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Drawing: School of the Future on

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School of the Future

My drawing "School of the Future" depicts a bright, modern building that looks like a symbol of an advanced educational institution. Its futuristic architecture impresses with special multi-colored glass panels that shimmer with all the shades of the rainbow and create the impression that the house is floating in the air.

There is a plasma monitor in front of the building, which displays information about school events and educational programs. Tall trees and blooming flowers grow around the house, creating a harmonious landscape design.

Through the windows, energetic students can be seen working on state-of-the-art laptops and tablets, as well as interacting with the large touch screens located in the classrooms.

Drones fly around the school, which can be used to deliver educational materials and other useful things. Solar panels are installed on the roof of the building, providing the school with ecological energy.

In the school yard there is a sports ground with large basketball and football fields, as well as places for recreation and learning in the fresh air.

The picture shows that this school has a modern, technologically sophisticated infrastructure and provides students with the opportunity to develop their abilities and learn in an innovative environment.

Fantastic trees grow near the bright building of the "School of the Future", which give the picture even more of a fairy-tale character. These trees have incredibly bright purple trunks that shimmer with shades of pink and blue. Their branches are scattered in different directions, forming curling shapes that resemble the graceful twigs of corals.

The leaves on these trees are very unusual: they have a metallic luster and are colored in various cosmic shades, including silver, green and purple. This creates the impression that the trees grow in a cosmic garden and emit a kind of light that illuminates the school yard.

These fantastic trees are not only a decoration, but also a symbol of innovation and creativity inherent in the "School of the Future". They create an atmosphere of magic and strangeness, helping students to develop their imagination and research skills.

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