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Research, theory and popularity of stupidity


Stupidity is a concept that can be difficult to define definitively, as it is subjective and dependent on context and perspective. However, there are several aspects related to the theory and popularity of stupidity that can be considered:

Subjectivity: Stupidity is perceived differently by different people. What one person considers stupid, another may consider normal or even interesting behavior. Stupidity often depends on sociocultural, educational and individual factors.

Funny and Entertaining: Silly activities and jokes can be a source of entertainment and laughter. Comedy shows and humorous films often use elements of silliness to create comic situations.

Criticism and ridicule: Stupidity can also be the subject of criticism and ridicule. Stupid actions or statements are often ridiculed in society, especially when they are accompanied by negative consequences.

Popularity on Social Media: In the age of social media, silly and funny videos, memes and humorous photos can quickly go viral and receive millions of views. People often share such content for entertainment.

Risk and consequences: Stupid actions can be dangerous and lead to negative consequences. For example, dangerous stunts or challenging videos may inspire uncontrollable behavior that can be dangerous.

Education and Self-Improvement: Understanding stupidity can promote education and self-improvement. Learning about your mistakes and stupid actions helps you grow as a person.

Dunning-Kruger Effect: This psychological effect describes a situation where people with limited experience or knowledge in a particular area often overestimate their abilities and believe that they know more than they actually do. This can lead to stupid actions and statements.

Research, theory and popularity of stupidity

Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain

One of the earliest works of the artist that has come down to us is called “Extracting the Stone of Stupidity,” where we again return to the motif of stupidity. She is not yet very perfect in terms of picturesqueness. Not quite anatomically correct, somewhat dry drawing; rather monochrome, reddish color; poorly developed landscape in the interior. But the semantic side is expressed and developed in great detail, and the artist’s thoughts are conveyed extremely clearly.

The text here, however, is connected with the scene: in the middle of a dull, monotonous landscape, a company of four people is located, it is unclear how they ended up here.

A gray-haired simpleton is sitting in a chair next to the table, on whom some kind of action is being performed.
In the Middle Ages and some time later, there was a belief that stupidity and other mental deviations were associated with the fact that there were some extra stones or growths in the human head. And if you remove them, the person will immediately become wiser. Indeed, there were charlatans who were engaged in such operations - alone or with assistants, they wandered from city to city and deceived the simple-minded. The golden inscription, which is difficult for the modern reader to read, stands for: ''Meester snijt de keye ras / Myne name is lubbert das" - Master, remove the stones quickly. / My name is Lubbert. Inscriptions in a similar style can be found on coats of arms of this

period .

In the Middle Ages, the expression “he has a stone in his head” was used to say that someone was a fool (fool). So Labbert wants to be cured of his stupidity as quickly as possible.

According to Bosch, charlatanism is an integral, obligatory companion of human stupidity. Images of charlatans appear quite often in his works, especially in his early works.

So, the charlatan in a long robe makes a simpleton, who, judging by the inscription, is called Lubbert, a fairly common and therefore impersonal name in the Netherlands, makes an incision in the scalp, and from this small wound grows a tulip, like one lying on the table. which often symbolizes deception.
In 1956, there were attempts to explain the connection between stone and flower, turning to old dictionaries. It has been established that the word "tulpe" has a connotation (connection) with stupidity, carnations are associated with the word "keyken" (a little stone). Perhaps Bosch turned to symbols to depict flowers instead of stones.

The point of the operation was to make such an incision, cast a spell over it and, hiding some hard piece in your hand, then show it to the patient.
An inverted funnel is depicted on the charlatan’s head - a sign of cunning, fraud, deception - an object used for other purposes.
In Bosch we will often see this kind of symbols - a thing that is out of place or is not used as it should be, as a sign of some unnaturalness.
On the head of the Beguine nun, who is present here as the companion of the charlatan, lies a book - another sign of false wisdom. Knowledge is placed not inside, but outside.
It must be said that sometimes it is difficult to get used to the figurative and symbolic thinking of that era, because in the times of Bosch and Bruegel, even glasses were often perceived and culturally interpreted not as a sign of imperfect vision, but as a symbol of the imperfection of human nature, as a sign of lies and deception, not natural, and artificial vision.
A person lacks insight, and therefore he uses “crutches” for his eyes.
A monk is also depicted making some kind of incendiary speech, holding a jug of wine in his hands - a sign of insatiability, greed.

Do you like watching TV? No? But in vain. The TV itself, for example, loves to watch you. Do you feel the intense attention being paid to you from the other side of the screen? No? Strange. But television works not in one direction, but in two directions. Not only do you see, but you are also seen. Don't believe me? This film will show you in detail HOW modern television and cinema work, and what role (the most important!) is assigned to US, the audience.
Call your focus group!

A year ago, my search for interesting writing work led me to meeting some social personalities and subsequently to writing a series of scripts for a youth music television channel. (I won’t name the channel itself, I’ll just say that its name has only two characters: one letter and one number. Okay, the first letter is “M”...)

Everything was going very interestingly: on the channel, how a new program was created, such as a youth Internet review, in which the presenter should cover network news in a humorous tone. The presenter, I must say, was a very interesting and intelligent lady. Therefore, the text for her was written, although it was humorous, but the jokes, so to speak, were just above the belt. Well, that is, without greasy toilet humor. (About how “OSP Studio” was once upon a time, before the era of the “Comedy Club”).

They started filming the pilot, the director was delighted, everyone was excited, and then... The channel management suddenly intervened. It said the jokes were “overly clever” and they needed something... much dumber. Yes, that’s what they said, in plain text: “WE NEED STUPID, IDIOT HUMOR.” I asked why stupid. I was sent to the channel’s marketing manager, who first of all gave me a list of marketing trainings that she had completed in different countries, the meaning of which boiled down to one thing: programs are compiled strictly for a specific audience, for a certain age category, and pilot content is always checked for “ focus groups."

I see, I said, and thought about it. It turns out that the channel conducted a study and found out that most of the viewers of its programs are teenagers, and with an intelligence level... Wait a minute. Just a second. Since they demanded “stupid, idiotic humor” from me, my reasonable question was: “So you think that your audience is stupid idiots?” I believed that I could judge this authoritatively, because I worked with the youth audience for quite a long time, and there are not as many stupid idiots there as the TV channel apparently believes. The marketing lady gave me another extended lecture on TV programming, from which I suddenly and clearly understood another, main thing that struck me then like a telegraph pole out of the blue: the TV channel has a clear task to MAKE its audience idiots. No, this is not my paranoid fantasy. That, what we usually say jokingly (“don’t make an idiot out of me!”) suddenly turned out to be a ruthless, in all its absurdity, truth of life. Adjusting young viewers to the level of idiots is not a random aesthetic whim of the channel’s creators, no, this is precisely the task set... But by whom, I still don’t know.
The first film about stupidity as a phenomenon of human nature.

Many Russians like to blame the West and America in particular for “corrupting Russia.” They say they are corrupting our youth and instilling false ideals. Although they completely forget to mention that America was founded by people who, without exaggeration, can be called great: they were scientists, generals, philosophers, teachers. Therefore, if something is corrupting our world from the inside, America was the first to be attacked.
However, what “American haters” could be the first to notice is how the first heroes of films and books began to come to us from America, who, to put it mildly, did not shine with intelligence. To put it bluntly, the hero is an idiot. No, not the hidden Taoist Ivanushka the Fool: a real fool. Starting with Charlie Chaplin, ending with The Simpsons and the scandalous film “Jerks,” you can trace the very funny evolution of the fool hero. This evolution has now come to the point where just a little more and being a fool will become prestigious. Why? Could this be the call of the times?

Why, at this time in history when people have so many tools to learn and create, do we see such a surge in stupidity in movies and on television?

However, do not rush to make strict judgments within the framework of “good/bad”. With stupidity (of which the clearest example is the same fairy tales about Ivanushka the Fool), not everything turns out to be so simple. And this film is valuable precisely because it tries to trace the reasons for such a successful march of stupidity across our planet.

On the one hand, people increasingly have to admit their powerlessness and stupidity in front of the forces to which this world is subject. Even the “powers of this world” increasingly find themselves in the role of idiots who themselves do not know what they are doing. Why, Einstein also said that stupidity and the Universe are infinite.

By the way, from this film I first learned about where all these words come from, with which we usually measure the bottomless depths of human stupidity.
“Yeah, I get it... But what’s the catch?”

And the catch is that “when you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you.” In other words, we quietly become what we look at. This is especially true for children. Remember the Dragon, who gathered children around him, promising that “now the most interesting thing will begin?” After all, he knew perfectly well what he was doing. And while sleepy school teachers continue to lull children to sleep with the school curriculum, the “dragon” is working at full capacity, using all possible technologies. No, I will again refrain from making “good” or “bad” judgments. But you should be careful in consuming information. And this film, among other things, talks about many of the subtleties of those information products that we watch and listen to, taking into account what reactions these products slowly develop in us and our children.

As was traced in the article about school education as a tool for creating a “consuming person,” school (like television) are programming tools that, from childhood, prepare us to become the next link in the chain of production and consumption of material (and information) goods . And the first clear analysis of the ongoing recent history from the point of view of politics and the free market (I mean the film “TRAP: What happened to our dream of freedom?”) confirms this fact.

Until recently, I myself only partially believed in this. I still thought that this television was following the audience’s lead, playing on low reactions. But having come face to face with the people who make up our television broadcasts, I realized that this is only partly true, and that television has a task - to make people like this. (although here, too, something keeps me from making radical “good/bad” judgments.)

The film “ Cult of Stupidity ” does not condemn either stupidity itself or the people who preach it. It is an attempt to explore stupidity itself, since it, as a phenomenon and property of a person, turns out to be completely unstudied!

The film (one of the few of its kind) made me think and pay attention to many things in myself. Things that you rarely notice, because they become automatic. He once again reminded us that the time in which we live, no matter what, is still unique. First of all, because we have incredible (compared to the past) opportunities for learning, development and creativity. Perhaps that is why, due to the duality of this world, the other side of these possibilities is boundless stupidity. But maybe it is also a tool for studying?

Most people have already turned into stupid idiots.
Take television, for example. Lounging on the sofa with the remote control, the majority are not expecting any
educational programs and are looking for crazy shows.
The film is pre-stupid, it has become simply a statement of the cult of super-stupidity.
Nobody particularly rewards you for being smart. Being smart is not considered cool. Idiocy attracts attention.
The viewer no longer understands the picture that is missing. Attention lasts for three seconds. He constantly needs to be entertained and
given sexual stimulation. Half of them have already degenerated to hell.
Shoot nonsense. I think the point here is that people feel better
when they see someone else worse off than them. I think people are the stupidest creatures in the universe.
I admit that stupidity occurs in different forms in other creatures. But people, people it seems to me, have taken stupidity to the maximum extent. It’s like we’re in a giant car
that’s rushing at full speed into the wall, but everyone is arguing about who has the better seat.
Stupidity is the most destructive force in human history. You know, I’ve always been phenomenally shocked by how people follow those who show no signs of intelligence.
This is the dumbest world of all thoughts. He called President Assha a Moron. A moron? No, he's not a moron at all.
From the creators of the film trailer Bizhen. Believe me, among the professors there are also plenty of bad guys. Many of them teach at Harvard at the same time.
We are forced to do stupid things. Understood? Stupidity, stupidity, stupid, idiot, moron, half-van, idiot, stupid, kettle. We are even proud of our stupidity. Everyone loves to talk. I decide everything for myself, no one can tell me.
You interview 50 people and they all say the same thing, that no one can tell them. And that for themselves. And then you realize that they are all really just idiots.
Einstein even said that only the universe and stupidity are infinite.
Where are you going, Balvan? What is stupidity?
How to distinguish stupidity by external signs?
Well, it's quite difficult to determine. You can judge someone else's behavior as stupid. Although in reality you just don’t understand what this is doing.
Or someone is just, I don’t know, going crazy. But then they say that this is already madness, they are stupidity. That is, as you can see, it is quite difficult to determine.
Stupidity? Well, I don’t even know. I don't know, everyone makes mistakes. Nobody is perfect.
Yes, it’s difficult to say what stupidity is. This will all be in my opinion only.
Stupidity in general is not so easy to define. Because you can be educated and still be half a fool.
It's impossible to even define. In my opinion the definition of stupid is not. You can be smart to some people, but be a fool to others.
For me personally, a fool is someone who is incapable of acting in the reality of the world as a whole.
I mean, I would... well, oh shit. It's difficult to determine. Maybe not for everyone, but I don’t know, it’s not clear. Give some definition.
People observe stupidity everywhere. Yes, everything is stupid really. But many can give a definition.
People call each other idiot, imbecile and fool. But few people know what these words actually mean.
In understanding stupidity, we are complete fools. How to make a film about this? And then I had a wealth of personal experience. I've done a lot of stupid things in my life.
At school I was kept in the second year because I was stupid. On one of the first days of school, I even wore my pants on Jack.
I even thought that was my name. Fool, do you understand? He says you are a fool.
Your brother is crazy. I worked as a reporter. Welcome to the country and ached. He also worked as an actor anywhere.
I told you, stop hitting me on the head. Oddly enough, success came to me with a role in the film “Moron”.
Eddie, you're going on a mission. Only one person is smart enough.
I tried to watch expensive films about all sorts of clever things and many began to sing along to it.
And then I suddenly realized, but there is no such thing as stupidity in films. It was much more interesting. This is a completely idiotic idea.
Vastness seemed to be a big theme. I decided to consult with knowledgeable people. The main thing is not to be smart, Dodik. And more flickering.
And also find the lowest limit of Stupidity.
The lowest limit of Stupidity. But where can one find this limit of Stupidity?
TV and radio are not used every day, but politicians are. With his help, elections are won.
A person with the lower threshold of Stupidity turns out to have enormous power in the world. But he doesn't seem to know about it. We need to find him.
Find the lower threshold of Stupidity.
Drive fast on the road of idiots or something. Winners are not looking. You can go far.
Someone bumped into a neighbor's garden in Staneton. The Hero of the Show is this brave idiot.
The funny thing is that we now live in a world where being smart is more accessible than ever before in history. We have more books, films and information in general than we can handle.
Literally lift a finger and we have incredible reserves of knowledge at our disposal. Now almost everyone can make films or create their own radio station.
Or create the most popular newspaper. We have a thousand universities, tens of thousands of television channels and millions of websites. And we have almost as much freedom as we want.
We have more opportunities than anyone before us. Why do so many of us choose to wallow until cancer?

The film Fubar, one of the ten best films.
The title of the film is Fubar, it is shortened by the name killed in porridge.
Where did this expression come from?
As far as I know, this is a front-line word.
The military used it to characterize the condition of the wounded man after a serious scrape.
Yes, this is our opinion.
That's cool.
Today is Friday, and whoever did not kill himself on Friday is not worthy of Saturday.
There have been a lot of people in history who simply played the role of a fool in their oploy.
For example, Mirilyn Monroe played such a dumb blonde.
They could get into character.
For me, for example, playing Teri in the film Fubar was heartfelt,
because I didn't have to worry too much about what I was saying at all.
You trigger the idiotic part of your brain, sometimes you want to always remain like this,
never turn it off and not worry about what people think about it.
Do you remember the song let's go to hell?
It seems to me that we are already approaching the lower threshold of stupidity,
since everything is so accelerated by technology and society.
People are simply dumbfounded by everything that is happening,
there are like specifications all around, all over the place, and everything is happening very quickly,
quickly at full speed.
And this one pushes them in the opposite direction.
Can we say that the film Fubar is the ultimate in stupidity?
No, they are just playing, fooling around, pretending.
But where is the limit of stupidity?
The end of stupidity, it can be found in many people,
even in ordinary family people.
Who is this moron?
Well, a homeless person, for example.
A check who is unable to force himself to work,
who drinks or throws drugs throughout his life.
Who is this idiot then?
Well, idiot, it’s me, for example, here he is in front of you.
This is any person who lacks a normal way of thinking.
Such a person, no matter where he looks, no matter what he doesn’t look at,
he just gets into his head with some kind of bullshit.
I’m right, my friend is also an idiot.
She even admits it.
One person who epitomizes the bottom of stupidity
is Hollywood actor, Adam Center.
No, I don't think Adam Center is a stupid person.
I don’t think that a person who feels so well
what the viewer demands from him can be stupid.
Yes, yes, guys, everything is fine.
Yes, rescuers, let’s stay strong.
He hides it well, but in certain scenes his film
can be clearly seen.
This is not such a fool as he is tracked.
Well, what should I say from myself?
I always worked hard, I wanted to make funny movies.
I believe in my films, I can evaluate them objectively.
It happened that I was giving an interview to someone,
and I told the journalists sincerely about my thoughts,
showed them my life, talked with the journalist,
like with a friend I showed him everything.
And then I read the finished article and find out that I turn out to be an idiot.
And Dame Sanler is an interesting person.
He plays such dumb characters,
but he knows very well that it sells well.
Stupidity makes people laugh.
This amuses them.
Let's say, many people can openly confess in public.
I'm poor.
Also, many people can say I’m bald,
or I’m short, or I have a lousy job.
People recognize many things about themselves.
I'm a complete brainless piece of crap.
But it's much funnier when someone stands up and says,
I'm a complete idiot.
I don't fucking understand.
Therefore, watching other people's stupidity is very funny.
When we write a script,
I don't say that I want to play a fool with an open heart.
I say that I just want to play funny.
And Damsenlder is a very smart guy.
And he thinks through his role very well.
It’s just that he has to hide his mind from the greenery of a fool.
A smart guy makes a career and plays the fool.
Fool's wallow.
Is this the limit of stupidity?
Idiocy to order.
In America, only two newspapers have more visitors than us.
New York Times and Chicago Tribune.
We are ahead of the rest.
I wouldn't say that you can know more about human nature on the Farc.
I'm just afraid that I'll be right.
Sad but true.
Many people believe that people actually began to decline in development about a hundred years ago.
But personally I don't think so.
I think stupidity has always been there.
It's just becoming obvious now.
The website chronicles stupidity in its many forms.
People in Batu call everyone an asshole.
But personally, I believe that there are two types of assholes and there is a big difference between them.
Just a jerk.
This is someone who does something stupid to his own detriment.
Get out of there!
After all, anyone who causes harm to others is already a clinical idiot.
The missing member corrected the massive slander.
Regularly, once every 2-3 months, somewhere in the world someone tries to dedicate a gas tank to a Zhigalka.
About once a week someone gets their penis cut off.
Are we fostering a culture of stupidity?
Labotomy for dummies.
Having said goodbye to a minimum, will we not return to dark times?
I think it all started with sadama and the euro.
They had a choice and they were told the laws and the side said.
Do not, in your mind, taste knowledge.
It seems that since the beginning of time, our world has not been very good with intelligence and knowledge.
One of the most interesting symbols of stupidity in Europe and America, the cap, the fool, has an ironic history.
John Dance, who lived in the 13th century, was one of the great philosophers of his time.
For centuries he was already considered an idiot; we can say that science officially discovered the phenomenon of stupidity in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century.
It was then that the French scientist Alfred Bruny came up with the first test for stupidity called the IQ test.
The first chief test was intended to determine mental retardation and there, depending on the IQ, imbeciles and idiots were determined.
And so on.
These words have taken root, but their meanings have changed. The website talks about this. We don’t call a truly mentally retarded person an idiot.
But today, the word idiot can be given to everyone at some point in life.
So who is this idiot really?
If we agree with the theory of developmental intelligence, then most young children are suitable by definition.

Adults who behave like children will be big
The Greek word idiot means an ordinary person
who is not elected to government.
This is a person who does not lead a public life.
By the Greek definition, all ordinary citizens are considered
We all came from idiots, that is, we can say that
this is the initial level of a blank slate of consciousness.
Without memory of the past and knowledge of language.
Baby, where is the limit of stupidity?
Can you tell?
But the Bonnet test also introduced the word imbecile into circulation.
While the intelligence officer is imbecile just above an idiot.
If your odds are between zero and 25, you're an idiot.
25 to 50, imbecile.
On the French scale, the imbecile was more mobile than
the idiot.
Because the imbecile is capable of fidgeting.
And so it is often associated with activity.
Poultry feeding, falling out, all sorts of accidents
, including fatal ones.
There are ardent imbeciles and complete imbeciles.
Initially, the intelligence test was developed
for schools to keep the smart ones out of the stupid ones.
But for psychologists, simply dividing imbeciles into idiots
was clearly not enough.
And then the third, gradation of stupidity, was invented.
At the beginning of the 20th century, American psychologist Henry Goride
translated the intelligence test into English
In America it created a sensation, and soon
the whole country was tested.
Since then, the IQ test has become the main criterion
for assessing intelligence in the West.
Gradation of intelligence, imbecile idiot, moron, mentally retarded,
below average, average intelligence, high intelligence,
very high intelligence, genius.
It has now become clear that an IQ test does not measure
things like emotional intelligence and everyday
These are common sense, a sense of humor and many other
mental qualities that people use in life.
In many cases, girls showed a better
IQ than boys.
Then they added more questions about the dispute, and the imaginary
balance has been restored.
The word moron was coined in the town of Weinland,
in Southern New Jersey.
Even in those days, research was carried out on the territory of our school
in this laboratory, in which Dr. Godard worked.
Most of his work took place in this establishment.
Although the laboratory building no longer exists, it was there, hundreds of yards from our main building, that the term
was most likely coined . In 2010, Dr. Godard proposed the American equivalent of moron Moron. For individuals of a higher level, previously called mentally retarded. In those days, children who were not distinguished by intelligence were put in a closet, locked in the attic, and studied for their names.

And he believed that he could train them and began to pay
special attention to them.
And his work was so successful that he decided
to expand the number of students.
In those days, people with a low IQ were called morons
, although otherwise they could be a very good
, prudent person.
In all other respects the relationship is quite normal.
But now the stupid words hurt.
What famous inventions is your town of
Vineland famous for?
Well, it’s probably like, well, no...
Guys, I don’t know.
This is where the word moron was coined.
What are you saying?
The word moron was coined here.
The word moron was coined here.
Yes, well, I didn’t know.
I often say this word, but I didn’t know that it came from here
This word was coined in your city.
I don't know about this.
Did you know moron?
Oh, that's so cool.
Yes, is that the word you use?
Does he never say that?
And you don’t call anyone that either?
You don't call anyone a moron?
Yes, do you understand?
Only white idiots call taxis.
By the way, it's quite funny that people in Vineland
don't know about this invention at all.
And what?
I think this is a great reason to create a holiday.
Moron's day.
Well, it’s not that our people are morons.
But simply in honor of the fact that the word was invented here
in Vineland.
And we celebrate this day.
How do we feel, do you know that your city is the birthplace of
the word moron?
I somehow feel like a moron.
They were probably trying to prove that intelligence is
inherited. That is, if mom is stupid and dad is stupid, then you will be stupid
too . Like that. Godard believed that stupidity was in the genes. Stupid parents may have stupid children. He believed that America was gradually being filled with morons and entire idiots. In the port city of Alice Ailland, Godor did an excellent job of testing arriving immigrants.

Millions of people arrived every year, and the social scientist
of those days needed a tool to quickly determine.
This man is fine, his brain is in place.
Thousands of immigrants were tested and recorded
as morons.
Simply because they didn't speak English.
And then they were deported.
Later, Godard regretted publishing books about genetic
stupidity, although he still did not abandon his
Godard's books were translated into German, and besides everyone,
in Dohnovili, the Nazis.
The Morons were one of the first Germans to be sent to the gas
One of the reasons why stupidity is so funny is because
that an intellectual does not always look smart.
At universities, one can successfully learn to drink beer with
thorns, and stupidity there is considered very sexy.
Guys, at your university there are signs of mental activity,
in what sense, well, people read books, played the violin,
played discussions.
The IQ test is partly the reason why
we often answer who is smart and who is not according to the required
When I was in junior school, we were given group
intelligence tests.
Our school psychologist never came into the class,
I froze in place, because I knew why she came,
and I did very poorly on the test.
It was so bad that at the end of the sixth grade they sent me
to give this test to the fifth grade.
Again, they probably thought that the tests for the sixth grade
would be too difficult for me.
In the first three years of school, teachers labeled me as a weak
student because a test showed that I was stupid.
Well, they treated me accordingly, I also behaved
accordingly, because we often behave the way
others expect from us.
Now Robert-Sterman, president of the American Psychological
It was such a global mod of psychology.
For too long we have paid the lion's share of attention to the shortcomings
and disadvantages of food.
Either why people are stupid, or why they are sad, the reasons for
their delusions, hallucinations, why they are
cruel, we have not paid much attention to what
makes people happy, peaceful, their lives full,
what helps them build a harmonious attitude.
Why do people go to school?
If the world doesn't want them to be smart.
In my opinion, mass education was
invented from the very beginning

to make the check-in-charge, a track record, rely on the management in everything,
that is, yes, make the check stupid and manage it.
But, in fact, we have a very shallow understanding of what it means to be smart.
We judge only by our performance in school and other academic settings,
but there are many other sides to an intelligent person.
The popularity of the intelligence test has helped science determine the most stupidity.
Well, then, are people with a high coefficient really stupid and no longer available?
The idea for my book, Smart People and Their Great Stupidities, came about during the wedge,
when everyone saw smart people in both parties doing great stupid things.
We are talking about the stupidity of people of this rank; they tend to fall into four types of delusions.
They are so satisfied with only their rewards in life
that they begin to think only about further rewards, ceasing to think about other people.
The second misconception is that most of these smart people surround themselves with lazy people and sycophants.
And they gradually begin to believe that they know everything.
A wise person, unlike a fool, is always aware that there are things that he does not know.
The third misconception is always permissiveness.
They begin to consider themselves omnipotent and act as if everything is available to them.
And the fourth misconception, invulnerability, they begin to think of themselves as some kind of superhero.
And if a person falls into all these four types of illusion, even a very smart individual becomes capable of colossal stupidity.
I've already said it, but I'll say it again, I did not have any sexual relations with that woman,
Miss Lewinsky. I never asked anyone to lie, not even once.
And this despite the fact that these people can easily pass an intelligence test and many other tests.
Why did they stay the night?
But they behave like fools. Why did they feed the cat? There are no answers to these questions.
How could I be so stupid?
Or maybe we're just all fools?
Nonsense education is not related to education.
Education would be very important, but meanwhile there are people without much education, and at the same time they are very smart and successful.
At the same time, among university professors I met complete stupid people.
I think there are book sages, there are street sages, and there are just people of everyday common sense.
It happens that a Harvard graduate with honors in ordinary life turns out to be a complete dupe,
and some C student

or traction. Resells cars and becomes a multimillionaire.
I know ordinary general workers who are smarter than our faculty snobs.
They just live their lives. To work, from work, children are welcomed home,
the wife cooks pasta, bakes on Sunday, and I don’t count clubs at the same time.
They are smart enough to know what they want with their lives.
From time immemorial, people have tried to look smart in the eyes of others by calling others fools.
In urban culture there are many offensive comparisons with primitive people.
For example, a solid brow for many people means low intelligence.
Have you felt any changes in yourself, being so young?
Change? Change in what sense?
It's just bro, what's wrong?
Well, how did you feel? More intelligent or less intelligent?
No, not smarter, but maybe more hairy.
But I don’t know, try to fashion it for yourself, maybe it will make you smarter.
I once had a full brow.
And stupidly I endured the pain, plucking it out for myself.
And now I need it back.
Salma Hayek misses the days when she had full brow.
With the advent of the Internet, people have a grandiose testing ground for exchanging information.
New technology, new intelligence.
Cheap access to data sharing has created an explosion of information
that typically enhances intelligence.
In general, the era of information about mothers is ending.
People already need more stupid jokes to take a break from the insane influx of information.
Our brains are bombarded with so much information that we no longer want to know about the important things.
People want stupid clownery, tits, asses, fights, real or as a joke.
People want it and we give it to them.
Creating such content is becoming easier and easier.
On the other hand, people have more and more ways to exchange information with each other.
And sometimes people have nothing new to say.
Then they talk all sorts of nonsense.
Is this the limit of stupidity? Is this the Internet?
If our culture is so fixated on stupidity, and we know that stupidity can be dangerous,
then we shouldn’t hesitate to study it, like phenomena, in order to avoid excesses.
Surprisingly, very few books have been written about stupidity.
All the academic works on this subject are enough to fill a quarter of a shelf.
Until recently, there were no serious scientific works on stupidity.
Most of the books there were, there were only 7 or 8 of them.
These are books and they tell fortunes.
They just give a lot of funny examples of stupid behavior, but that's it.
Everyone, in general, is aware that there is plenty of stupidity in the world at every step.
But after reading these books, for some reason you don’t know anything new about this subject.
Besides the fact that there are more stupid people in the world than you thought,
I have never heard from anyone a decent definition of intelligence or stupidity.
We don't really know what it is, but it is there.
But seriously.
Is anyone dealing with a systematic study of stupidity?
I do not know such.
I had to work hard to get the book published.
The publishers even looked at first to see that it wasn’t.
The publishers didn’t even want to look at it at first.
20 years ago, stupidity was a taboo topic.
Tobu is not at all popular.
About the same as diarrhea now.
People somehow live with it, but they don’t want to talk about it or study it.
Besides, stupid things are sometimes scary.
We are all stupid about something and don’t really like to admit it.
Even Marx said that stupidity is one of the three forces
that appeared in the first world history.
The first, as we know, is capital.
The second force is cruelty.
And stupidity follows them, also influencing key events in the world.
Among serious books on psychology, very few books are stupid.
And part of the problem is that when the negative quality
is the first to be targeted, it is the scientist, lashed with the eye.
And people are afraid of getting infected, lest they hang this label on them.
What is more stupidity in considering yourself smarter than everyone else?
or not knowing how stupid you are.
I've always believed that people would rather be dumb than smart.
Just out of fear. They are afraid that the truth will be revealed to them,
and it will be so hopelessly cruel that they don’t even want to look for it,
and don’t want to hear or see it.
It's much easier to be stupid in America than to be smart.
They'll accuse you, don't shake it.

These swindlers have no sympathy for the victims of terrorism and so on.
Until we learn what stupidity is.
How do we know that there is a mind?
We are very stupid.
Einstein even said that the universe and stupidity are two infinite things.
But he seemed unsure about it.
That is, excuse me, he said that the universe and stupidity are limited.
Just one of these two.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and stupidity.
Although the universe I'm not sure.
So, there is zero scientific research, just a few books
and not a single government is thinking about something particularly stupid.
With new technologies, stupidity has moved from a taboo topic
to a central theme of prime time.
We live in the paradise of the lower threshold of stupidity.
TV shows compete with each other to see
who can show the dumbest joke.
The winner, of course, is the lower limit of stupidity.
Is it possible that stupidity is not just a lack of intelligence,
but an independent strength?
There is an opinion that people on dates behave more and more stupidly.
If you look at what people do and say on dates in the reality show?
It's incredibly simple.
There are special books on dating rules
that teach girls to be dumb.
Wow! The main person is simpler.
Cool. Otherwise, seriously, the guy might get scared.
Look, we are already making stupidity attractive to the young.
Young people, like all intelligent people in general,
understand somewhere that they are still young.
And they don’t know much.
In other parts of the world, for example,
not in the West, young people
are taught from childhood to honor older people
because they are wiser.
The program, filing to the lower threshold of stupidity,
the most simplified show-idiot,
the most schizophrenic moments.
All this often effectively increases ratings.
Because people watch it, sex violence,
take the series Angels.
Its creators show it to focus groups.
And they are used to judge who likes what,
who should say what for which audience.
Yes, our brains are crammed with all sorts of dirty tricks.
Many accuse Hollywood of
aiming to deceive their people,
cutting down to the lowest automatic reactions of consciousness.
A huge hit, a beautiful body,
a beautiful love in an ideal world.
Hollywood operates in two ways.
Firstly, all of their products
are children's stories.
Secondly, they strictly control advertising
and the distribution of art in general.
Their power is very great,
and they are slowly squeezing out,
crowding out other forms of art.
Obviously, stupidity somehow tempts people.
In principle, there is already such an unspoken,
persistent opinion
that the ideal Hollywood actor
He doesn’t particularly shine with mental intelligence.
Even those
whom we consider more or less smart.
For example, Maturman.
Her father is an academician,
but she herself did not even finish school.
Keanu Reeves and stop the series.
Sometimes they cultivate
ostentatious erudition,
give interviews in glamorous bookstores, and
fall for cheap metaphysics,
because in order to distinguish the real ones,
you need mental discipline.
Well, besides,
when you need to start thinking about fame,
of course, it’s better to be noticed
early, as a teenager. Therefore, there is practically no
time left for studying,
for a diploma, etc. Because if you study,

So the best looking person will pass away all his youth.
But this is all the entertainment industry.
What about the news?
After all, they cannot be considered to meet the lower threshold of stupidity.
An important government message
will be read out by a TV model.
In America it is already
common practice to read the news accompanied by quiet music.
Previously this was prohibited.
Now the news is slowly turning into show business.
And people who even carefully watch
the news broadcast may not notice what is there in the background.
Already some violins are playing like in a movie.
Masmedia dulls people and simplifies everything for them.
Survives their attention for 20-second chunks.
I worked as a journalist in various media,
printed and broadcast.
And each newspaper or magazine has different rules
dictating the age level of its intended child.
And this is the target child, she is always younger
than the real readers or viewers.
Sometimes they say in plain text,
write for the level of 8th graders.
More serious newspapers said to focus on older students.
On some TV shows, I wrote for 10th graders specifically.
And they are terribly afraid of scaring off the viewer
with something difficult for his brain,
so that God forbid he switches the channel,
or puts aside this newspaper.
Do you know what is the most successful format for cable TV shows in America?
This is Reslin.
That's what's most successful.
That is why so many programs based on elements
of fighting, Wrestling, will survive the most psychopathic,
the biggest harm of television.
The fact that the viewer begins the door is that it is stronger than him.
Trust him with your choice of information more than yourself.
Let me choose what you watch and listen to.
It is now fashionable to say that the world is becoming more complex every day.
But why then do people become dumb?
Really quiet. It’s so good that they have taken root with us.
Anything will show.
Somebody got amused, like a monkey running around in diapers.
And so you sit in front of the box, looking.
And at some point you feel
that you are some kind of srebka vardu, loaded with crumbs from chips,
It’s a stupid feeling that you fell asleep on the floor,
you’re sitting alone and you don’t really remember what you were watching all this time.
As if in a dream, you were either teased or excited.
But you feel empty inside,
because you felt there was no way out and there were no thoughts.
A very dull stupid feeling.
And as harmful as it is for adults,
teaching children to do this is generally criminal.
Yes, people already mostly watch TV before entertainment.
They don’t care about journalism, investigations and educational films.
We are all seekers of ourselves, reasonable people.
But in fact, they are all the same monkeys in the tree
who love to watch the antics of their relatives.
Just so you know, the main part of the dummy
There is a conference from the back of the house at the studio
where all this is planned.
Hollywood knows very well how stupid people are.
And the pastures make it real.
If it makes money, then why not?
Duping is done purposefully.
Take television.
Programs for teenagers, they seem to breed stupidity.
Because market research has shown that
brand loyalty develops early.
And programs are made in such a way as to narrow the intellect.
Yes, child level.
And drive it within the framework of certain brand concepts.
This is how the consumer is made.
So gradually, from childhood, needs and wants are formed in him.
And so that the human mind can sleep for the most part,
we are now witnessing a real cult of stupidity.
A more ideal film than I have ever seen in my life.
And I laughed as I watched.
The film idiots is the peak of diatism in culture.
He blunders stupidity and exalts it.
And the strangest thing is that this is part of our world.
We live in it.
Teenagers imitated attacks on people,
following the example of the movie idiots.
The teenager died imitating a movie.
Aristovan the creator of the film idiots.
Stupidity in an attractive package.
Teenager died playing dumb.
One of the few theories of stupidity that has appeared recently.
Shows the connection between stupidity and belief systems.
Entities, hand on heart, people still do not know
what is really happening on earth.

As a defense mechanism, they create strict belief systems
in order to somehow navigate what is happening.
Every person has such a system, I call it a stencil,
it is gradually built up from childhood and then the person already processes information according to the stencil.
If new information confirms this, it is accepted.
If it contradicts, they reject it.
And even if some events are clearly not in a person’s favor,
he may refuse to accept it.
Due to my own beliefs, this is not included in the stencil.
Setting, passions, Christ's, author and him, Pavel 2.
If you have a belief system that supposedly explains how the world works,
and it has already become so ingrained in you that it does not allow you to accept a better system,
then in this sense religion can become the reason for your stupidity.
They claim to know the will of God, what, say, Allah wants.
Christians know what the Lord commands them, and they also know everything in their own way.
And everyone says, we know the right answer.
The left claims that the right is stupid.
You Lei people have no brains.
The right claims that the left is stupid.
No matter who cares.
It doesn't smell like a lot of thought here.
What, however, explains why politics often looks so stupid?
They feel so right that they take the right to impose their prices on other people.
If wars are becoming more and more dangerous, then it should be obvious to everyone
that it’s time to end it, because it’s stupid to kill each other.
But we're still doing it.
Even as a whole community, we have not been able to stop this so far.
This is very, very stupid.
And we all know this.
Can the leader of the free world represent the lower threshold of stupidity?
I will find terrorists wherever they are hiding.
And they will steal the motives.
Georges Bush is not my ideal leader.
For me, he is just as stupid as all politicians.
With the possible exception of Ronald Reagan.
No, how can that be?
We are the founders of the country who discovered electricity.
These were great prohibitors.
Scientists. Look what we have become as our leaders brag about their mediocrity.
President Bush recently gave a speech to students.
And he said that now every C student can become President of the United States.
Well, yes, he was a C student himself.
He openly says that I was a threesome, mostly drinking beer with friends.
You know, Bush's statement is a very interesting phenomenon.
I noticed that he could stumble over the simplest words.
But it still sounds deadly.
He calls the Pakistanis Paki.
It seems to me that it has never been a tradition for the government to select intellectuals.
Having intelligence is not the main requirement for a politician.
Our president is proud of his rural simplicity.
Therefore, he often talks nonsense with a very proud look.
It will be a monumental struggle.
Good with evil.
They have no meaning, but they sound convincing.
This is a struggle between good and a struggle between evil.
And for some reason the media and I remain silent.
They don't ask questions on behalf of sensible people.
Another great example is the term Axis of Evil.
Axis of Evil.
Bush used this phrase contrary to the opinions of many people.
He just liked the way it sounded.
It is quite possible that he does not know about the original axis of Evil
in the Second World War.
But it is not important. He likes.
Three evil countries.
They fight together. Everyone agrees.
You know, the thoughts of a good politician are like the thoughts of a good artist.
His task is to see, to consider new possibilities, new order.
They analyze words or data.
We need to make more nuclear weapons.
That narrow view of the world through the eyes of Bush and Cheney.
This is incredible stupidity.
But for some reason no one asks.
As if it doesn’t bother anyone that the official statement from
the first person of the country and the president is full of nonsense.
This is a struggle between good and a struggle between evil.
The media simply presents all this as authoritative words, without question.
They don’t think for a second and don’t stop a person.
They don't say they don't say they don't say
what are you saying?
Who will put bread and family on the table?
What did he say?
And each of us sits and thinks alone.
Am I the only one who imagines this?
Or worse?
Maybe I'm too late?
A member of the government called the US President a moron.
He is my friend and not a moron at all.
We demand that this person be held
accountable. We demand his resignation.
In fact, he is an educated person, no matter what anyone thinks.
It’s not like he was highly educated and went to expensive schools.
People don't really like people who are too smart either.
Therefore, for some politicians it is more useful to be a kind of simple guy.
Presidential candidates, in principle, are not people,
but trained dolls.
Coming from elite college clubs, George W. Bush
was trained to look like a quiet cowboy.
Like a real quiet kid.
Swear like a cowboy, get away with it.
He speaks as if addressing children.
Don't wait for the last argument to appear.
This will be the barrel of the gun.
Or a nuclear mushroom.
We voted for him. Are we idiots ourselves?
No, no, no.
Can leadernations represent a lower threshold of stupidity?
He cannot be an idiot, since people voted for him.
Impicelom can’t either, because he walks and doesn’t fall.
Well, George Bushov is a moron with her, calling him that is extremely incorrect.
He knows how to play the fool quite well, like a fubar.
And how Adom Sandler knows how to hide his true thoughts.
He is a man of action.
And he loves war very much.
Or maybe he's just a smart guy who pretended to be a fool for the sake of his career.
But if so, then what can we say, she is with you and our world.
If anyone says I'm a complete idiot, I'll say thank you very much.
The original idea for my book, Unknown Bliss,
arose from my living life.
I lived with sadness and disappointment in my soul for a long time and tried to find a solution.
I once realized that admitting you have a problem is not the solution.
This is the problem. You're just hurting yourself by thinking about the problem.
I've been thinking a lot about thinking as a process.
And in the end I realized that it’s best not to think at all.
Thoughts are a terrible thing.
Unfortunately, having come down from the trees, people began to force themselves
and each other to think from an early age.
And now, in order to get rid of this slavery, we need to cultivate conscious stupidity.
That is, ignorance.
If you take a herd of boxes, then usually everyone will agree that this is a symbol of stupid animal stupidity.
Will cows become happy if they suddenly realize that they are cows,
that they will be milked and then slaughtered into cutlets? No, they won't be happy.
Why then should people be happy? They know that life is meaningless.
It is thinking that causes all the harm.
Fish, for example, they don’t mine coal, they don’t build pyraquets.
Fish just swim, and they do it very well.
It seems to me that it was rationality that brought people to the goat.
And we will all be much better off if we stop thinking.
You need to wean yourself from constantly mulling over thoughts in your head.

In my book there are 7 steps to thoughtlessness, to get rid of not only thoughts, but also emotions.
You can become a real idiot in a week.
Stop thinking, this is the first step of my program, the simplest, but the most important.
If you strive for ignorance, the first thing you need to do is to prevent thoughts from entering your brain.
Second, place all the blame on others.
For example, Leom was drunk and had an accident.
Usually a person begins to blame himself and look for an excuse.
Instead, the blame can and should be placed not on oneself, but on other parties.
For example, to a bar that forced you to drink.
Car companies for making cars that can crash into poles.
And especially the telephone companies for putting these poles along the roads.
Don’t get involved with feelings, remove all emotions, let go of emotions, stop thinking and feeling things like
love, build walls, leaving everything unnecessary on the other side, but people are always used to thinking that difficulties are useful.
It's actually harmful.
When a child is told that he can grow up and become whatever he wants, he is prepared for the tragedy of life.
And they tell him that he will become smart and handsome.
Go to the supermarket, look at the children, most of them are stupid and ugly.
The most important thing is to learn to deny to yourself that you are denying anything.
Denial is a very difficult state of mind.
How are you denying something?
Because you need to protect yourself somehow.
You need to quickly forget that you denied something.
If you manage to reach a moment of complete stupidity, you won't even know it.
So, what have we learned from all of the above?
It turned out that we understand such a phenomenon as stupidity extremely superficially.
And according to the Greek canon, we, people not from the government, are just a crowd of idiots.
We don't really understand what's going on in the world, but we need to pretend like we do.
Sometimes even the smartest person can do stupid things, the smarter, the dumber.
And why would an intelligent person watch a film about stupidity?
I know because those who think they are smart may turn out to be fools.
And those who play the fool may turn out to be smarter than we think.
If there is so much undisguised stupidity in the world, why has this subject not been properly studied?
I'll tell you, I don't know.
Who has the patience to review his life and see all the stupid things he has done?
We think that we are so highly developed, but in fact we are not. It is unknown how long Darwin himself begged his wife to have sex standing up.
And I did stupid things, you did them too. We are simply afraid that others will find out how stupid we are.
So I'll just admit it. And then you suddenly realize the depth of your stupidity.
But after realizing this several times, you somehow get used to this thought.
It's interesting to see how many people are ashamed of the fact that they simply are.
That they are. I will not despair when I realize that I am stupid. We are all like that.
The lower limit of stupidity is the audience, but not television itself.
The first thing you need to do is admit, hand on heart, what a worldless fool he is. The bastard is stupid, a moron, an idiot without a lesson. Stupid, bastard.
And only then can you start to smarten up. Actually. We have a blanket. Now all you need to do is shovel the snow.
Cardboard is somehow warmer in this weather.

Stupidity, although perceived in different ways, is an integral part of human nature. It can have both positive and negative aspects and is often a source of humor and entertainment, but it can also have serious consequences, especially when it involves poor decisions and actions.

created: 2014-09-29
updated: 2023-11-06

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