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Drawing: Picture Snowflakes and rainbows

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Picture Snowflakes and rainbows

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A picture of a snowflake and a rainbow is a great opportunity to depict two wonderful natural phenomena in one picture, which symbolize beauty, wonder and joy.

Start with a snowflake. The snowflake has a complex geometric shape, which makes it unique. Draw a central hexagon with distinct contours. Add to it sharp processes that form mossy twigs. Don't forget details like small crystals on snowflake twigs.

Now go to the rainbow. A rainbow is an arc of different colors that appears in rain and sunshine. Draw a large arc that is elongated in the shape of a semicircle. Use bright colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple to complete the rainbow.

After that, pay attention to the composition of the picture. Place the snowflake and rainbow as objects next to each other or on top of each other. You can place the snowflake in the center of the rainbow or place them on either side of each other. The main goal is to create a harmonious and aesthetic composition.

Complete the drawing with details. For example, you can add shiny elements to a snowflake that will emphasize its cold nature. You can also draw clouds or raindrops next to the rainbow to create a realistic atmosphere.

Don't forget the colors. Use light shades of blue and purple for the snowflake and bright colors for the rainbow. Create a contrast between the two elements so they stand out from each other.

Enjoy the process of creating a picture of a snowflake and a rainbow. Express your creativity and experience the beauty of these wonderful natural phenomena in your drawing.

To draw better you need use various techniques using lines, compositions, rhythm, perspectives, shadows, reflections, color combinations, respect for proportions, sizes, scales more .

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