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What is the best way to draw? Aesthetics and technique of drawing.

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To draw better you need use various techniques using lines, compositions, rhythm, perspectives, shadows, reflections, color combinations, respect for proportions, sizes, scales

Lines in drawing

Lines are one of the main means of creating a drawing. It can create the illusion of movement and moods. At the same time, look soft or hard, fat or skinny, static or dynamic, joyful or sad. Be bold and use the lines that your imagination dictates to you!

Proportions, dimensions, scale

Proportions are the proportionality of objects and their relationship to each other. Proportions are needed to display realism. The more correctly proportions and scales are used, the greater the similarity with the original object. When determining proportions, all objects must be measured one relative to the other. If the proportions are not observed, then this will be expressed in the distortion of the subject. To make the creation look more realistic, it is important to measure all its components, and visually it's hard to do.
In order to facilitate this, one can use the method of mental or real imposition, for example use pencil and take measurements at a distance from the real object, measure the parts, and then reproduce all this on the created drawing.

Colors and their combination in the picture

Don't use simple rainbow base colors, use natural or pastel colors.
Schemes have been developed for the aesthetic combination of colors combinations of two, three, four or six colors. In order not to be mistaken, suitable shades and colors are interconnected by lines. Use colors located on these lines, and this line can rotate around the axis of this color wheel.
Another easier option is to use Monochromatic Colors. The combination of colors within the same tone (brightness, saturation) is called monochromatic.

Drawing compositions

Composition is a kind of artistic concept, clause and arrangement with which you can see his idea. When learning, this is how correctly the choice of the size and location of objects on the drawing canvas is made. Visually, the picture must be balanced, while being made up of parts.

Rhythm in a drawing

Rhythm is the coordinated arrangement of elements that brings the composition to unity.

Perspective, shadows and reflection in the picture

We touch the world with the help of the fact that light is reflected from everything but with different power. This allows us to perceive everything as voluminous. To create the illusion of volume on a flat canvas, you need to be able to depict chiaroscuro, perspective and reflections.
Chiaroscuro consists of - Glare; Light; Penumbra; own shadow; Reflex; Drop shadow.
Perspective allows you to see three-dimensional objects on a plane while they seem decreasing or increasing in depth

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Multi-storey building and me
Kitty with lines
Green train
ouquet of flowers with roots
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