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5 Process Analysis Tools - Process Mining


Considered business process automation (business
processes, formalization of business processes, Workflow systems, service
oriented architecture, business process design). analysis performed
processes (Process Mining technology, protocol analysis, standard recording
MXML protocols, Process Mining tasks, protocol analysis problems).
Compares the methods of Process Mining (first probabilistic methods of Process
Mining, a method for constructing a disjunctive workflow scheme, (-algorithms,
genes based on genetic algorithms). The described algorithm library
Process Mining-Pro (Architecture Pro, Pro Import Framework).


1 Automation of business processes (business processes, photo
business process optimization, workflow systems, service-oriented ar
Chitecture, business process design).
2 Process Analysis (Process Mining technology, protocol analysis,
MXML protocol recording standard, Process Mining tasks, problems ana
climb protocols).
3 Methods of Process Mining (first probabilistic methods of Process Mining,
method for constructing a disjunctive workflow scheme, algorithms, methods for
based on genetic algorithms) .12
4 Process Mining- Pro Algorithms Library (Pro Architecture, Pro
Import Framework).
Literature: basic [1; 3; five]; additional [11; 15].

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