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3 Analysis of textual information - Text Mining


The tasks of text analysis are formulated (stages of text analysis,
medium text processing, task text mining). The stages of analysis are considered.
texts, such as extracting key concepts from the text (general description of the process
extraction of concepts from the text, the stage of local analysis, the stage of integration and
notion of concepts), the classification of text documents (description of the tasks of the classification
texts, methods for classifying text documents), clustering methods
text documents (text document guidance, hierarchical
text clustering methods, binary text clustering methods),
texts (performing annotation of texts, methods for extracting fragments for
annotations). Various text analysis tools are compared.
(Oracle tools - Oracle Text, tools from IBM - Intelligent Miner for Text,
SAS Institute - Text Miner, Mega-computer Intelligence -


1. The problem of text analysis (text analysis stages, preliminary processing
Text Mining Tasks .11
2. Obuvannya key concepts from the text (a general description of the process of
understanding of concepts from the text, the stage of local analysis, the stage of integration and
the conclusion of the concepts).
3. Classification of text documents (description of the task of classifying text-
comrade, text document classification methods).
4 Clustering methods for text documents (presentation of textual
cops, hierarchical methods of text clustering, binary methods of clustering
5. Task of annotating texts (performing annotation of texts, methods
extract fragments for annotation).
6. For the analysis of textual information (Wed Oracle - Oracle Text,
Wed from IBM - Intelligent Miner for Text, Wed SAS Institute - Text Miner,
Wed Mega-Computer Intelligence - Text Analyst).
Literature: basic [1; 2; four]; additional [6; 7; 12].

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Часть 1 3 Analysis of textual information - Text Mining


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