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3.2. Organization of monoural analyzer


The auditory analyzer appears as
multi-level hierarchical system. Coming in ear
the sound signal is pre-exposed to acoustic
processing in the outer, middle and inner ear, after
what at the receptor level is encoded into
electrical form and processed in neural structures
auditory analyzer. The section describes neuro-like
ny structures that perform operations such as
positional coding (number coding
information channel or place of an excited element)
intensity and frequency, detection of tonality of sounds,
detection of vowels and consonants. Is described
structural-functional "spherical" model
phonemic hearing.
3.2.1. Intensity Coding
Intensity coding is based on
the degree of excitation of each receptor,
sensitive to a certain frequency of sound, in the number of related
with it excited spiral ganglion neurons.
Spiral ganglion neurons respond accruing
excitation when amplifying the sound signal. Thresholds
neurons vary widely. For each
there are several neurons with different thresholds,
whose characteristics cover the entire dynamic
range of hearing in intensity. Can imagine two


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Terms: Neurobionics