-brain and placental barriers.

Piracetam is used in case of mental deficiency associated with chronic vascular and degenerative brain lesions (dementia associated with old age, atherosclerosis, alcoholism, cranial trauma, etc.) in mentally retarded children.

Piracetam is administered inside and parenterally from one to several months. Of the side effects, dyspeptic disorders and sleep disorders are sometimes noted.

Aminalon (gammalon, ganevrin) is a drug GABA, which is formed in the central nervous system. GABA inhibitory mediator plays an important role in metabolic processes of the nervous tissue (stimulation of tissue respiration). The metabolic activity of GABA underlies its psychotropic action. Through the blood-brain barrier, the drug passes badly. However, with organic brain damage, the permeability of Aminalon through the blood-brain barrier increases.

Important properties of aminalon: it increases cerebral blood flow and oxygen tension in brain tissues, has a moderate antihypoxic activity. It has a small anticonvulsant activity, especially in epileptogenic foci.

With a high blood sugar level, a hypoglycemic effect is observed.

It is used similarly to piracetam mainly in case of mental deficiency caused by impaired cerebral circulation (in atherosclerosis, after a stroke, skull injury, etc.), in alcoholic dementia and in mentally retarded children. Sometimes Aminalon is used in the complex therapy of epilepsy. The hypotensive effect of the drug can be used in the treatment of patients with arterial hypertension.

The effect of the drug develops gradually. The course of treatment for several months.

The drug Phenibut - has the components of nootropic and anxiolytic activity.

The group of nootropics also includes derivatives of a number of vitamin preparations: pantogam (calcium homopanthenate) and pyriditol (encephabol, pyritinol). Both drugs have a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes of the brain and have antihypoxic properties.

Pikamilon can be attributed to this group. It has nootropic activity, improves cerebral circulation.


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Terms: Neuropharmacology