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HF correction due to frequency dependent OOS


  HF correction due to frequency dependent OOS

t   E = R e S e ;

C o = C out + C w + C n ;

R e1 C e1   - chain of automatic shift;

R e S e - chain of high-frequency correction ;

R1, R2 is a divisor;

R n - AC resistance;

R e << R e1 ;

C e << C e1 ;

R e   "   (10-50) ohms

With u   "   (10-500) pF

  HF correction due to frequency dependent OOS

On HF, RN - decreases ( w S >> w B ), therefore S does not depend on w , therefore Z K decreases, gain decreases. This is due to the shunt effect C 0 .

From the formula (*) of the gain with the OS, it can be seen that the depth F = 1 + SZ E , will vary with frequency. Thus, with an increase in w, in the numerator, Z K - decreases, and in the denominator F decreases (OS depth), thereby ensuring a constant gain in a certain frequency band. Choosing the appropriate elements of correction , you can get the rise of the frequency response and, therefore, reduce the settling time ( t Y ).

We find the analytical expression of frequency response, phase response and PC with the corrected OOS.

R OUT >> R K ; R OUT >> R H.

  HF correction due to frequency dependent OOS

At LF R OUT >> R K ; R OUT >> R H.

  HF correction due to frequency dependent OOS

Using the accepted notation, we represent the characteristic in the form:

  HF correction due to frequency dependent OOS

Using the Braude method, we find the optimality condition for frequency response, phase response, HRP.

The condition of optimal correction of the frequency response :

Equating the coefficients for the same degrees X B = w t   B , we get:

Consequently, the bandwidth expands to the depth of the OS.

These formulas work well if R H >> R K. When intermediate cascades work, efficiency decreases.

The sequence of calculation:

1) Determine F e ;

2) Find m;

3) Find R e , C e (R e ~ 0.1R e1 ), where R e1 is the emitter stabilization resistance.


correction with the help of OOS:

1) It is sufficiently effective if R H > R K , the effect of R H is weakened due to parallel capacitive coupling;

2) corrections with the help of R E C E -chain allows to stabilize the gain

3) Allows the use of highly reliable elements (capacitors);

4) Provides multi-band cascades most effectively.


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