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7 Distributed data analysis


We consider mobile agent systems (basic concepts, multi-agent systems standard, mobile agent systems, JADE mobile agent systems). The use of mobile agents for data analysis (problems of distributed data analysis, analytic agents, distributed data analysis options) is demonstrated. The constructed distributed data analysis system (a general approach to the implementation of the system, an agent for collecting information about a database, an agent for collecting statistical information, an agent for solving one data mining problem, an agent for solving an integrated data mining problem).


1 Systems of mobile agents (basic concepts, standards of multi-agent systems, systems of mobile agents, system of mobile agents

2 Use of mobile agents for data analysis (problems of data analysis, analytic agents, analysis options of data analysis).

3 Distributed Data Analysis System

(a general approach to the implementation of the system, an agent for collecting information about a database, an agent for collecting statistical information, an agent for solving one problem of data mining, an agent for solving an integrated problem of data mining).


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Data mining

Terms: Data mining