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Drawing: Electricity - socket in everyday life - through the eyes of a child

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Electricity - socket in everyday life - through the eyes of a child

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The picture "Electrical outlet in the household - through the eyes of a child" can embody an interesting approach to the image of a real object through a child's imagination. Describing it, you can imagine the following plot:

The picture shows an outlet at home, but instead of the usual holes for plugs, it has the eyes of a child. The eyes can have a bright and enthusiastic expression that reflects wonder and curiosity.

The socket itself can be drawn in the form of a rectangle or a circle with several holes, which are usually used to connect electrical appliances. The child's eyes can take center stage in this drawing, emphasizing its uniqueness.

You can add details that symbolize electricity, such as lightning, sparks or small elements of electrical devices, to create an association with the function of the outlet.

This drawing can embody a child's imagination of how electricity looks in her eyes - magical, alive and full of interesting possibilities. It can be an interesting and fantastic way to depict a real object and create a sense of wonder and joy.

To draw better you need use various techniques using lines, compositions, rhythm, perspectives, shadows, reflections, color combinations, respect for proportions, sizes, scales more .

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